Practice Comma Quiz

Choose the sentence with the correct comma usage from the set of sentences below.

1.  Women who believe abortions should remain legal recently held a rally in Washington.

a.  Women who believe abortions should remain legal recently held a rally in Washington. (No commas)

b.  Women, who believe abortions should remain legal recently held a rally in Washington.

c.  Women who believe abortions should remain legal, recently held a rally in Washington.

d.  Women, who believe abortions should remain legal, recently held a rally in Washington.

2.  The Mississippi River which is over 2300 miles long is the second-longest river in the United States.

a.  The Mississippi River which is over 2300 miles long is the second-longest river in the United States. (No commas)

b.  The Mississippi River, which is over 2300 miles long is the second-longest river in the United States.

c.  The Mississippi River which is over 2300 miles long, is the second-longest river in the United States.

d.  The Mississippi River, which is over 2300 miles long, is the second-longest river in the United States.

3.  Ralph Ripley's most popular song "Under the Pine Tree" is one of my favorites.

a.  Ralph Ripley's most popular song "Under the Pine Tree" is one of my favorites. (No commas)

b.  Ralph Ripley's most popular song, "Under the Pine Tree" is one of my favorites.

c.  Ralph Ripley's most popular song "Under the Pine Tree," is one of my favorites.

d.  Ralph Ripley's most popular song, "Under the Pine Tree," is one of my favorites.

4.  Ralph Ripley's song "In the Coconut Grove" is on Ripley's newest CD.

a.  Ralph Ripley's song "In the Coconut Grove" is on Ripley's newest CD. (No commas)

b.  Ralph Ripley's song, "In the Coconut Grove" is on Ripley's newest CD.

c.  Ralph Ripley's song "In the Coconut Grove," is on Ripley's newest CD.

d.  Ralph Ripley's song, "In the Coconut Grove," is on Ripley's newest CD.

5.  Nancy read the information about commas carefully and she earned a perfect score on the practice quiz.

a.  Nancy read the information about commas carefully and she earned a perfect score on the practice quiz. (No commas)

b.  Nancy read the information about commas carefully, and she earned a perfect score on the practice quiz.

c.  Nancy read the information about commas carefully and, she earned a perfect score on the practice quiz.

d.  Nancy, read the information about commas carefully, and she earned a perfect score on the practice quiz.

6.  Betty did not read the information about commas carefully and earned a low score on the practice quiz.

a.  Betty did not read the information about commas carefully and earned a low score on the practice quiz. (No commas)

b.  Betty did not read the information about commas carefully, and earned a low score on the practice quiz.

c.  Betty did not read the information about commas carefully and, earned a low score on the practice quiz.

d.  Betty, did not read the information about commas carefully, and earned a low score on the practice quiz.

7.  Ms. Benchley announced that employees who engage in harassment will be terminated.

a.  Ms. Benchley announced that employees who engage in harassment will be terminated. (No commas)

b.  Ms. Benchley announced that employees, who engage in harassment will be terminated.

c.  Ms. Benchley announced that employees who engage in harassment, will be terminated.

d.  Ms. Benchley announced that employees, who engage in harassment, will be terminated.

8.  Ms. Benchley said that employees who deserve a workplace free from harassment should report any problems to her.

a.  Ms. Benchley said that employees who deserve a workplace free from harassment should report any problems to her. (No commas)

b.  Ms. Benchley said that employees, who deserve a workplace free from harassment should report any problems to her.

c.  Ms. Benchley said that employees who deserve a workplace free from harassment, should report any problems to her.

d.  Ms. Benchley said that employees, who deserve a workplace free from harassment, should report any problems to her.

9.  Samantha received a $1000 rebate when she purchased her new car and she was also able to get 0% financing on her car loan.

a.  Samantha received a $1000 rebate when she purchased her new car and she was also able to get 0% financing on her car loan. (No commas)

b.  Samantha received a $1000 rebate when she purchased her new car, and she was also able to get 0% financing on her car loan.

c.  Samantha received a $1000 rebate when she purchased her new car and, she was also able to get 0% financing on her car loan.

d.  Samantha, received a $1000 rebate when she purchased her new car and, she was also able to get 0% financing on her car loan.

