April 8, 2017

Submitted by Luana Schneider

It’s 2017—let’s be seen!!


NEW DNR PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR Ben Bergey is the new director. I now havehad the opportunity to meet him and find that he has two Jeeps not trail vehicles but definitely aware of our needs! Need to get him out wheeling with us!!

INVASIVE SPECIES GROUP April is Endangered Species month—anyone have an idea for a project for this month? There is a brochureout via the DNR websitespecific to Four Wheel Drive and other brochuresspecific to other users. Read and apply accordingly. Also it is recommended you use this flyer for goodie bags and meetings.

STATE TRAILS COUNCIL (STC). As an official voting member of the STC representing Four Wheel Drive (FWD) such as Jeeps, trucks, etc., my objectives are to encourage a change of policy to establish less closure of public lands to FWD vehicles, encourage establishing Motorized Off Road parks in Wisconsin and encourage more Multi-Use (Shared Trails) that include OHV (FWD).

I have been reappointed by the Governor to serve another 4 year term representing Four Wheel Drive.

Current Officer positions are: Bryan Much, Chairman; John Seigert, Vice Chairman and Doug Johnson, Secretary.

Doug Johnson represents the STC on the SCORP planning (see more on this below).

I attended the November 10 meeting in Fond du Lac. Votes for officer for 2017 resulted in Bryan Much as Chair, Ken Neitzke as Vice Chair and Doug Johnson as Secretary. Meetings for 2017 was a conference call on January 9, with others for April 27, August 4 and November 9 all regular meetings but locations to be determined. Last year the Recreational Trail Program (RTP) had over $2 million that was available for motorized when including the Diversity (Multi-Use) funds it also had almost $120,000 carry-over in the motorized category. Biennial review of Council structure was discussed and an Ad Hoc Committee of three was appointed which I am on—it has become clear as to how many new types of users are out there. The DNR was looking for the best short safety and etiquette phrases to be used for info out on trails. There was quite a bit of discussion on snowmobile conversions and what will and will not be accepted.

I also attended the January 9 conference call at the Madison DNR office. One of the topics was if unicycling should be allowed on bicycle trails. There seemed to be no issues from the bicycle group and it was agreed that the DNR should proceed to do what it takes to allow for this barring legal limits that there might be. I reiterated my stand that trails should be shared as much as realistically possible. A group is being established called the Recreational Opportunity Analysis (ROA) which would be on State properties—see more on its own topic below. There have been some Administrative Code recommendations that wereto be reviewed at the Natural Resources Board January meeting for acceptance before going to the legislatures for adoption—I am uncertain at this point the outcome of this.

The next STC meeting will be held at the UW-Extension Office, 5 University Dr., Sheboygan, WI 53081 on April 27. I will not be in attendance at that meeting. I am checking on folks who may be able to take my place at that meeting.

Other items at both these meetings will be covered under their own heading below.

At each meeting public comment is scheduled on whatever you wish to comment on for trail issues usually in the last part of the agenda OR if you want to address the Council formally, you can contact the chair for the possibility of being put on the agenda.

You are very welcome to sit in on any of the STC meetings. Also, when there are conference calls and if you are not on the Council, you can join the meeting in Madison or Rhinelander.

To learn more about the Council, details of future meetings, read the minutes, etc. you can go to the DNR website noted above.

RECREATIONAL TRAILS PROGRAM (RTP) Remember to thank your legislators that have voted to keep these funds available. If you have a trail project, you may want to check into the possibility of it being eligible for these funds with a grant, contact the DNR for more info on this—May 1, 2017 will be the next deadline for submitting requests—remember anything to be covered by this grant can NOT be started until the grant is approved! To locate the form go to I have seen the draft of this form that has been scaled down significantly and should now be available.You can also go to the DNR site for further information in regard to this. Governor Walker has agreed that the RTP funds for Wisconsin will continue to be used on trails.

MOTORIZED STEWARDSHIP FUNDSPart of the Stewardship Funds are set aside for motorized recreation as long as they include the core activities such as hunting, fishing, cross country skiing, etc.

DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM The Secretary of the Department of Tourism, Stephanie Klett is very supportive of motorized recreation—we need to let her know what she can do to help us out. Remember our various events that are trail type events where the public is welcome we should submit to the Dept. of Tourism and ask the Chamber of Commerce in the area of the event to also submit to Tourism and advertise in the area for you. Keep that in mind when planning your event and looking at advertising angles. I would be interested in what success or problems you have when doing this.

