July 17, 2006
7:00 P.M.
Frank Miceli, who led the salute to the flag, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present: Edie Gordon, Thomas Harris, Frank Miceli, Gary Steis
Members Absent: Michael Bonchack, Thomas Craig, Wayne Yearick
Vaughn Zimmerman
An attendance sheet is attached to original copy.
With no additions or corrections, it was on a motion of Thomas Harris seconded by Edie Gordon to approve the minutes of June 19, 2006 as submitted. Being unanimously approved the motion carried.
OB1 – Autumn Ridge Preliminary Subdivision
Eric Casanave from Penn Terra was here to present the plans.
Robert Port, landowner, proposes to subdivide an 86.81 acre farm along Zion Road into a 184 single family lot subdivision. This parcel is currently zoned R-2 residential, but is scheduled to be zoned agricultural with the Nittany Valley Comp Plan. Submission of this preliminary subdivision plan will effectively hold the current residential zoning of this property.
The Plan has changed over the last month and after revisions based on comments received from Spring Township Planning Commission during the sketch plan review phase, open space lot #3, intended to be parkland, has been increased to 6.73 acres in size with the developer proposing to offer fee-in-lieu in return for deficient acreage as per the Spring Township Parkland Ordinance. Total open space for this development is currently at 20%, the minimum required by Spring Township Ordinance.
The parkland will include walking trails, pavilions, a basketball court, a volleyball court, swing sets, etc. and will be constructed as part of Phase I.
Edie Gordon asked what the estimated projected cost of the park is. Eric Casanave stated it could be pretty costly but doesn’t want to project the completed cost at this time.
Thomas Harris stated his opinion of the park and discussed the Payne soccer field. He stated that it cost approximately $6,000.00 to design this soccer field. It is greatly overused and this is what we need. He feels we need playgrounds and athletic fields for our kids.
Vaughn Zimmerman stated the parkland will be constructed in Phase I and even though it is not required that the in-lieu-of fee be paid until later phases of the development, the developer is proposing to pay it in Phase I so construction of the park can take place. The in-lieu-of fee doesn’t have to be used in this park, but somewhere in the direct vicinity.
Frank Miceli stated if the Supervisors would rather have the acreage instead of the in-lieu-of fee, the land is there. Eric Casanave stated if they would have to reconfigure the park, they would have to reconfigure the whole plan, reconfigure the roads, etc.
Andy Walker, Chairman of the Park & Rec Committee stated he feels this is a good idea. We really don’t have any parks in the township. They are coming in in good faith and we should accept this.
Dave Potter, Vice-Chairman of the Park & Rec Committee stated if we want 8 acres versus 6 acres it is going to sit there and not get developed for some time.
Frank Miceli doesn’t feel we can turn down the plan because we would prefer 8 acres versus 6 acres for parkland. Bill MacMath stated it does meet the ordinance.
Edie Gordon asked what is the time frame for construction of Phase I. Eric Casanave stated early next year – spring of 2007.
Dave Potter stated they asked Robert Port to move the park up to Phase I and they were very agreeable.
Thomas Harris questioned the couple open space areas on the plans. Eric Casanave stated that they are drainage swales. Frank questioned open space 4. Edie Gordon questioned if the open space is junk space. Eric Casanave stated it serves as an important drainage swale.
In a review letter by Don Franson dated July 13, 2006 he identifies that the parkland slopes nearly meet the 3% average slope requirements set forth in the Spring Township Parkland Ordinance. Some grading will need to be done to meet this 3% requirement, which can be shown with Phase I Final Plan submission.
Don Franson also made recommendations regarding accesses and sight distances for lots 1, 147 and 148.
Frank Miceli asked if they aren’t going to have any restrictive convenants. Robert Port stated that the developer will write the covenants.
Thomas Harris stated he doesn’t like the plan as presented.
Frank Miceli stated he likes the 6 acre tract and that it seems to blend different uses.
At this time, the traffic study for this subdivision is under review by Trans Associates. The review has been received and inconsistencies have been noted.
Street names have been submitted to Centre County 911 office for review and no conflicts have been noted by Centre County 911.
Centre County Planning Office review has been received and comments appear to have been addressed, but approval of a water source is a requirement for final plan approval.
The Developer does have sewer capacity reserved, which was obtained before the moratorium went into effect.
It was on a motion of Thomas Harris seconded by Gary Steis to recommend conditional approval of the Autumn Ridge Preliminary Subdivision Plan, dated May 24, 2006, last revised July 5, 2006. Conditions of approval being
1. Satisfactory review of traffic impact study by Trans Associates
2. Plan note which stated that the average slope of the parkland lot will conform to the Spring Township Parkland Ordinance, Ordinance #2006-01
3. Proposed parkland be increased to 8.78 acres
4. Developers offer to substitute in-lieu-of fee not be accepted
5. Supervisors and Park & Rec Committee meet with the Planning Commission regarding the size and shape of the parkland
6. Driveway accesses to lots 1, 147 and 148 per Don Franson’s letter be noted on the plan
7. Approval be under and subject to the terms outlined in the Plan Narrative dated May 24, 2006 last revised July 3, 2006 be included on the plan
On a vote of 3-1-0, the motion carried. Frank Miceli opposed.
