The Healing Codes 02.19.2009 15

Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Participant: (Pat) I had a great gain from the Codes you had given me I think two weeks ago about the attorney and the retainer. I did get my retainer back. I just did the Code and did the Code. I had an inclination to call the other partner, not the guy who didn’t respond, but his partner. I called him and talked to him. He said, “Sure, I’ll refund your retainer.” It was easy and effortlessly. He gladly refunded it. I contribute that definitely to the Code.

Tom Costello: Good for you. It’s cool when it goes nice and smoothly.

This is The Healing Codes question and answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello and on behalf of The Healing Codes family I welcome you to this call. Tonight in this hemisphere it is February 19, 2009. Everything on this call is being recorded. This recording is available as a download from our website:

This Q&A is one of several ways we support our clients in your use of The Healing Codes. You getting what you want out of The Healing Codes is the most important thing. That’s good for you, good for us, good for the world, good for your family and so on. That’s really what we’re interested in supporting.

If you’ve got any questions about The Healing Codes or a given situation or some concern about how you are doing it this is a perfect time for that. Or a specific situation, and you want an opinion on how to do it, I’ve got a bunch of opinions, as anybody who has been on this call already recognizes. I would be glad to give an opinion. However, your opinions about what you do are really the most important part. What you make up is more important than what I make up, but I’m pretty good at it. If I can help you make up something that is more empowering, that’s even better still.

Recognize that your questions serve other people on this call and people listening to this recording. We like to validate people and that’s real encouraging to all of us to hear these stories.

Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or to treat any physical or mental condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deal with issues of the heart and it is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. Those opinions that I express are my own opinions. If they serve you I’m pleased. If not, just let them go flying by as if they’ve got nothing at all to do with you.

What I’d like to do right off the bat is to open the floor for questions, comments, answers, stories, successes, struggles, whatever. I would think if you’re inclined to have a Custom Code I’m inclined to create one. With that thought all you have to do is hit *6, unmute your telephone and speak away.

Participant: (Marion) First of all I’d love to tell you thank you and The Healing Codes for all the help I’ve had in these last few months. I am working now. The help I’ve gotten on this call has made a huge difference. What a time that was! I’m working at a few different jobs. I like them. The income coming in is certainly better than it was. It still needs to improve and I’m sure it is improving. That’s really good.

Now what I’m finding is that I feel enormously stressed. I think it’s because of this long period of unemployment and going through divorce and numerous things. I’ve been hanging in pretty well, but now I’ve got a few different part-time jobs I’ve put together so I’m driving around and doing this and doing that. Wow, I’m doing my Codes, but I feel enormously stressed. I thought, “Okay, it’s time for a Custom Code.”

Tom Costello: Okay. Let’s look at that for a second. This could be valuable for other people as well. You mentioned two what I’ll call dramatic things, a long dry spell and a divorce. Those things are, by their very nature, stressful.

Participant: And the reason is I’m in my mid-fifties and I’m self-supporting for the first time in many, many years. I’m pretty high on the stress scale. With the Codes I’m coping, but it’s getting ragged on the edges, I’ll tell you.

Tom Costello: There’s got to be a better level than “coping.” People talk about “You have to cope with life.” That’s an approach, but it doesn’t sound all that joyful. “How are you doing?” “I’m coping.” That doesn’t sound great.

Really what you’re looking at, those three things you’ve added, the dry spell where you’ve been worrying about money, a divorce, and now being self-supporting for the first time in years.

Participant: No cushions and not even really a career behind me.

Tom Costello: The good news is you’re young. Mid-fifties is young. Am I right or am I just making that up?

Participant: I absolutely agree and I’m getting younger. The other thing is the fact that I’m even in this position of doing all these things is really a testimony to all The Healing Codes I’ve been doing. I really had a lot of incapacity. This is amazing.

Tom Costello: Those things, the dry spell, the divorce, self-supporting for the first time and what you described as having no set career – you’re not a banker or an attorney. Those four things that you just described done really mean much except the next step where you give them meaning. That long dry spell says something about you. The divorce says something about you. That you’re self-supporting for the first time says something about you and that you have no set career that you’ve developed over the years says something about you. Just for the record, whatever those things say about you you are making up. It’s pretend. It’s imagined. It’s not necessarily real. You can make it real, but it’s not.

Now you turn around and say, “Huh, I got divorced and I’m self-supporting.” That is very easy for me to see as tremendously courageous. Tremendous bravery. If you were thinking of a pioneer woman who was plowing the back forty and chopping down trees and trying to take care of herself, whoa, that’s courageous. That’s just like our ancestors in every single case. That’s right. That’s what it does mean. “It means I’m courageous.” It does mean that.

Participant: Yeah, it does.

Tom Costello: That’s true. The long dry spell – you can make up stories about that, too. We all want – I want high tide all the time. I want sunshine all the time. I want warm weather all the time. I want everything to be hunky-dory all the time. That’s one side of the coin.

The other side of the coin – it ain’t goin’ a happen! There is sunshine, there’s nighttime, there’s high tide, there’s low tide, there’s warm weather, there’s cold weather. So these ups and downs, these cycles are a part of the deal. If they help us appreciate what we’re experiencing or look forward to what we’re going to appreciate – now you’re in Massachusetts, when spring and summer arrives, “Okay, this is what I’ve been looking forward to”. You could have a different set of feelings about that.

