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Advisory Note

Reducing amendment timeframes

February 2007

This advisory note provides informationand advice about action taken by theDepartment of Sustainability andEnvironment (DSE) to reducetimeframes for responding toamendments initiated by Councils.

The advisory note covers:

  • the performance targets foramendment processes
  • DSE actions to reduce amendmenttimeframes
  • future changes to streamlineamendments.

Why introduce performance targetsfor amendments?

In the report Cutting red tape in planning(August 2006), the Government committedto action to reduce amendment timeframesand documentation. There is potential toreduce timelines for authorisation ofamendments and any subsequent approvalof amendments.

It is anticipated that performance standardswill achieve the following benefits:

  • better management of the amendmentprocess and the reduction of timeframes
  • cost savings to councils and otherparties awaiting the outcome of anamendment
  • requirements for further informationare conveyed promptly to councils.

What are the performancetargets?

Two performance targets foramendments have been set, firstly at theauthorisation stage and secondly at theamendment assessment stage.

These targets are not timeframesprescribed under the Planning andEnvironment Act 1987 or Regulations buthave been introduced to achievestreamlining. The targets are:

Performance target 1 – a decision onwhether or not a council will beauthorised to prepare an amendment willbe made within 15 working days of thereceipt of the completed authorisationrequest. This will apply to 80% of casesto ensure that all straightforwardrequests are dealt with quickly.

Performance target 2 – DSE willcomplete assessment of an adoptedamendment to enable a decision to bemade on the amendment within 30working days of receipt of the adoptedamendment and all requireddocumentation. This will also apply to80% of cases.

What changes are being made byDSE?

Performance Target 1 –Authorisation within 15 workingdays

Under section 9(2) of the Planning andEnvironment Act 1987, the Minister forPlanning may authorise a council toprepare an amendment. The AdvisoryNote, Changes to the planning schemeamendment process (May 2005) sets outthe information that should accompanyan authorisation request. When theserequirements are satisfied theauthorisation process can commence.

In order to meet the performance targetof 15 working days, DSE will deal withrequests as follows:

  • Inappropriate authorisation requestswill be rejected immediately.
  • DSE will assess whether theinformation accompanying therequest for authorisation issufficient. Where additionalinformation is required, a request forthe information will be sent to thecouncil from the DSE regional office.The 15 working day timeframe willcommence when the completedrequest is received.

How can councils assist?

It is important that council staff discussproposed amendments, especiallycomplex proposals, with the DSE regionaloffice prior to lodgement. This willensure that the information provided withthe request is appropriate and willfacilitate statutory processing ofamendments.

Performance Target 2 – DSEassessment within 30 working days

Amendments which are submitted to theMinister for approval must be submittedwith the information prescribed inRegulation 10 of the Planning andEnvironment Regulations 2005 and withthe prescribed fee.

In order to meet the performance targetof 30 working days:

  • DSE will assess whether theinformation accompanying theamendment submitted for approval issufficient for an assessment andwhether changes need to be made tothe amendment.
  • Where additional information isrequired or changes need to bemade to the amendment, a requestwill be sent to the council from theDSE regional office. The 30 workingday timeframe will commence whenthe requested material is received.

How can councils assist?

Achieving these performance targetsrelies on a strong working relationshipbetween the DSE regional office andcouncils. The DSE regional office willcheck requests for authorisation and theamendments submitted to the Ministerfor approval as soon as they are receivedand will advise council immediately if anyadditional information or change isneeded.

It is important that council staff discussan amendment, especially a complexamendment, with the DSE regional officeprior to submitting it for assessment.This will reduce the need for furtherrequests for information or changes.

Common situations where further materialwill be sought are:

  • where not all the prescribed informationhas been sent
  • where essential background informationis lacking
  • where further strategic justification isrequired
  • where the amendment does not make proper use of the Victoria PlanningProvisions.

In preparing the explanatory report toaccompany an amendment, a council mustevaluate the amendment against the GeneralPractice Note, Strategic AssessmentGuidelines for planning scheme amendments(Aug 2004). By addressing the guidelinesadequately, many changes or requests forinformation should be avoided.

If DSE requests further information orchanges, a council will first be asked toprovide DSE with an estimate of how long itneeds to provide the information or changes.

If this information cannot be providedinitially, the request from DSE will ask thecouncil to give a written response within 30days indicating a date by which theinformation or changes will be provided.

In assembling the amendment, the councilshould make full use of the DSE planningscheme amendments web page. This pageprovides a range of information relating tothe amendment process including standardtemplates for all necessary documents.

What other changes will be made tostreamline amendments?

Other actions in the Cutting red tape inplanning report to further reduce amendmenttimeframes are:

  • a protocol so that a panel can be preappointed,and the date for a directionshearing specified before exhibition whenappropriate (Action 6.2 of Cutting redtape in planning)
  • review of the Strategic AssessmentGuidelines so that the level ofstrategic justification needed isproportional to the significance of theproposal (Action 6.3)
  • new, simplified amendmentdocumentation suitable for inclusion inelectronic amendment systems (Action6.4).

These actions are being progressivelyimplemented. They will further reduce thecosts and delays in processingamendments and free up resources ofcouncils.

Further information aboutamendments

For more information about the planningscheme amendment process, go to theDSE web page ‘Amendments to planningschemes’ which can be accessed from

This web page contains links to informationabout the process of amending planningschemes, standard templates and links toother useful sites. It also containsinformation about the status and progressof individual amendments.