Somerset Independent School District

Board Meeting Agenda

August 12, 2014, Regular Monthly Board Meeting,

6:00 P.M.

“We will provide our students with the highest educational learning experience by creating innovative opportunities, effective communication, and leaders who inspire – Everyday, Everyway, No Exceptions!”

I.  Call to Order

A. Approve/Amend August 12, 2014, Regular Monthly Board Meeting Agenda

II.  Recognitions

A.  Meece Middle School Baseball State Champions

8th grade team

Seth Bennett, Seth Bennett, Stephen Burrell, Jake Cothron, John Ross Deboard,

Kross Grundy, Trae Harmon, Collin Hartman, Ryan Moore, Montay McQueen, Spencer New, Caleb Wonn

7th grade team

Jase Bruner, Andrew Childers, Alex Ham, Drew Johnson, Trevor Lipscomb, Cale Todd, Kobey Pratt, Gavin Stephens, Logan Stephens, Chance Stayton, Chase Walker

III.  Communications

A.  Area Technology Center Update – Dr. Beth Hargis, Principal

B.  May 2014, Approved SBDM Minutes

1.  Hopkins Elementary School – No Meetings held in May

2.  Meece Middle School

3.  Somerset High School

C.  Citizens and Delegations

IV.  Superintendent’s Report

A.  SMART Program with the City of Somerset

B.  Employments

C.  Retirements/Resignations/Dismissals

D.  Extra Service

E.  2014-2015 Substitute Teacher Employment

F.  2014-2015 Nonteaching Substitute Employment

V.  Treasurer’s Report

A.  Financial Statement, and July 2014, Balances

B.  Current Bills, Construction Vendor Listing

VI. Consent Items

A.  Board meeting minutes for July 2014

1.  July 8, 2014, Regular Monthly Board Meeting

2.  July 10, 2014, Special-Called Board Meeting

3.  July 22, 2014, Special-Called Board Meeting

4.  July 24, 2014, Special-Called Board Meeting

B.  Approve Use-of-Facility Request

1.  Project 58:10 Walk/Run and Joy Carroll are requesting to use the Meece Middle School Parking Lot, September 6, 2014, beginning at 8:30 A.M. until 3:00 P.M. The proceeds from the 5K walk/run will benefit the Back Pack Program. This program provides a back pack of food to students who may not have food provided for them over the weekends when school is not in session

2.  Somerset High School Alumni Association and Joe Mike Wiese are requesting to use the Somerset High School Football Field between Meece Middle School and the Football Stadium, September 12, 2014, beginning at 5:00 P.M. until 7:30 P.M. for a Somerset High School Alumni Meeting. All funds raised by the association will be donated to the Somerset High School

VII.  New Business

A.  Change Order # 6, in the Amount of $402.46

B.  Approve Capital Funds Request to the Kentucky Department of Education

C.  Approve an Updated BG-1

D.  Approve BG-4

1.  1302-13 J.R. Hoe & Sons, Inc.

2.  1302-26 Windco Window Company

E.  Approve/Award Special Inspections Agreements

1.  Approve/Award Agreement with American Engineers, Inc. for Geotechnical Survey Work at Somerset High School Football Field Lighting/Entry Way in the Amount of $6,818.00

2.  Approve/Award Agreement with Endris Engineering, P.S.C. for Topographical Survey Work at Somerset High School Football Field Lighting/Entry Way in the Amount of $2,950.00

F.  Approve Notice of Intention to Adopt Tax Rates, schedule Public Hearing FY 2015

G.  Approve Job Description form Migrant Program Advocate/Recruiter

H.  Approve Amended 2014-2015 Classified Salary Schedule

I.  Approve Amended 2014-2015 Extra Service/Extended Employment Salary Schedules

1.  Extra Service/Extended Employment Administrator Salary Schedule

2.  Extra Service/Extended Employment Salary Schedule

J.  Approve 2014-2015 Contractual Agreement for Translator Services

K.  Emergency Certification for HS Teacher

L.  Approve Fundraisers

1.  Hopkins Elementary School Spirit Cards

2.  Meece Middle School Scholastic Book Fair

M.  Approve Out-of-State Travel Request by Yvonneda Gosser to Las Vegas, Nevada, December 7-11, 2014

VIII. Adjourn