Exam 1 Review
Supplemental Instruction
IowaStateUniversity / Leader: / Shelly
Course: / BIOL 101
Instructor: / Dr. Valenzuela
Date: / 1/26/15
  1. Which is the earliest step in the scientific process?
  1. Generating a hypothesis
  2. Analyzing data
  3. Conducting an experiment
  4. Drawing a conclusion
  5. Asking a question about an observation
  1. In a controlled experiment, which group receives the placebo?
  1. Experimental group
  2. Control group
  3. Scientist group
  4. Independent group
  5. All groups
  1. What is the dependent variable?
  1. Variable that is changed
  2. Question of the experiment
  3. Number of participants
  4. Measured in the experiment
  1. What does the cell theory state? Circle all that are correct
  1. Cells are created by breathing in oxygen
  2. When cells die there are no more to replace them
  3. All living things are made of cells
  4. Cells are created from existing cells
  1. True/False: Correlation equals causation.
  1. What is homeostasis?
  1. Maintaining equilibrium in the body
  2. Having too much energy to concentrate
  3. All the chemical reaction taking place in the cells
  4. Does not help adjust to new environment
  1. What are the five functional traits of life?
  1. Reproduction
  2. Curiosity
  3. Growth
  4. Breathing
  5. Homeostasis
  6. Eating meat
  7. Sense and respond to stimuli
  8. Obtain and use energy
  1. Which is positively charged?
  1. Neutron
  2. Electron
  3. Proton
  4. Nucleus
  1. What is an organic molecule composed of?
  1. Carbon and hydrogen bonds
  2. Carbon and oxygen bonds
  3. Hydrogen bonds
  4. Carbohydrate compounds
  1. What are the monomers of carbohydrates?
  1. Amino acids
  2. Nucleotides
  3. Lipids
  4. Monosaccharides
  1. What are the monomers of proteins?
  1. Nucleotides
  2. Disaccharides
  3. Lipids
  4. Amino acids
  1. What are hydrophilic molecules?
  1. Water fearing molecules
  2. Water loving molecules
  3. Don’t dissolve in water
  4. Tail of a phospholipid
  1. What is cohesion?
  1. Water molecules sticking to surfaces
  2. Substance where other substances dissolve
  3. Water molecules stick to each other
  4. Mixture of solute and solvent
  1. Our stomach contents are acidic/basic?
  1. What are viruses?
  1. Have many cells
  2. Have no cells
  3. They do not infect other cells
  4. The live in extreme conditions
  1. When an atom loses an electron, what happens?
  1. It becomes positive
  2. It becomes negative
  3. It becomes neutral
  4. Nothing happens
  5. Atoms cannot lose an electron because atoms have a defined number of electrons
  1. The basic building blocks of life are
  1. DNA
  2. Cells
  3. Proteins
  4. Phospholipids
  5. Inorganic molecules
  1. The cell membrane is made of? Circle all that are correct.
  1. Water
  2. Proteins
  3. Phospholipids
  4. Nucleotides
  1. What are diatoms?
  1. Protozoan
  2. Algae
  3. Bacteria
  4. Fungi
  5. Aquatic plant
  1. What do prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have in common? Circle all that are correct.
  1. Cell membrane
  2. Organelles
  3. Cytoplasm
  4. Nucleus
  5. Ribosome
  6. Mitochondria
  7. Genetic material
  1. What is a hypotonic solution? Circle all that are correct.
  1. Equal solute concentration in and out of the cell
  2. Higher solute concentration outside of the cell
  3. Higher solute concentration inside the cell
  4. Water flows out of the cell
  5. Water flows into the cell
  1. What makes bacterial cell wall rigid?
  1. Glycogen
  2. Peptidoglycan
  3. Phospholipids
  4. Water
  1. How do cell membrane phospholipids line up?
  1. Hydrophilic heads face the inside
  2. Hydrophobic heads face the outside
  3. Hydrophobic tails face the inside
  4. Hydrophilic tails face the outside
  1. What is simple diffusion?
  1. Large molecules cross the cell membrane
  2. Small molecules pass the cell membrane
  3. A transport protein is needed
  4. Energy is needed
  1. What does active transport need? Circle all that are correct.
  1. Energy
  2. Transport protein
  3. Nothing
  4. Carbohydrates.
  1. What are the functions of transport proteins? Circle all that are correct.
  1. Provide passageway
  2. Does not allow molecules to pass
  3. Acts as a channel, carrier, and pump
  4. Some need energy
  5. Move substances with or against concentration gradient
  1. What are plant cell walls composed of?
  1. Peptidoglycan
  2. DNA
  3. Cellulose
  4. Streptomycin
  1. What is the function of the mitochondria in a cell?
  1. Stores DNA
  2. Network of membrane pipes
  3. Packages and transports proteins
  4. Creates energy for the cell
  1. True/False: The smooth endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes.
  1. What is the function of the cytoskeleton? Circle all that are correct.
  1. Photosynthesis
  2. Cell support and movement
  3. Package and transport proteins
  4. Contains microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules
  1. Bacteria have ______cells; defined by the ______.
  1. Prokaryotic, cell wall
  2. Eukaryotic, organelles
  3. Eukaryotic, no cell wall
  4. Prokaryotic, no organelles
  5. Eukaryotic, no organelles
  1. Which of the following is associated with eukaryotic cells but not with prokaryotic cells?
  1. Cell membrane
  2. Cell wall
  3. DNA
  4. Ribosome
  5. Nucleus
  1. What is a catabolic reaction?
  1. Breaks complex molecules into simpler molecules
  2. Combines simple molecules to make complex molecules
  3. All reactions occurring in an organism
  4. A fast occurring chemical reaction
  1. What is a mineral? Circle all that are correct.
  1. An organic chemical element
  2. An inorganic chemical element
  3. Examples are calcium, iron, potassium
  4. Examples are thiamin, retinol, folate
  1. Which of the following are macronutrients? Circle all that are correct.
  1. Protein
  2. Iodine
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Fats
  5. All of the above
  1. Which of the following foods is a rich source of protein?
  1. Lean meat, such as chicken
  2. Whole grains
  3. Olive oil
  4. Leafy greens
  5. Berries
  1. What is the function of calcium?
  1. Bone and teeth formation
  2. Carries oxygen throughout the body
  3. Electrolyte balance
  4. Muscle contractions
  1. What is the function of vitamin K?
    A. calcium absorption

B. synthesis of blood clotting factors

C. Improves iron absorption and immunity

D. Cofactor for enzymes involved in energy metabolism

39. True/ False: It is not harmful to the body if you eat too much of a vitamin or mineral.

40. What does an enzyme do for a reaction? Circle all that are correct.

A. Increases the activation energy

B. Reduces the activation energy

C. Speeds up the reaction

D. Slows down the reaction

E. Produces less product

F. Produces more product

41. True/False: A balanced diet includes fruit, vegetable, and whole grains.

42. What is a substrate?

A. speeds up a chemical reaction

B. molecule to which an enzyme binds

C. energy required for a chemical reaction

D. Nutrients organisms must ingest

43. What is the function of a lysosome?

A. Contain digestive enzymes to break down cellular molecules

B. Aid in cell movement

C. Capture light energy and use it for energy

D. Process and package proteins for the cell

44. What is endosymbiosis?

A. Help form organelles in eukaryotic cells

B. Produces useable energy for the cell

C. States that mitochondria and chloroplast have DNA as well as the nucleus

D. Stores proteins for the cell