A110 Reproduction -Anatomy and Physiology

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1. Label the following parts of a mares reproductive system.

Physiological Processes:
2. Define anestrus:

3. How does the pineal gland control the seasonality of reproduction?

4. Where is the follicle stimulating hormone and the luteinizing hormone produced?

5. Describe the difference between estrus and diestrus


Receptive status:

Dominant Hormone:

6. An oocyte is another name for an egg. When an oocyte is released into the ovaries, what starts to form?

7. As the dominant follicle grows, ______secretion

increases and the mare responds by coming into ______.

8. Aside from making the mare come into estrus (heat), what other essential roles does estrogen play?

9. The follicle will continue to grow and produce estrogen and LH until it finally bursts, releasing the egg. After it has ruptured what develops in its place?

10. What hormone is produced by the corpus lutetium?

11. What would happen if the uterus produced the hormone prostaglandin?


12. Which months do stallions produce the most sperm cells?

13. What function does the interstitial cells in the testis provide?

14. What is the function of the seminiferous tubules?

15. What are androgenic steroids, why are they used, how can they harm a stallion?

16. Where are the mature sperm cells released?

17. What happens in the corpus epididymis?

18. How long does it take for the sperm cells to reach the cauda epididymis where they are fully mature and capable of fertilization?

19. Upon ejaculation, ______contractions bring sperm from the paired ductus deferens to be mixed with seminal ______from the prostate gland, vesicular glands, and bulbourethral glands.

20. What is the purpose of the pre ejaculate fluid?

21. What kinds of things can interfere with the stallions ability to maintain the proper testicular temperature?

22. Label the parts of the male reproductive system.