10. Samantha received a $1000 rebate when she purchased her new car and was also able to get 0% financing on her car loan.

a.  Samantha received a $1000 rebate when she purchased her new car and was also able to get 0% financing on her car loan. (No commas)

b.  Samantha received a $1000 rebate when she purchased her new car and was also able to get 0% financing on her car loan.

c.  Samantha received a $1000 rebate when she purchased her new car and was also able to get 0% financing on her car loan.

d.  Samantha received a $1000 rebate when she purchased her new car and was also able to get 0% financing on her car loan.

Put in the missing commas:

Although women's college basketball in Connecticut is a marvelously entertaining and increasingly popular sport it is not hard to remember when it was not so popular. Only a few years ago my friends and I could decide on a Sunday afternoon to go to a women's basketball game at the University of Connecticut and believe it or not we could get seats for free near center court. Of course that was before names such as Rebeccca Lobo Jennifer Rizzotti Kara Wolters and Carla Berube became household words. Lobo's book HOME-COURT ADVANTAGE which she wrote with her mother was a best-seller for a brief time in Connecticut. If more than a couple of hundred fans showed up for a game it was considered a big turnout and games were played in practically silent gyms. Nowadays it is almost impossible to buy tickets to a women's game and you can't get seats even in the Civic Center unless you know someone.

Indeed who would have predicted ten years ago that women's basketball would become so wildly popular in Connecticut? Well people who have watched the growth of women's basketball in southern states are not surprised. The enormous campus arenas at the state universities in Tennessee North Carolina and Georgia are filled to capacity for every home game. The coach for Tennessee's Lady Vols Pat Summitt has achieved nearly godlike stature in that state. A tall striking figure on- and off-court Summitt commands respect wherever she goes. My youngest sister Ruth Ann who lives in Tennessee says you can't get near Pat Summit after a game. "You'd think she was a rock star" she says. Although Geno Auriemma Coach of the UConn women's team doesn't yet enjoy that kind of support he is rapidly becoming a widely recognized figure. In Connecticut we no longer say there is basketball in college sports and then there is women's basketball; we say there is men's basketball and women's basketball.


This quiz was written by Rob Kyff, author of "Word Watch" for theHartford Courant(16 January 2000).

1. During the past few weeks’ / weeksa weeks’ / week’sworth of mail has equalled what is normally eight weeks’ / weeksworth.

2. Though its /it’snow named for the avenue on which its /it’s located, its /it’s sometimes referred to by its /it’sold name.

3. The children’s / childrens’knowledge of the apostrophe was better than anyone else’s / elses, including the word columnist / columnist’s.

4. These kind’s / kindsof mistakes involving apostrophes / apostrophe’s are the bane of writers / writers’lives.

5. After giving her employer four months / months’notice of her departure, Jill received a weeks / week’ssalary and ten dollars / dollars’worth of paper clips.

6. Lets / Let’sstop at the Smith’s / Smiths’house and greet all the Smith’s / Smiths.

Punctuation Marks: Fill-in-the-Blanks

Instructions: in each blank space in the sentences below, provide a comma, semicolon, or colon where appropriate or write "0" where none of those marks is appropriate.

My father used to quote his favorite line from Shakespeare _"This above all _to thine own self be true."
It's hard to keep up with the new technologies in sound recording _it makes you wonder where it will all end.
Charlie _Pete _and Tony _moved to Boston _and bought a condo near the art museum for $125 _000.
In July _1997 _Braxton moved to Dallas _Texas.
So many institutions of small-town America -- the local drugstore _the corner theater _the locally owned bookstore -- have gone the way of the cowboy _and vaudeville theatre.
I tell you _Dr. Turveydrop _these symptoms are quite alarming.
Philip Roth's novel _American Pastoral _won the Pulitzer Prize in 1997.
Tashonda gave two reasons for moving to Arizona _the high cost of rental property in the east _and favorable weather conditions out west.
The distinguished panel consisted of _Ronald Pepin _Professor of English _from Hartford _Connecticut _Peter Wursthorn _Professor of Mathematics _from Warwick _Rhode Island _and Kurt Simonds _Director of the Learning Center at Yale University.
The bumpy _sinuous road _and the incredibly loud _obnoxious music on the radio _soon combined to give Marsupial a bad _migraine headache _and a violently _upset stomach.
Students have adopted the Learning Center as a computer lab _they just love those new machines.
There's nothing like a violent _shocking _detective story to put me into a deep _dreamless _sleep.
Hawthorne's most famous novel _The Scarlet Letter _has been read by countless schoolchildren.
Mrs. Bidwell told her students _not to read the answers in the back of the book.

