DATE:January 4, 2018

TO:MRPC Board of Commissioners

FROM:Ray Schwartze, Chairman

SUBJECT:Meeting Notice and Agenda

The Meramec Regional Planning Commission will hold a public meeting on Thursday, Jan.11, 2018, at its office, located at 4 Industrial Drive, St. James, Missouri. The meeting schedule is as follows:

5:30 p.m...... Phelps County PHA (Small Conference Room)

6:00 p.m...... External Relations/Membership Committee (Small Conference Room)

6:00 p.m...... Operations Committee (Large Conference Room - East Side)

6:00 p.m...... Planning Committee (Large Conference Room – West Side)

7:00 p.m...... Dinner

7:30 p.m...... MRPC (Large Conference Room)

8:30 p.m...... MRB (Following MRPC Board Meeting)


1.Pledge of Allegiance

2.Welcome:Ray Schwartze, chairman

3.Consent Agenda

The consent agenda is intended to group several items of a routine nature upon which the commission agrees to accept a committee or staff recommendation. Listed below are the items on the consent agenda. A motion may be made to accept all the items listed, or if a commissioner wishes to consider any item(s) separately, then a motion would be in order to approve the consent agenda with the exception of the item(s) to be considered separately. Any item to be considered separately would then be taken up immediately after the consent agenda is adopted.

The following consent agenda items are presented for approval:

a.Minutes – Dec. 14, 2017

b.Local Review

1. Meramec Regional Planning Commission, St. James, MO

10.762 – Solid Waste Management Grants

Illegal Dumping Remediation and Prevention program to be implemented in the Ozark Rivers Solid Waste Management District

Federal: $97,497

Local: $32,489

Total: $129,986

c. Statewide Grant Applications

1.MissouriDepartmentofNatural Resources,JeffersonCity, MO

66.802 – Superfund State, Political Subdivision, and Indian Tribe Site-Specific Cooperative Agreement

Superfund combined Cooperative Agreement

Federal: $1,143,912

State: $31,182

Total: $1,175,094

The Office of Administration issues the Missouri Federal Assistance Clearinghouse

grant reviews weekly. In the future, staff will share reports in between meeting with board members. If you have questions about grants listed, you can call MRPC staff or the Office of Administration as listed on the reports.

e. Contracts


4.Presentation: Federal Legislative Discussion

We have set aside some time at the start of our meeting for an exchange of ideas between our board members and federallegislators and/or their staff representing the Meramec Region. All of our federal legislators have been invited to participate. This will be an opportunity for you to discuss issues facing your community with your legislator, so please make every effort to be here. From this discussion, the board will finalize our Congressional legislative platform.

5.Board and Committee Reports:

  1. External Relations Committee: Darrell Skiles, chairman

The External Relations/Membership Committee will meet at 6 discuss the at-large small business position that is still open. Staff will provide an update on plans for the “MRPC Day at the Capitol.”Committee members will review the federal priorities survey results as determined by board and associate members. Committee will perform its annual review of the MRB bylaws. Staff will also review and present any recommended changes for consideration.Members will discuss changing the February meeting from the 8th to the 15th to avoid conflicting with the County Commission Association of Missouri training being held February 7th-9th. Staff will provide a report on any state and/or federal legislative issues that have occurred since the last board meeting. Any board nominations will need to be reviewed by the committee and presented to the board for approval. The chair will make a formal recommendation for adoption of the federal priorities. Any recommended changes to the MRB bylaws will be presented to the board with a vote to be held at the next MRB meeting. The committee will need to make a formal recommendation to the full board for changing the date of the February meeting.

b.OperationsCommittee: Marvin Wright, chairman

The Operations Committee will meet at 6 p.m. to discuss MRPC/MRB and MRPC/MRDC-RLF and IRP program financial statements for the period ended Dec. 31, 2017. MRPC/MRB, MRPC/MRDC-RLF and IRP revised budgets and MRPC/MRB revised leased agreements for the fiscal year 2017-2018 will be presented. A revised RLF plan for the Disaster RLF and combined RLF plan for the LTED & SSED fund will be presented. Staff will share the board retreat discussion and the committee will discuss options for alternative membership dues structure.A list of federal legislative issues, as ranked by MRPC board members, will be shared with the committee so that they will be prepared to discuss with the federal legislators or their staff. Committee vote needed on the financials, the revised budget and lease agreements and on the revised RLF plans.

  1. Planning Committee: T.R. Dudley, chairman

The Planning committee will meet at 6:00 p.m. to review the final federal legislative priorities list. The committee will be provided with an overview of the Annual CEDS Progress Report submitted to EDA on Dec. 22, 2017. Staff will discuss the upcoming Jan. 19, 2018 CEDS meeting where the Entrepreneurial Assessment completed for the region will be presented. Staff will provide an overview of the results of the MRPC Services Survey and committee members will be asked to provide input on speakers for upcoming MRPC board meetings.

  1. Housing Advisory Board:Darrell Skiles, chairman

Darrell Skiles will report on housing activities.

e.Transportation Advisory Committee:John Casey, at-large representative for transportation.

No report will be given.

f. Environmental: Tammy Snodgrass, Assistant Director

Tammy Snodgrass will report on solid waste activities.

g.Meramec Regional Emergency Planning Committee: Kraig Bone, at-large representative for emergency management.

Kraig Bone will report on MREPC activities.

h.Business Loans: Linda Loughridge, Fiscal Officer

LindaLoughridge will report on business loan activities.

i.Workforce Development: T.R. Dudley

T.R. Dudley will report on workforce development activities.

j.Meramec Community Enhancement Corporation (MCEC):Marvin Wright, chairman

Marvin Wright will provide a report of the MCEC meeting.

k.Meramec Regional Community Foundation (MRCF): Bonnie Prigge, Executive Director

Bonnie Priggewill report on MRCF activities.

l.Chairman and Director’s Report:

Ray Schwartzeand Bonnie Prigge will report on issues of interest.


6.Informational Agenda

Contracts signed by the Executive Director as amount was under the $3,000 threshold:

The following staff members have prepared handout reports:

•Kelly Sink-Blair—grants submitted and funded since the last meeting, application deadlines and funding availability.

•Tammy Snodgrass— solid waste activities, emergency planning and management, Homeland Security Oversight Committee activities, hazard mitigation and pending grant applications.

  • Linda Loughridge—Hour allocation tracking sheet will be handed out.