02/25/02 / Effective for Spring, 2002
DRAFT / Advanced Visual Basic
4 Quarter Hours
Course Outcomes /
The student will perform the following tasks using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0:
1. / Reinforce the basic steps of creating a Visual Basic project including:
a. / adding controls and labels to a form
b. / setting properties
c. / creating interfaces
d. / making executable files
e. / debugging code
f. / working with multiple forms
2. / Exhibit the ability to create well designed pseudo code and flowcharts to plan, build, code, test, and document an OOED application.
3. / Exhibit the ability to write code and create applications using variables and constants including:
a. / creating local and global variables
b. / assigning data types to variables
c. / controlling the scope of a variable
d. / using constants
4. / Exhibit the ability to write code and create applications using selection structures including:
a. / If Then Else statements
b. / relational and logical operators
c. / nested structures
5. / Exhibit the ability to write code and create applications using repetition structures including:
a. / For Next, Do While, Do Until loops
b. / counters and accumulators
c. / control arrays
d. / Change event, MsgBox function, and Unload event
6. / Exhibit the ability to write code and create applications to manipulate sequential access files including:
a. / creating, modifying, and reading sequential access files
b. / manipulating strings
c. / printing reports
d. / working with menus
7. / Exhibit the ability to write code and create applications that display Common Dialog boxes including:
a. / opening, saving, printing, and selecting colors and fonts
b. / setting filter and filename properties
8. / Exhibit the ability to write code and create applications for error statements and error trapping routines.
9. / Exhibit the ability to write code and create applications using random access files including:
a. / creating and reading random access files
b. / using control arrays with random access files
10. / Exhibit the ability to use write code and create applications to create, manipulate, and view Microsoft Access databases including:
a. / using Visual Data Manager to create data and records
b. / display database records using ADO (Active X) data control
c. / querying a database using the SQL select command
d. / writing code to maintain a database
11. / Exhibit the ability to write code and create applications using one and two dimensional arrays including:
a. / creating, searching, and analyzing data in arrays
b. / using the DataGrid control to view data
c. / creating functions
12. / Exhibit the ability to create a web page using Visual Basic
13. / Exhibit the ability to design, create, test, debug, document, and present a successful, comprehensive Visual Basic program using concepts learned in class.


Critical Thinking Skills are addressed in COs #2 thru 13.
Information Literacy Skills are not addressed in these COs.
Cultural Diversity Awareness is not addressed in these COs.
Global Awareness is not addressed in these COs.
Teamwork is addressed in CO#13.
Professional Etiquette/Appropriate Professional Behavior is not addressed in these COs.
Customer Service is not addressed in these CO.
A Direct Measure for Assessment is not addressed in these COs.
These COs are approved for experiential credit. / Pauline Dueweke/CT / 02/02


Developer: David Chaulk/Port Huron
Approved by: / Pauline Dueweke (CT) / 02/02
(new course)
02/25/02 dm