Red Flip Chart Summary

#1Theme – Harvesting Strategies

What TOC 3 areas would you recommend for development of harvesting strategies to mitigate timber supply impacts?

  1. Inventory - to enable harvest prioritization
  2. % Species
  3. Date of death
  4. Spatially explicit
  5. Site index
  6. Harvest Scheduling
  7. Prioritize pine stands with least secondary structure
  8. Prioritize high % pine stands
  9. Determine species thresholds for harvest / deferral decision
  10. sam
  11. Practices
  12. Regen protection
  13. Partial cutting
  14. Ensure cost neutrality via appraisal

#2Theme – Policy around landuse

What are 2 key recommendations for landuse policy to mitigate impacts to mid term timber supply?

  1. Maintain and enhance professional reliance
  2. Coordinate LUP with 1 set of objectives for all agencies
  3. Dissolve ILMB and have one agency (MOFR) for LUP.
  4. Access management planning for all users to support their tenures
  5. Look at Bio objectives and ask “Are they constraining midterm?”
  6. Relax LU constraints on timber harvest
  7. Assess LRMP objectives in light of MPB epidemic and improved inventory knowledge
  8. We need spatial standards for planning and monitoring (spatial – what to harvest, what not to harvest)
  9. Better manage mixed wood stands
  10. Consolidate TSA’s
  11. Explore uses of dead pine after shelf life

#3Theme – Silviculture Strategies

What 3 top areas would you recommend for development of Silviculture strategies to mitigate mid term timber supply impacts?

  1. Design silv strategy to incorporate specialized land use objectives
  2. Mixed wood strategy
  3. Investigate understory component - collect data evaluate effectiveness for timber
  4. Silvics. Trust – oil and gas
  5. Non traditional harvest systems (partial cut)
  6. Increase use of genetic (seed)
  7. Leave fire disturbed stands to regenerate
  8. Fertilization
  9. Use current trail results to inform strategy
  10. Minimize regen delay
  11. project future growth in Pl
  12. Leave natural regen
  13. Sec Structures access province
  14. Unsalvaged stand management
  15. Stocking standards – review
  16. Acceptability / advanced regen
  17. Species – deciduous
  18. Max density and optimal density
  19. Maintain / protect sec structure
  20. Stand rehab / priority stands

#4Themes – Incentives

What would be two key incentives for mitigating mid term supply impacts?

  1. Cost theme
  2. Timber pricing policies tat are cost neutral
  3. Cost allowances for partial cutting in real time to promote protection of advanced regen
  4. Accommodate innovation through the appraisal system
  5. Haul differentials between districts for increased haul distances
  6. Stumpage credits for stands indicating negative rates
  7. Performance based rewards
  8. Deadwood off quota when passes through a defined quality threshold
  9. Stumpage for stands W/O secondary structure less expensive
  10. Reduce upset on marginal stands component until they sell (BCTS – specific)
  11. Other theme
  12. Continuity of log supply (community and business stability)
  13. ABCFP directive for ethical responsibility for forest professionals to sustain timber supply in BC
  14. BCTS to explore innovative practices as baseline for MPS
  15. Private sector partnerships
  16. Communication to generate public and political support