
The Interlopers

While you read the second time:

  1. Pg 272 Reading Skill: Make Inferences: What can you infer about the characters from their unwillingness to compromise?

I can infer about the characters from their unwillingness to compromise that both men are extremely strong-willed and stubborn, because each is refusing to admit weakness or defeat.

  1. Pg 272: Reading Skill: Make Inferences: How does your knowledge of feuds and what the text says, help you infer the reason Ulrich hopes to meet Znaeym? (Why do you think he wants to meet him?)

I know that a family feud generates intense personal hatred, and the text says that Ulrich is looking for trespassers and he hopes to meet Znaeym. I can infer that all this hatred, and the fact that he wants to meet Znaeym in the quite of the forest that he hopes to kill Znaeym personally.

  1. Pg 273: The story is told in 3rd person. Which type of 3rd person? How do you know?

The story is told in 3rd person omniscient and I know this because the author/narrator describes what both characters are thinking.

  1. Pg 273: Literary Analysis irony: Each character whishes harm to the other character. What is the irony in how the wish is fulfilled?

Each character wishes harm to the other character, this is ironically fulfilled when the tree falls on them both, injuring not just one of them but both of them at the same time, and they both got what they wanted.

  1. Pg 274: Literary Analysis Irony: What is ironic about Georg’s joy over catching Ulrich?

Georg’s joy over catching Ulrich is ironic because he is just as stuck/caught as Ulrich is.

  1. Pg 276 Reading Skill Make Inferences: What can you infer that Georg is considering during this long silence? Why?

I can infer that Georg is thinking about and recognizing the time and energy wasted on the feud and perhaps making peace with Ulrich. I can infer this is what he is thinking about because that was just what they/Ulrich was talking about.

  1. Pg276 Literary Analysis Irony: What is surprising about this new meaning of interlopers?

Now the word “interloper” is referring not to people who will try to help make peace between both families, but the people who would try to stop the peace, which is surprising.

  1. Pg277 Conflict: Read the paragraph that starts with “For a space…” What information in this paragraph gives a hint that perhaps the men’s friendship/peace may not be real OR may not last a long time?

The information in this paragraph that gives a hint that perhaps the men’s friendship/peace may not be real OR may not last a long time is how they each hope that their men will arrive first in order to show-up the other, which also hints that perhaps they do not really trust each other. The men may also die in the weather conditions which would also end their friendship.

  1. Pg277 Literary Analysis Irony: In what way is the two men’s cooperation an ironic situation?

The two men’s cooperation is an ironic situation because they had set out to kill each other, and what they expected to have happen is the opposite of what is actually happening. This is situational irony.

  1. Pg278 Literary Analysis Irony: In what way does the story’s surprise ending make the title ironic?

The surprise ending makes the title ironic because the ending conveys the irony that, even though they have reconciled with each other, unexpected interlopers, the wolves, will bring a lethal end to their plans, In a further ironic twist, it is the men’s cries for help that summon their killers.