EPA / Fox 13 News Story Error on Toone Family Deaths! TLR 27Nov2012 edit 2Dec2012

To all who should be concerned:

A friend reporter (Jorge R) called me to notify me of the Fox 13 report about the Toone Family being approached by the EPA proposing to use their family’s tragic “story” in an EPA publicity project in a PSA on the risks of pest control toxins.

Upon viewing the Fox 13 News reports (2), I immediately was enraged that no-one of the EPA or Fox (nor SLCounty Dr Delegge or DA Sim Gill) had done their ‘homework’”, (in law)Diligence nor Discovery, so was not acting on the truth or even a semblance of it,norkowing the implied facts in the final Federal Court proceedings, Judge Benson’s decision and judgment (in the token, soft, non-sentencing)of Cole Nocks – the alleged, but media (and DOA) painted as, “already convicted and waiting on death row” killer!.

I immediately called Fox 13 News (Bob, Jennifer, Rene, Scott) asking the background on their story, then began my phone chase,attempting to locate the initiators of the proposed project at the EPA , I noted Mr Kemery in DC as an administrator in Public relations, left him a voice mail and emailed him copy of my Facebook posting instantly done for all my family, friends and associates. At the same time (as you will notice in the email addresses) I also immediately shared my position on the story and issue with friends in Congress and Federal regulators who now respect and have legitimized my facts and judgments in exactly related issues and events.

I now must warn you; I am not kind to those whose ignorance or malfeasance actually do cause or contribute to needless death. I do not care if they or you like me or not. All I care about is thatthey and you like and actually do care about other people, the people you claim you care about and are well paid to protect!

Now continue with my email conversion with EPA. Mr Kemery (ultimately CC’d to others).

From: Tom Rodgers <>
To: Dale Kemery/DC/USEPA/US@EPA <
Date: 11/19/2012 04:46 PM
Subject: EPA / Fox 13 story error on Toone Children deaths
Sent by:

Here are my comments

– Until today, I have not told all about my part (with my friends, associates and our influence) in preventing an innocent man, Coleman Nocks, from being sent to prison.

– Cole was accused in the alleged pesticide death of two children in LaytonUtah – who ultimately dropped their charges – why? The Federal Court only charged him a pathetically inane consolatory “label infraction”, hence only brief probation! which reversal you never heard while you were left to believe he was sent to prison for involuntary manslaughter or negligent homicide! Ask me! Ask Cole, Ask Ray!

– But since Government idiots, who have not done their diligence, again (this last week), instead are once again disseminating lies using the media’s ignorance to cover-up their own incompetence and to make you believe that they really are doing their job to protect you --

– So again they are deceiving, suckering and again using the broken-hearted victim family, and ininnuendo,within their crafty, heart wrenching public (TV Media and Public Relations) brainwashing of you (see ),maliciously “re-convict” a man, factually proven innocent, (through my expertise, diligence anddisclosurefactored into the follow-up Federal Court processes –and through whichLayton City dropped their charges and caseagainst Cole [ask me why] and his employer, Ray Wilson [Bugman Pest Control – whose business they already had instantly destroyed through their mediadisseminatedcrap commenced in their very first fallaciousnews reports.

– So I am now forced by my morality to publicize the truth that was with-held, stifled, suppressed so the realchild "murders" could maintain their immunity and obfuscate liability while maintaining your ignorant trust in all of them!

– Coleman Nocks' rodent poison (which he carefully buried and sealed in the ground as the DOA had trained and licensed him to do) outside the Toone family’s home did NOT kill those two little girls inside their home! – Instead Carbon Monoxide (as the Haznmat team testing records identified [50ppm COin garage, 30ppm COin closets residuals, two days later]) did poison and did kill the children! – while (NFPA/CPSC/HHS-DC-deliberately) mis-advised and mis-trained Firemen, utility inspectors, paramedics, Hazmat personnel, Coroners, medical examiners, doctors (in this case, the pediatricians), clinics and hospitals, facilitated or contributed to those precious children’s needless deaths! Then misguiding the surviving vulnerable sorrowing family, while effecting (again) their fraudulent indictment of an innocent man – further destroying his reputation, life, career and his employer's company, its other employees’ reputations, incomes and careers)!

– And now they want to cover their own malfeasant, resultant murderous a--es once again byre-blaming Cole Nocks, contemptuously violating his double jeopardy rights, to justify their incompetent existence in theirself-ascribed pretentious protection of you and your children!

