Please explain this disclaimer first:

“I am about to demonstrate the Smith System from behind the wheel. Because I'm human, I may make a few mistakes. If I do, I apologize in advance. And I hope you will forgive me if I don't talk about everything I can see. My mind can analyze far more objects than I can possibly discuss. If there are no other questions now, I will ask you to hold any comments or questions you may have about the commentary until I finish driving.”

  1. Describe best hand position due to airbag (if applicable).
  2. Explain checking over your shoulder before entering traffic.

3.Mention Key #1 – Aim High In Steering by name with example

  1. Discuss the importance of scanning intersections before entry.
  2. When stopped at a light, explain why you allow the vehicle in front to move for several seconds before accelerating.
  3. Describe what you are looking for in parked vehicles.
  4. List some reasons for braking early.
  5. Demonstrate the 4-second (or greater) following distance.

9.Mention Key #2 – Get The Big Picture by name with example

  1. Clarify why you leave a car length between vehicles at a stopped position.
  2. Show that you are not losing time or holding up traffic when pacing lights.
  3. Point out the poor driving habits of other motorists.
  4. Identify packs or clusters in traffic.
  5. Demonstrate obtaining eye contact.

15.Key #5 – Make Sure They See You

  1. Explain stale and fresh lights.

17.Key #4 – Leave Yourself An Out

  1. Demonstrate and Ddefine the lane of least resistance.
  2. Describe the reasons for stopping one car length behind the crosswalk.
  3. Point out and define tire to ground contact.
  4. Demonstrate and define the point of no return.
  5. Comment on why we check the mirror as we use the brake.
  6. Explain that the light isn't green until the brake lights go out and the vehicle ahead starts to roll.
  7. Demonstrate the 15-second eye lead-time.
  8. Stress that the mirrors should be checked every 5 to 8 seconds.
  9. Define convenience and emergency lane changes.
  10. When appropriate, apply Key #1 by name.


  1. When appropriate, apply Key #2 by name.
  2. When appropriate, apply Key #3 by name.
  3. When appropriate, apply Key #4 by name.
  4. When appropriate, apply Key #5 by name.
  5. Contrast your space, visibility and options with another driver lacking these.
  6. Demonstrate and explain proper turn signal timing when changing lanes or turning.
  7. Comment on your parking choice and the benefits of seeking alternatives to backing.

5 Driving Objectives:

1. Space

2. Visibility

3. Time

4. Reaction

5. Pre-action


Are there any questions?

Does it make sense?

© Copyright 1985, 2001, 2004 Smith System Driver Improvement Institute, Inc., Arlington, TX USA