A lot of people, I remember this from my corporate days, were having mid-life crazies at about 50 years old. Guys I knew were running off with 20-year-old secretaries. All the women were running off with their 20-year-old male assistants. “What are they doing?” They’re trying to discover themselves. They’ve been in the career, prisoner, often times, of those careers. “This is not working. I’m a prisoner.” They broke free, sometimes with modest discomfort, other times with tremendous discomfort. And you just say, “Mid-fifties, I get to choose.” I’m not even to the half-way point of 120 and happy. I get to choose on the next phase of my development.”

Well, I can tell you what the future is. You’re already involved in the future, right, in some of the stuff you’re dealing with, computers and technology. This home health care, this stuff is going to be one of the key industries until the end of the world probably. “Hmm… This is cool.”

You can look at all these things and say, "at-a-girl", "at-a-girl". That’s right. As you focus on, you’ve been able to attract and manifest money. You’re doing it. The Codes are a tool. They’re like a shovel. You don’t see many shovels getting themselves busy. They’re leaning on the wall. They don’t take themselves off the wall and dig a hole and put a post in it or plow the garden. They are just tools. They just set there. You are the one using the tool. You’re the one that gets the "at-a-girl". That you’re using a great tool is fabulous, but it’s not a great tool if it just sits on the shelf. You’re doing that.

You go, “That’s right. I am like that pioneer woman. I am breaking new ground. "At-a-girl". With that thought in mind I’d love to give you a Code.

Participant: That’s great. Thanks, Tom.

Tom Costello: (Tom tests for the Code.) Before the end of this call I intend to speak about self-interest. Self, hyphen, interest. I think it has direct application to your situation, Marion. Don’t go to Starbucks. Stay on the call. Or, if you go to Starbucks, stay on the call.

Participant: Right. Okay.

Tom Costello: (Tom delivers the Code.) Do those as a self pep talk and recognize how courageous, how terrific, how wonderful and how convinced you are that what you want is going to manifest. Before the call is over, let me make a note, I want to talk about faith, too. The fact that you’re on this phone call says to me you have exactly, at least the amount of faith that you need, probably more than you need.

Participant: Good. Thank you, Tom. God bless you.

Participant: (Pat) I would like a Code. Here’s the reason. I feel that I’m in conflict. Here is where I think it lies. I’ve been looking for a job because I was laid off from my previous job. I also have been doing a business on the side. Where my conflict lies is whether to go back to work on a full-time basis or whether to just do my business on a full time basis and allow it to support me. I often have these fears that come up, “I can’t do the business full time to support me…..” This is where my conflict lies. I would like it to work out in a way that supports me and that can benefit me where I am.

Tom Costello: If you were to say, “Tomorrow I want to get a job,” how quickly do you think you could get a job?

Participant: I think it would probably take a few weeks.

Tom Costello: What would be involved during that two or three weeks? Would you have to walking building to building looking for a job, or would you be waiting for phone calls?

Participant: Right! Okay. I would be sending out resumes and calling people about open positions and looking for either an e-mail or a phone call back.

Tom Costello: Do you know how long it would take you to send out resumes? If you sent out five a day is that reasonable?

Participant: That could happen very quickly. Five a day would be easy. I’m already sending out resumes now, but I feel that I’m not getting the result I’m looking for because there is a conflict going on.

Tom Costello: Mechanically you can produce resumes and people to call and you physically and emotionally can make a phone call to say, “This is Pat. I sent you a resume last week and I’m following up on it.”

Participant: Yes.

Tom Costello: Good. Now your part-time job, can it produce X hundreds of dollars a week to support you?

Participant: Yes. I get caught up into the “doing something”. This is where – it’s like I’m looking for a job and then I spend the rest of my time marketing for business with my part-time business.

Tom Costello: What’s wrong with that?

Participant: Nothing is wrong with it. That’s fine, it’s just that I don’t feel as if – it’s like I’ve got two requests out to the universe and I feel that I’m in conflict about that request.

Tom Costello: I like this quote. I think I mentioned it on a previous call or two. Somebody had asked Einstein what he would do if he had 60 minutes to save the world. He said he would spend 55 minutes defining the problem and 5 minutes taking action.

I think that model holds true. Other people I’ve referred to on this call, Walter Russell in particular, believes and proved it in his own life (he was world famous in about five or six different disciplines—scientist, philosopher, writer, author, business man, painter, sculptor, musician, horse person, figure skating – a lot of stuff in only one life time). He thinks that we can go up to the Source of all Knowledge, that is God. Not going into a book for information, but in fact going to the Source of all Knowledge, find out the answer to a question, come back and implement it. The story of his life is beautifully told in a free book at It’s written by Glenn Clark, “The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe.” It’s a wonderful book. It will make you think in terms of new stuff.

Let’s come back. If you want a job – and there’s nothing wrong with wanting two things. You can want a car and a boat. You can want a part-time job to start really paying and a business on the side. You can want a full-time job and a business on the side. You can want any combination that you want. The conflict is in believing you’re only entitled to one thing.

Participant: Actually where the conflict lies is I worked full time before and it seems like every time I work full time the business always got pushed aside even though, truthfully for me, that is where my heart is. My heart is in the business. It gets pushed aside once I start working full time because of the demands from work.

Tom Costello: Yep. This is challenging. I know this to be my own situation. Work is demanding and it’s interesting. It takes over and then the stuff you really, really want to do gets pushed to the back burner.

Can you have a part-time job and work your business?

Participant: Yes. I believe I can do that.

Tom Costello: That way if you can limit the amount of time – most of us understand the 7-8 hour a day job pretty much doesn’t exist. It starts the first day at 7 hours, but before the next day or two is out you’re working 10-12 hours. “What happened?” It has a way of doing that to us if we have a need to do a really good job.