– just like they have done and are still doing in their mass Carbon Monoxide poisoning cover-up of 17-34 million, which I have already disclosed andam certified as correct by the Senate and Congress’s investigative, US Government Accountability Office (GAO), ASHRAE and the CDC (Congressional andFederal Registry filed)documentsviewable in

– Please share this note – and look for my write-up of the full story to follow as I can! Call me if you want to know more right now! Thomas L Rodgers 801-298-9095

– The 2 links to see again:
1. The EPA / DOA disinformation and heartbreaking deception and betrayal in their using a sorrowing family to hide the truth from you (the public):

2. The truth (by deliberate diagnostic failure association [NFPA, CPSC, HHS]) they are trying to hide from all America -- the Toone family included!

Thomas L Rodgers 801-298-9095


On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 2:54 PM, <> wrote:
Mr. Rodgers -
I still don't know where the alleged PR project was being developed. This email mentions EPA just once, and it isn't germane,
Dale Kemery
Press Officer
Office of Media Relations
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460

It is apparent that Dale Kemery never took any time or effort to view the Fox 13 news reportsconveniently linked at beginning in my emailor read any of my email exposing their problemclearly; yet he is a key administrator in DC over all their agency’s publicity programs? So I responded (and Cc’d to others) as follows. TLR

On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 12:53 PM, Tom Rodgers <> wrote:

xxxedit 21 Nov 12
------Forwarded message ------
From: Tom Rodgers <
Date: Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: EPA / Fox 13 story error on Toone Children Deaths
To: , SLCo DA Sim Gill <>, Dr Royal Delegge <>, Jay Bishop <
Cc: , , , , , , Randall Edwards <>, , , , , , , , , , , , , jorge riveros <>, Rep Rob Bishop <>, Rep John Olver <>, Rep Jim Moran <
Dale Kemery (EPA)
Play both videos on this link and listen carefully to the reporter(s) and see the EPA pages the Fox reporters display as they reference your EPA's PR project in both news cast cuts:

Included in the write-up is this very clear statement no-one can miss:
"Now their story will soon be told nationwide thanks to a public service announcement produced by the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, D.C. that will appear on the Internet to educate viewers about the realities of environmental accidents and crimes.

“The Environmental Protection Agency contacted us a few months ago and wanted to do the PSA,” they said.
Its very clear to the Toone family, Fox 13 Scott Mckane and us capable of viewing and reading his report. that someone in your agency and specifically close to your PR department has contacted the Toones (and FoxTV) and clearly described you agency's PR project and desired use of the Toones as your agency's poster-family proposal.
You DC administrators certainly should know something about this, No! Quite frankly you better know about it!

I have already communicated with Federal Judge Benson, as well as Dr Delegge and DA Sim Gill, who reporter Scott Mckane interviewed in the report, yet neither of them had docket copies nor anything to do (no legal jurisdiction) with the Toone or Coleman Nocks case.
Neither Dr Delegge nor DA Sim Gill -- nor the public -- was ever allowed to know the facts that the first and second calls (and others prior) from the Toone Family to the Layton Fire Dept was for the (multiple) soundings of their home Carbon Monoxide Alarm! -- And except for the very first and only, single news report, the multiple Carbon Monoxide alarm soundings and calls to the Fire Dept (and Questar Gas Co.) were never mentioned, neither was the family correctly [or timely] serum [blood] tested, nor was their whole-house and attached garage correctly environmentally analyzed, (reviewing, simulating and re-enacting all potentially contributing preceding events) in those critically important multiple first-responder calls -- while the children were still alive!
So as you see, I will not sit quiet while your agency (or Fox 13 etc) ignorantly violates double jeopardy, further slandering and defaming this man and his unjustly destroyed employer (Ray Wilson - Bugman Pest & Lawn), and continues the betrayal of the public and this violated, very family whose daughters would still be alive if only a simple but diligent serum toxicology (Rad-57 eqv) evaluation had been performed instantly, the very first time the family's Carbon Monoxide alarm sounded – or possibly even, if correctly treated, the second time – thereby saving their lives!
– With timely identification and aggressive hyperbaric treatment and appropriate life support. (based on fact -- not incompetent fiction) those precious children would not have died.
Yet twice the family was stupidly assured by DC's NFPA, EPA, HHS, DOA, "trained" professional that their home was safe and all were OK returning to it -- not just once, but again in a second Carbon Monoxide alarm call, 12 hours later! That’s twice! -- I remind you again -- while the children were still alive!
Oh yes! How is it, when and why did the Carbon Monoxide alarm end up in the waste basket?
-- Or how is it, even though factually too cold to activate, the Fumatoxin, which was buried and sealed in burrowsoutside, was "blamed" for the "false" Carbon Monoxide alarm sounding, inside the tightly closed home (remember this was early in a very brute cold February. No outside doors or windows were left open – except at the inane orders of the Fire Department prior to their arrival during both calls)!
– Then why – especially when Fumatoxin was already mentioned so was“immediately blamed” for their Carbon Monoxide alarm's "false" soundings – was the family assuredboth times by those trusted government trained "professionals, that their home was safe?! -- that is, until the first child died – more than a day and a half later (in full hospital oversight – still no COhg done or treated – so in 36 more hours her sister died also [in delayed mortality typical to lethalCO events in infants])!
– And isn't it curious that no first respondersreported that they could smell any Fumatoxin – which is naturally very pungent if activated!– Why? Because it was inactive! and thoroughly buried underground outside, on the other side of brick and concrete walls, ice cold, in fact, way colder than its mandatory activation temperature of 40+ degrees, and that is only possible whenliquid(not frozen nor ice) water is presented! So their was no Fumatoxin poison anywhere, except dormant (in its solid state) outside in the ground, waiting for spring warming, liquid wetness and the waking VolesinMarch, April and May.
So now, which lethal gas has no smell, will set off a Carbon Monoxide alarm and somehow magically disappears from a home when some jackass advises the family to open the doors and windows, go wait at the neighbors, and when "we" get there we will wave our Eagle atmosphericanalyzer to test the air in thehouse!– instead of immediately and correctlytesting the blood [Carboxyhemoglobin saturation levels] ofthe Toone family members – then certainly never allowing the family back into their house; especially after Fumatoxin waseven considered, suspected and immediately blamed, andnot until the alleged poison was absolutelyand completely retrieved,conserved, as evidence, and analyzed for weight lose per pellet to determine any activation and fume volume releases -- if any! And not until a legitimate evaluation for Carbon Monoxide was done, identified (to absolutely rule in or out alarm multiple sounding cause [actually more then twice]), treated and remedied!
But again Washington DC's derelictanddeliberately deficient NFPA and HHS First Responders' directives and guidelines, coupled with Medicine's so-called "Best Practices" (deficient ornone-existent – for "Best Profit") protocols, have injured and killed two more precious children(I am dealing with thousands more, including Katrina, and Sandy) whileinnocent Colman Nocks, Ray Wilson, theirnow lostbusiness customers, employees (homes), and the still betrayed, once again used [and abused] Nathan and Brenda Toone, their family,friends, and the entire unwittingpublic, take the fall!
Call me 801-298-9095 Thomas L Rodgers TLR 27 Nov 2012 edited 2 Dec 2012

