Honors Algebra 2

Mr. Glandon and Mrs. Walker

Classroom requirements

·  Please be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings.

·  Bring all tools to class: book with cover, notebook, and calculator. We will be using the graphing calculator almost daily in this course. It is recommended that you purchase your own. A TI 83 Plus, TI 84 Plus or TI 84 Silver is acceptable. If you have another brand of calculator, please ask individually about that.

·  You will keep your book all year. A fee will be charged for any damage to binding or pages. Complete damage or loss of your book will require you to pay for your book. (up to $65)

·  All work must be done in pencil. Anything done in pen will be handed back to you.

·  Electronics will be used as necessary for classroom activities. Use of technology for non-class situations will result in warnings to put the item away. Further instances could result in the item being taken away for the hour or a referral to the office.

·  Water is okay to bring to class.

·  Wait in your seat for the bell to ring.

Attendance Policy

·  Be on time.

·  Three tardies equals 1 unexcused absence.

·  Unexcused absences = 0 on work for the day, including tests.

·  As the district policy states, we may deduct up to 20% of your quarter grade for unexcused absences: 3% points for each one.

·  It is your responsibility to check with me for missed work.

·  If you are gone only 1 day, be prepared to turn in homework or take a quiz or test immediately upon your return. Lengthy absences will be given 2 days for every day gone to complete your work.

Grading Policy

A 90 – 100%

B 80 – 89%

C 70 – 79%

D 60 – 69%

F 0 - 59%

·  Semester grades will be based on your total points of tests, quizzes, homework, and any extra projects.

·  We rarely give any extra credit.

·  Cheating will result in a zero on the assignment and disciplinary action will ensue.

Dropping the course

If you feel that the material is too hard for you or we are moving at a pace that is too quick for you to comprehend the material and your grade is a reflection of that, you will be able to drop the course and move into regular Algebra 2. The district always has a ten day drop/add period at the beginning of the year and you may take advantage of that if needed. The other times that you will be allowed to drop are at the end of the Quarters or Semester 1. If you drop at the end of Quarter 1 or 3, your grade will go with you and the semester grade you will receive will be a combination of your new work in Algebra 2 and your previous work in Algebra 2 Honors.

This Algebra 2 book has an online version that you may use instead of checking out a book. This is found at http://www.classzone.com We will give you the activation code if you would like the online book. There are many online resources located at this site for extra practice also.

I have read and understand the above course requirements.


Parent signature ______

Parent email ______