Helpful Hints in Filling Out the Official Club Paperwork
Club Registration Form
- Clearly state the mission of the club and how it supports the enhancement of student life on the college campus.
- Roles of Officers: All officers should have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities as stated in their Club Constitution and any changes to the officers of the club require an updated form to be filled out and submitted to the Office of Student Life.
- Signing the form means that all officers:
- Agree to comply with the policies and procedures of Montgomery College and the Office of Student Life.
- Adhere to the Student Code of Conduct with all club activities.
Club Constitution Form
Tips on drafting your club’s mission/ purpose:
Your Club’s Purpose is responsible for being educational and in line with the Mission of the Office of Student Life and Montgomery College; its common purpose should reflect how your club will give back to the campus community. Explanation: What are the aims of your group? Who will it serve? Is it educational, social, recreational, academic, political, or religious in nature? Are there particular issues the group will address? What do you hope to accomplish in a broad sense?
Examples drafted by existing clubs:
“To provide mental health awareness, education, and advocacy through events and community service; to provide information and resources regarding mental health and mental illness; and to encourage students to seek help as soon as it is needed.”
“ACCF is a club where students at Montgomery College can seek & experience the love of God in every area of our lives. We will learn about God through the Bible, live out our faith together in love, excel academically, serve the campus & community; and participate in community services projects.”
“The purpose of the Geography Club is to encourage student participation in geographical awareness and community service.”
“To promote the Hispanic/Latino culture through cultural and educational events, fundraisers and community service; and to help its members maintain and share their roots through friendship bonds as well as to create a positive environment.”
Tips on defining the Club Officers roles:
- Carry out the provisions of the Club Constitution
- Schedule, advertise and preside over all club meetings
- Draft meeting agendas
- Provide supportive leadership
- Appoint committees and chairs. Oversee, support and provide feedback on all committee projects.
- Develop projects, goals and tasks for the club
- Attend the Club and Leadership Workshops Series
- Manage club election process
Vice President
- Support the President
- Assume the duties of the President when absent
- Recruit and retain members
- Perform duties delegated by the President
- Assist in planning activities and projects
- Support club officers and chair members
- Attend the Club and Leadership Workshop Series
- Prepare, review and finalize all budget requests
- Maintain accurate financial records
- Attend Budget Panel meetings when request is submitted by the club
- Attend the Club and Leadership Workshop Series
- Keep organized records of the club
- Record minutes of club meetings
- Maintain membership and club rosters
- Coordinate all club correspondence
- Attend the Club and Leadership Workshop Series