STATE COMPREHENSIVE OUTDOOR RECREATION PLAN (SCORP) The plan for the next five year period (2017-2022) is being worked on. Doug who sits on the STC Council representing snowmobiles will be sitting on the SCORP committee representing STC as a provider of trails info, etc.A survey was sent out and hopefully all of you filled out the survey and also forwarded on the survey to others who would have been interested in fillingout such a survey. Last time they had lumped ATV, UTV, 4WD, & OHM together and came up with 19%of Wisconsin citizens recreate with at least one of these type of vehicles at least once a year. You can access the previous full SCORP through the DNR website (above). We need to watch this and help Doug with this!! It was hoped that we would see an initial draft by the STC April meeting, but now sounds unlikely. Two things I am recommending is that they separate out the various motorized groups rather than lump them together and the other is to list the various users under the various areas where trails exist eventhough we have none now and show that we have none. Last time they listed any that had some trails in the various facilities and then went on to state if the amount of trails was adequate or not. Yet we were not listed because we didn’t have any trails to start with and so if listed would have showed a glaring inadequacy. Chris Hannis also sent in a letter to the DNR in regard to SCORP and the needs of the 4WD community that was extremely good! You too, can send a letter in addition to doing the survey to .

MOTORIZED RECREATION AREA (MRA) The DNR is in search of property for an MRA. This area preferrably would be close to an urban area, with good highway access, have local acceptance, a method of financing and adequate acreage. The DNR’s vision is not to make this a competitive type of park, but a family oriented place which would include a nice picnic grounds. The hopes are to draw from other states and have every intention of making it self-sustaining. The largest stumbling block they are running into is “local acceptance”. I asked if the “local acceptance” was with government entities in the area or the local people. The response was from both. I have offered our assistance in getting endorsements from businesses, etc. if they want them. It has been suggested we talk to our local legislators in regard toneeding motorized recreation areas that include Four Wheel Drive such as Jeeps, trucks, etc. The Dual Sport Group is ready to set up a Friend’s Group for such a park. Are we as a group willing to do the same?—I assume so. The DNR is looking for ideas for other possible lands that may be available—IF YOU HAVE ANY LEADS, let them know in regard to this, you can contact me on this—I do not have a DNR contact right now due to personnel changes at the DNR. Remember to emphasize the MRA is NOT to be a replacement for our use of public lands but an addition to or as some call it an enhancement to our recreation!


Jerry Stephens is now taking the lead on this legislation (LRB105) and we need to work with him to get this on the right path. March 16, Tim Duenkel, Jerry Stephens, Bryan Much and Rod & I met in regard to this. Bryan Much who was very involved in getting such a program set up for the Motorcycles had much background input and suggestions for us which resulted in some definite things for the 4WD community to consider and discuss at this meeting. Both Bryan and an individual from the ATV group is willing to help out. Something I read just the other day, “A bill passes because someone was willing to do the work required to make it pass”.

BLACK RIVER FALLS (BRF) I have not done anything in regard to collecting information on this at this point in time. This is one of the sites that will shortly need to address identifying, classifying and mapping roads. We need to watch this closely!! Who will volunteer to take this on?

ADAMS COUNTYThe DNR was recently working with a current logging owner on a 1,500 acre easement in Adams County for recreation and conservation and which is broken down in two segments and part of it is near Dyracuse. I have talked to the Forest Recreation representative once on us being included in this, but have not followed through with any further discussion. We have lost the initial opportunity to be included in that easement, but sure would like someone to talk to these folks to see about possibilities. Anyone interested in working on this, contact me. I have maps and other info for anyone who would be interested.

IDENTIFICATION, CLASSIFYING AND MAPPING ROADS ON DNR LANDS then go to master planning. From there you can click under Master Plan documents Motorized road access planning and also under Master Plans in progress go to Northern State Forests and also Brule River State Forest. A mandate in a past state budget bill mandates that the DNR identify, classify and map all their roads. The guidance on how this should be approached has been completed and the DNR’s guidance recommendations were presented to the Natural Resources Board (NRB) on January 27, 2016 and approved so the process now continues. This is supposed to increase access for motorized recreational vehicles instead of decreasing access. We need to make for sure we are included in this. Also, it will be established differently on each property by input of those at public hearings during the master planning at each property. I hope many of you have submitted input on this and if not, please do so. They have started working on this program in the Northern DNR forests and I recommend everyone reach out to the superintendents in those forests and volunteer your assistance (very likely will be turned down, but it doesn’t hurt to volunteer) and ask to be kept abreast of what is happening. Aaron Buchholz is heading up this project and can be reached at or 920-662-5115. The Northern Highland-American Legion State Forest is the primary concern at this point so reach out to the Superintendent Steve Petersen at and express the needs for keeping as many roads in particular the primitive ones accessible for Four Wheel Drive. Once you develop a letter, you can continue to use for other sites as needed.

RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS (ROA)This analysis is currently going on with initially the “stakeholders” of trails on DNR property being invited for the meetings. The 4WD community is supposedly not a stakeholder at this time so has not been invited to the table. However, I attended part of one in March as an interested party of the public. There will be open houses occurring for the Northwoods Region at 3 sites….April 25—Minocqua/Woodruff area, April 26—Park Falls and April 27—Antigo. I will NOT be able to attend any of these and have been assured that Bryan Much will be there and will be including representation of the 4WD community at all the meetings. However, I think we as an organization should be there at all these meetings also and should make for sure this occurs and get a commitment of separate individuals to attend the meetings. I will also be sending a letter to the ROA for these meetings representing the 4WD community.

25 YEAR PLAN REVIEW OF STATE FORESTS/MASTER PLANS These are occurring. We need to know which areas are being looked at right now and let people know in those areas to keep an eye on these for us to respond to what is being done. Also the Menominee River Area –Wisconsin and Michigan has a small area being considered that needs watching. The Brule River Forest Master Planning has just recently been started. This is another one of those projects that isn’t so large in itself that someone could be doing. Let me know of interest out there and let's see what we can put together. WITH THE NEW IDENTIFYING, CLASSIFYING AND MAPPING OF ROADS ON STATE PROPERTIES we need to be there to keep or get those roads accessible to 4WD wherever realistically possible. I highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the state lands in your area so when the proposal showing roads identified etc. includes all those you know of.

MILWAUKEE COUNTY LAND FOR MOTORIZED RECREATION POSSIBILITY There were some negotiations going on in regard to this with the ATV community and Milwaukee County. This could possibly include us for trails and maybe a gravel pit IF we are at the table to request this. Currently this is very quiet and probably NOT going anywhere. There is another one in Waukesha County buthave not heard anything recently on this.


TRAVEL MANAGEMENT RULE (ROUTE DESIGNATIONS) ON NATIONAL FORESTSThe Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) for 2016-2017 is available either on-line or the area ranger station. The Pipeline is open only 6/1 through 3/14. Therefore, NOT OPEN for Memorial Day! Keep in mind trails/roads that are not listed and you want to use, you need to submit a request to have that specific trail/road be reviewed to be added to the annual update of the MVUM for consideration byNovember 30, 2017. This also applies to dates of usage!! The information you submit should be as specific as possible. You can contact CNNF Supervisor’s Office, 1170 4th Ave. South, Park Falls, WI54552, 715-762-5178.

PIPELINE CLEAN-UP AND WORK WEEKENDS at this point I am uncertain of any specified date for WOHAVA’S ANNUAL PIPELINE CLEAN-UPS. Watch for updated information on thison the W4WDA and WOHVA websites—realize weather conditions are always a factor!!


In addition to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) (now a webinar session) there are Spring and Fall webinar sessions to keep the delegates updated. This is less costly for all and hopefully better attended. The United’s primary goal is to raise enough funds to have Attorney Carla Boucher on the payroll more to help keep public lands open. So any United funds saved can go that direction.

The upcoming Spring webinar session is April 20 and the AGM is August 22 both at 7:30. There usually are openings for thesewebinar sessions. If you are interested in participating in futuresessions, let me know and I will walk you through it! Can be either by phone or computer—really nice if you have a computer to access since they have a power point program that goes along with the session.

TheAGMfor 2016was July 28. By the end of the meeting we had a full slate of officers which is the first time in the last couple of years!! The folks coming in are very determined to get United back on track and have some definite ideas on how to do that!!

I routinely forward to W4WDA & MW4WDA through their webmaster & W4WDA Yahoo group info on various things United is doing and also notices of when the new monthly United e-news is out that you can access on United’s site. The e-news is a great way to keep up-to-date on what is happening in United. If you haven’t as of yet, sign up through United’s internet site so you can be notified directly when the new e-news comes out. If you have a story and photosor just photos with captions, send to . It can be just a trailride or whatever.