March 25

To my extended family, my friends:

I want to tell you of my recent decision to enter a plea of guilty in my case in Las Vegas. It was not without much prayer and meditation, and the counsel of my wife and closest friends that I came to this decision. Now, some will say that I should have stayed the course, fought the good fight, etc., and perhaps that may have had some merit, however, that is NOT my belief system. I have taught over the last 12 years the scriptural principles of Matthew 5:25-26: “agree with your adversary quickly”. After 2 years plus of this matter hanging over my family and me, we have decided to live our belief system and deal with the consequences, whatever they may be.

God has been faithful to me and my house, God has provided many wonderful friends, associates, and confidants who in the last 12 years, each in their own way, contributed greatly to my own education and understanding. The hardest part of all of this ordeal has been the fact that the government in this country has become the Master in many respects. They can now and have been creating crime then handing out indictments, creating problems then standing by with “solutions”, and at every turn taking away our Rights and Freedoms. And it appears that will continue un-abated. Many of you will say, that is exactly why I should have done this or that. Arm-chair quarterbacking from the back of the church is not allowed here. The sad fact is, in the last 2 years since these indictments came down, I have had a phone call offering help from exactly 3 people. 3 people. I am not blaming anyone, I made the decisions to do the things I did. I am the one taking the responsibility. I, along with my family, will bear the consequences of my actions.

Only time will tell what will be in the near term and the long term. When we as a people, turn from our ways and live God’s ways, only then will we see a sea change in the attitudes and policies of our supposed Masters. In reality, my life, your life, our lives are NOT our own. God gives us the breath of life, and when He sees fit to withdraw that breath, we are no longer here. If therefore God indeed gives us that breath of life, I believe that I owe my life to Him and to follow His Word. I made a mistake in judgment and action, enticed I grant you, but nonetheless my decision, and now, this is where we are at as a result. I do not know what the future will bring, either in our lives here, or across our country, I am sure that someone in government wants more than the pound of flesh that they believe they now have, only time will tell. I do not know what I am going to do, I have not decided whether or not I will continue in the things and paths that I have been on, although, if I believe God would have me do that, then that is what I will do. I am thankful for all your prayers, concerns, messages of hope and love you have extended to me and my family. Oh, and one more thing, I am NOT the LEADER OF THE ANTI-GOVERNMENT SOVEREIGNTY MOVEMENT.

God Bless you and yours, and God only can save America.