NB1 – Autumn Ridge Planning Module
184 EDU’s have been requested by the developer. The Spring-Benner-Walker Joint Authority had reserved these EDU’s for this development prior to the moratorium going into effect.
It was on a motion of Thomas Harris seconded by Gary Steis to approve the Planning Module for 184 EDU’s for the Autumn Ridge Single Family Residential Subdivision. Being unanimously approved the motion carried.
OB2 - Steeplechase Townhomes II Preliminary Subdivision Land Development
Tony Fruchtl was here to present the plans.
S & A Homes desired to construct a 40-unit townhouse development on Lot 212R of the Steeplechase Development. This 10.13 acre parcel is zoned R-3 residential which does allow for a maximum of 40 townhouse units to be built on this property. This land development will also create two more single family house lots along a connector road to be called Manor Road, and the drive entrance to the townhouses (to be known as Highpoint Park Drive) will also be located off Manor Road. Manor Road is also intended to be used as a connector road to the Ault Family Limited Partnership property should that proceed through development. Also is included on this land development is a tot lot parklet which was discussed as an issue to be built in conjunction with the previous phase of this project across the road on lot 213.
Tony Fruchtl stated that revisions have been made to the plan since last month. A cul-de-sac has been added. In the park area they put a gazebo at the end of the walking trail. Note 20 has been added to the plan for the homeowners association.
All comments from the County Planning Commission have been addressed.
They are asking for a waiver from 200’ to 190’ between intersections. Vaughn Zimmerman stated that Don Franson has no objections to the waiver.
The plan meets all ordinances.
Frank Miceli questioned the construction date and Tony Fruchtl stated they would like to start next spring based on moratorium release because Spring-Benner-Walker Joint authority is to capacity.
MOTION 1 – It was on a motion of Edie Gordon seconded by Frank Miceli to approve the waiver request to Section 302.5D of the Spring Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance from 200’ to 190’ between intersection for the Steeplechase Townhomes II Preliminary Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Lot 212R, Phase VIII, plan dated April 19, 2006, last revised June 12, 2006. Being unanimously approve the motion carried.
MOTION 2 – It as on a motion of Gary Steis seconded by Edie Gordon to recommend approval of the Steeplechase Townhomes II Preliminary Subdivision and Land Development Plan, dated April 19, 2006, last revised June 12, 2006. Being unanimously approved the motion carried.
MOTION 3 - It was on a motion of Thomas Harris seconded by Gary Steis to accept the 90 day time extension. This time extension was granted by the developer so that this plan may be addressed by the Spring Township Supervisors within the allowed time frame for review. The time extension is to begin on July 19, 2006 and end September 10, 2006. Being unanimously approved the motion carried.
NB2 – Kerstetter Property Subdivision Planning Module
Weis Markets has requested 100 EDU’s for the Kerstetter Property subdivision. This subdivision has not yet been submitted to Spring Township for review. Spring-Benner-Walker Joint Authority has previously reserved these EDU’s for this property and development.
It was on a motion of Thomas Harris seconded by Edie Gordon to approve the Planning Module for 100 EDU’s for the Kerstetter Property Subdivision. Being unanimously approved the motion carried.
NB3 – Ray A. & Joyce K. Walker Preliminary/Final Re-Subdivision of Lot 9
Brian McKinley from Knapka Surveying presented the plans.
The property owner seeks to subdivide a 23.93 acre parcel on Greens Valley Road into two lots, each over 10 acres. Spring Township comments had been addressed. Centre County Planning Office comments have been received and addressed.
A Component 1 Planning Module is required for this subdivision by D.E.P. for approval of both lots in this subdivision for septic systems. Spring Township SEO Ralph Houck has signed off on this Planning Module.
They can subdivide two lots out of the parent tract without having to meet open space requirements.
MOTION 1 - It was on a motion of Edie Gordon seconded by Thomas Harris to approve the Planning Module for Ray A. & Joyce K. Walker Preliminary/final Re-Subdivision of Lot 9. Being unanimously approved the motion carried.
MOTION 2 – It was on a motion of Thomas Harris seconded by Edie Gordon to recommend conditional approval of the Ray A. & Joyce K. Walker Preliminary/Final Re-Subdivision of Lot 9, dated June 21, 2006, last revised July 3, 2006. Condition of approval being approval of Component 1 Planning Module by D.E.P. Being unanimously approved the motion carried.
MB1 – NVJPC supplemental Regulations
Supplemental Regulations for parking, landscaping, motor vehicle access and allowable planting and street tree species were e-mailed to Planning Commission Members for review and comment.
Bill MacMath stated that he and Vaughn Zimmerman have gone over these and are happy with them. They made their recommendations to Chris Price at the County Planning Office.
Frank Miceli asked about lighting requirements. Bill MacMath stated we haven’t seen them yet. Bill MacMath stated he feels they will probably reflect the Interchange Overlay District lighting requirements. Bill MacMath stated we are to see definitions, etc. before the meeting Thursday night.
Edie Gordon questioned what happened to the requests from property owners last month. Bill MacMath stated nothing has been done because the Planning Commission has not made any formal recommendation to the Supervisors.
No motion, discussion only.
With no further business to discuss, it was on a motion of Edie Gordon seconded by Frank Miceli to adjourn the meeting. Being unanimously approved the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Korena J. DeFurio
Recording Clerk