Gender Neutral Language

Each sentence contains a gender bias which you should remove by using gender neutral language.

1. A professor should correct his students' papers according to this set of predetermined guidelines.


2 From the beginning of time, mankind used horses in one way or another.


3 Are there any freshmen who would like to work in the Writing Center?


4 The stewardess served the chicken picatta to the pompous gentleman.


5 Shannon was hoping a doctor would give his opinion.


6 She aspires to become a career woman.


7 Dan's grandmother lives by old wives' tales.


8 The authoress, Mary Higgins Clark, hosted a book signing at Barnes and Noble.


9 Ask Hayden's mother to pack him a better lunch in the future.


10 Jordan and the other girls from the office devoured tuna fish on rye.


This quiz was prepared by Shannon Puglisi, a student in Professor Karyn Hollis's Tutor Training course at Villanova University.

Popraw błędy w podanych zdaniach.

1 .Wypożyczył książkę z biblioteki , która go zainteresowała .
2 .Zwiedzała wystawę z córką , którą zawsze chciała zobaczyć .
3 .Zorganizowali sobie na wyspę która wycieczkę , która była nieopodal .
4 .Pojechali na obóz z przewodnikiem , który okazał się niewypałem .
5 .Dostał rower od ojca , który nieustannie szwankuje .
6 .Podarował płytę koleżance , która była na liście bestsellerów .

Popraw błędy w tekście.

Szczupak atakuje wszystko, co jest w bruku. Czyha na zdobycz wśród wodnej roślinności. Jest, niesłychanie szybki, chociaż nie zawsze skuteczny. Nie raz nawet duże ryby padają jego ofiarą w paszczy tego drapieżnika doliczono się, aż siedemset zębów.
Szczupaki żyją prawie we wszystkich regionach północnej półkuli, w wodach o zróżnicowanej temperaturze. W Polsce spotyka się jej głównie w jeziorach, pojezierzach mazurskich Szwajcarii kaszubskiej, Ryby te trudno dostrzec w ich naturalnym środowisku ze względu na ochronną barwę skóry.
Szczupaki wypływają na tarło wczesną wiosną. Dno musi mieć tam sterczące źdźbła trawy lub trzymające się podłoża liście. Chodzi o to, aby wylęgnięte z jajeczek larwy miały się do czego przyczepić, gdyż muszą być przez dłuższy czas w bezruchu, zanim przeobrażą się w narybek. Nie mają jeszcze wykształconego układu pokarmowego ani oddechowego. Odżywiają się zasobami żółtka. Gdy te zapasy kończą się, larwa przeobraża się w rybkę, która musi się oderwać od podłoża, by na powierzchni wody zaczerpnąć powietrza. Jest ono potrzebne do napełnienia pęcherza pławnego spełniającego ważną funkcję hydrostateczną.

Popraw tekst zastępując powtarzające się wyrazy właściwymi zaimkami. W razie konieczności dostosuj do tych zmian szyk wyrazów.

Nie każdy morze zabrać zwierzę ze schroniska.Zwierzęciu można jednak pomóc także inaczej. Można adoptowaćzwierzę i opiekować sięzwierzęciemna odległość.Adopcja na odległość to forma pomocy której każdy możesię podjąć.Adopcja na odległość polega na zobowiązaniu się do comiesięcznego wpłacania na konto schroniska określonej sumypieniędzy. Pieniądze zostaną przeznaczone na zakuppokarmu i lekarstw. Napokarm i lekarstwa schroniskom stale brakuje pieniędzy.

Popraw błędy w tekście.