2005 OCCC Officers
President: William Rosenbach303-233-8374Colorado Motorsports Council
First Vice Pres: Jerry Staples303-340-0557Colorado Cougar Club
Second Vice Pres: Joe Baker303-637-0765Rocky Mtn. Reg. AACA
Secretary Pro Tem: Dick Fritz303-774-9710MG Car Club
Treasurer Pro Tem: Roger Zaner303-426-8843Studebaker, Pikes Peak
Committee Chairs and Appointed Positions
Legislative Affairs: Don Whissen303-733-0649Mile High Model T Club
Legislative Information: Leo Boyle303-321-6611
Membership: Jerry Staples303-340-0557Colorado Cougar Club
Swap Meet: Shirley Zaner303-426-8843Studebaker, Pikes Peak
Data Base Manager: Harry Tran303-894-9456Sunday Afternoon Car Klub
SEMA Representative: Jerry Staples 303-340-0557Colorado Cougar Club
Minutes of Meeting – 5 January 2005
The January 2005 meeting of the Old Car Council of Colorado was called to order by President Bill Rosenbach at 7:33 pm at the Forney Transportation Museum, 4303 Brighton Blvd., Denver. 32 member clubs were represented. Bill thanked everyone for coming out in spite of the cold and snowy weather.
Legislative Issues: Leo Boyle reported that there will be a very different composition of the Colorado Legislature that convenes on January 12th but our issues are not aligned with partisan policies and we expect more difficulty overcoming fiscal concerns than any other controversies. He has already met with the incoming president of the Colorado Senate, Joan Fitz-Gerald, and hopes we can make progress on matters of concern to hobbyists. He discussed the following issues we are working on:
Personalized Plates: We are seeking authorization for a vehicle to retain a vanity plate while undergoing restoration. Questions were raised whether an individual can transfer a personalized plate from one vehicle to another and if it would be possible to have a personalized plate be designated a collector series plate for a qualified vehicle.
Exemption for emergency lights on restored “professional” vehicles: Current law prohibits emergency lights on privately owned vehicles to prevent fake police cars. It is hoped that exemptions can be granted for restored vehicles such as ambulances and fire trucks. It may be more difficult to obtain exemptions for police cars, but there might be conditions such as age of vehicle or inoperability of lights and siren.
Kit Cars’ Titles: Our efforts to obtain clear titling procedures for replicars have been compromised by abuse of registrations in California, where there has been a lack of clear legislation. Our proposed procedure, which would clearly distinguish between replicars using the chassis and motor of a donor car and those purpose-built to duplicate a specific vehicle, would have to overcome objections that have been raised by county clerks and registration officials. We may seek assistance from SEMA.
Year of Manufacture Plates: There have been ambiguous interpretations as to whether a YOM plate registration can stand alone or whether it must be backed up with a conventional registration.
AACA Grand National Meet: Ted Rossi of the Rocky Mountain Region Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA) described the first-ever in Colorado Grand National Meet that will be held in Northglenn in July. The Grand National show and judging on Friday, July 29th will be for vehicles that have previously won senior 1st awards. The Western Regional Meet will be on Saturday, July 30th, and will feature restored and unrestored (historical preservation) vehicles. Only AACA members can enter the Grand National and Western Regional meets, but the local region is also planning a “1955 Showroom” display of selected vehicles from the year that they were established. For more information contact Ted Rossi at 303-457-2373.
Minutes: Minutes of the December meeting were approved as published.
Swap Meet: Scott Wright, who has organized the “Gas Bash” (Petrolina) swap meets in previous years discussed the common interests of their collectors and the old car hobbyists, and proposed that their event be merged with the OCCC Swap Meet. It seemed to be a beneficial arrangement for both parties, and the Swap Meet committee was urged to work out arrangements agreeable to all.
Shirley Zaner reported that the contract with Adams County has been signed for the Saturday-only Meet, but also noted that the daily rent figures have increased. There will be a sharing of mailing lists with the Loveland AACA which holds their swap meet in September. A meeting of the Swap Meet Committee will be hold at the Zaners’ home, 7040 Xavier St. in Westminster at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, January 12th.
Budgets for 2005: Roger Zaner distributed copies of the financial summary of expenditures in 2004 and the proposed budgets for 2005. Following discussion and clarifications but no changes, the budgets were approved, as moved by Dan Dunn, seconded by Mel Bacon, and passed unanimously. Copies of the budgets can be obtained from the treasurer (Roger Zaner). Dues and assessment will remain the same as in previous years, and it was noted that more “butts in the seats”, i.e., more member clubs, would help offset the perennial legislative budget shortfall. The FOMOCO club was thanked for providing funds for several months rent of our meeting place (Forney).
Announcements & Events:
January 22, 2005: Polar Bear Swap Meet, sponsored by FOMOCO club.
May 22, 2005: AACA Brighton Run.
June 4, 2005: OCCC Swap Meet, Adams County Regional Park. Move-in on Friday, June 3rd.
Next Meeting: February 2, 2005, at the Forney Transportation Museum, 4303 Brighton Blvd., Denver.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 pm.
Submitted by: Richard Fritz, Secretary Pro Tem. E-mail: .