17 to 34 million others are likewise being injured, killed and betrayed –

Original News reports – note heart failure in both

Investigators: Pesticide likely responsible for 4-year-old's death

By Nicole Gonzales

February 7th, 2010 @ 6:26pm

LAYTON -- Authorities say a pesticide is most likely responsible for the death of a 4-year-old Layton girl.

Hazmat crews spent all day Sunday testing the girl's home near 1500 North and 2400 West. The home has been sealed off to anyone not wearing protective gear.

Layton's fire chief said crews found traces of phosphine gas coming from a rodent fumigant that was placed just outside the home. The gas was seeping into the house.

Police said the Toone family called 911 when their carbon monoxide alarm went off Friday afternoon. Fire crews came to the home to investigate but could only detect low levels of the gas in the basement. They ventilated the house, notified Questar and allowed the family to go back inside.

Police said the family told firefighters they had recently had an exterminator come to the home to deal with a mouse problem. The exterminator apparently put poisonous pellets in the ground outside the home.

Hazmat teams investigate the Layton home where authorities believe a 4-year-old girl was exposed to something that may have caused her death.

Then on Saturday, neighbors said the entire family fell ill.

"I just know the family got sick, but they all thought it was food poisoning. They said they had been puking and it was not just one, it was all of them," said neighbor Jerry Lynn Smith.

Saturday night, family members found 4-year-old Rebecca Toone unconscious and not breathing. They took her to a local pediatric clinic, but she was soon transported to the DavisCountyHospital, where she died around midnight.

"She was the cutest little button, just was always running around and chasing her sisters. They are a great family," said Smith. "When I got the phone call that she had passed away, I just grabbed my kids and hugged them, just to let them know that I still loved them. She's going to be missed."

Early autopsy results came back and ruled out CO poisoning as the cause of death.

Officials from the Layton City Police Department, Layton City Fire Department, Davis County Health Department and the Utah National Guard Hazmat team were called out to the home Sunday to test for poisonous chemicals.

The National Guard used high-tech equipment to make sure the home was safe enough to enter.

Investigators don't know for sure what killed Rebecca, but they have a strong idea.

"Something in that pesticide most likely, but until they get the results out here to us we won't really know," said Layton City Fire Battalion Chief Lonnie Adams.

The National Guard will return to the home Monday with a more accurate tool that should be able to determine whether or not it's phosphine gas inside the home. Until then, no one will be allowed inside.

Police say neighbors are completely safe.