Lab Safety Video Questions

Handling Chemicals Safely

1. What size containers are best to use in the lab?

2. Why should you read instructions all the way through before beginning a lab?

3. How many times (minimum) should you read a label before dispensing the chemical inside?

4. Name three items that should be found on a chemical label.

5. Explain the proper way to dilute an acid.

6. Why should you cover the label when pouring?

7. If allowed, what is the safe way to smell a chemical?

8. What is a volatile chemical?

9. Where does excess material from a reagent bottle go?

10. What rule is important to remember when using a pipette?

11. How is a large spill cleaned up?

12. Where does chemical waste go?

13. Where does broken glass belong?

14. What is the last thing to remember to do in the lab?

Bunsen burner/Glassware Safety

1. What substances are unsafe to heat with a Bunsen burner?

2. What should you look for before lighting the Bunsen burner?

3. Explain how to light a burner.

4. Where is the hottest part of the flame?

5. When should turn off the gas?

6. Why are cracks or stars dangerous?

7. Explain 2 safe ways to heat test tubes.

8. What pieces of equipment are used to carry hot beakers?

9. Why is it sometimes difficult to identify hot glassware or metal?

Thermometer Safety

1. Which type of liquid in thermometers is toxic?

2. Where should thermometers be placed when not in use?

3. How should a broken alcohol thermometer be cleaned up?

Glass Tubing Safety

1. What is the most common lab injury?

Dressing for Safety

1. List several properties of safe lab clothing.

2. What types of shoes are best for lab?

3. Why remove rings, watches and contacts before working in the lab?

4. How should you protect your eyes and hands when in lab?

Behavior in the Lab

1. What is the most important rule in the lab?

2. Where should bags and belongings be kept?

3. How can you read a buret safely?

4. Why should you apply make-up and eat outside of the lab?

Emergency Equipment

1. Name and describe the use of the emergency equipment found in the lab. Note the location in our classroom.

2. How do you put out a small container fire?

3. How are larger fires extinguished?

4. Name three ways to extinguish a clothing fire.