Clean-Up and Deterrence of Illegal Dumping
on Aboriginal Owned Lands
Grant 2009
Expression of Interest Form
Grants available: A total of up to $50,000 for individual projects will be available for projects of 1year.
Closing date: 5pm 30 January 2009.
Application Process
Organisations wishing to apply for a grant under the Clean-Up and Deterrence of Illegal Dumping on Aboriginal Owned Land grants program need to submit information in two stages:
Stage 1: Expression of Interest (EOI) by advertisement - Closing date: 5pm 30 January 2009
Stage 2: Detailed project Application (by invitation, based on EOI)
This form sets out questions for an EOI only. The Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW (DECC) will appoint an independent Technical Committee which will assess Expressions of Interest. Successful applicants will be asked to submit a more detailed application that will be assessed for funding.
The objectives of the Clean-up and Deterrence of Illegal Dumping on Aboriginal Owned Lands grants program are:
· Clean-Up of illegally dumped materials on Aboriginal owned lands.
· Deterrence of illegal dumping across the project area.
· Maximise recycling and resource recovery from the illegally dumped materials (where possible).
· Foster relationships between Aboriginal communities, local and state government and other community groups.
To be eligible for grants under the Clean-up and Deterrence of Illegal Dumping on Aboriginal Owned Lands grant program your organisation must be eligible – see table below:
Eligible organisations / Any NSW Local Aboriginal Land Council can apply for funding under the Clean-Up and Deterrence on Aboriginal Owned Lands Grant so long as:· The LALC is willing and negotiates with their appropriate Local Council to partner the program and become the project administrator on behalf of the LALC as the grantee.
Local Aboriginal Councils are allowed to lodge a maximum of one application per funding year.
Assessment criteria
The Technical Committee will assess your EOI against the following Assessment Criteria:
1. consistency with program aims and objectives
2. demonstrated ability to deliver the project to a high standard
3. efficiency and effectiveness
4. value for money.
Checklist and submission details
You must:
· Include all the information that we ask for in this form.
· Submit your EOI by the closing date – 5pm 30 January 2009.
· Send or deliver the completed copy of your Grant Proposal to the following address, please do not fax or email you application:
Attention: Matthew Corradin
Project Officer
Local Government Section
Sustainability Programs Division
Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW
PO Box 644
Parramatta NSW 2124
Any Expression of Interest that is late, incomplete or not eligible will not be considered.
Acknowledgement of receipt of applications
You should expect acknowledgement of your EOI within 2 weeks of the closing date. This confirmation will include a unique reference number, which should be provided in all correspondence to and from the DECC. If you do not receive acknowledgement within 2 weeks, please contact the Program Coordinator Matthew Corradin by phone on (02) 8837 6094 or at:
Applicants whose EOIs are short-listed will be invited to submit a full application.
Clean-Up and Deterrence of Illegal Dumping on Aboriginal Owned Lands - Expression of Interest Form
Where a question does not apply to your proposal, write ‘not applicable’ or preferably briefly explain why.
1. Project title
2. Time frame
Proposed commencement date / Proposed completion date3. Applicant’s details (Local Aboriginal Lands Council):
Name of organisation(LALC):Street or postal address
Suburb / Postcode
Contact for correspondence
Daytime phone / Fax / Email
Name of alternative contact:
Daytime phone / Fax / Email
4. Has commitment been obtained from the Local Council to collaborate on this project?
Yes No (Please attach a letter of support from the council as an attachment to 4.)
5. Administrator of the Grant (Partnering Local Council).
Name of organisation(Local Council):Street or postal address
Suburb / Postcode
Contact for correspondence
Daytime phone / Fax / Email
Name of alternative contact:
Daytime phone / Fax / Email
6. Please provide a brief description of your project including the main activities that will be undertaken.
7. List the objectives of your project (ensure you provide a list of your objectives and not simply a list of activities and outputs).
8. Site location. Please attach an A4 size map and recent photos of the site/s. Include address details, Lot and DP numbers.
b) Please provide an estimate of the size of the parcel of land in hectares or m².
9. Please provide an estimate volume of the dumped material (in m³) and its composition.
10. How do you propose to undertake the clean-up activity of the site/s?
11. What measures will you implement to deter dumping in this site/s in future? (E.g. fencing, signage, educating the local community).
12. List the project stakeholders, including information on their roles/responsibilities.
Organisation / Role/tasks/responsibility13. What level of funding are you seeking from the Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW? Tick only ONE box. The DECC fully supports applications seeking the full amount on offer. If your organisation is registered for GST, make sure the budget is based on GST exclusive pricing; GST will be added if the project is approved. If your organisation is not registered for GST, make sure the budget is based on GST inclusive pricing.
$10,000 - $20,000 / $20,000–$30,000 / $30,000 - $40,000 / $40,000–$50,00014. Person authorising submission of expression of interest:
Name: /Position in organisation:
Daytime phone: / Date: