K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc.

20811 Dubarry Trail

Farmington, MN 55024


Traditional Dog Boarding Contract

I hereby waive and release K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc., it’s employees and officers from any and all liability of any nature for any injury, death, or loss of my dog resulting from K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc. actions or from the action of my dog or any other dog while in the custody of, or on the grounds or surrounding area of K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc. not resulting from the negligence of K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc.

If my dog(s) causes injury to another dog or to a person while at K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc., I agree to indemnify and subrogate K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc. from any action which may be brought against it and for any defense or judgment entered against K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc.

The owner of the herein named pet specifically represents that he/she is the sole owner of said pet and that there are not now any liens or encumbrances against said animal.

Should my pet should become ill or seem to be in need of emergency medical attention, K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc. will try to contact me and discuss the situation. If I, the owner can not be contacted, K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc. at its sole discretion, reserves the right to take any and all action necessary to secure the well-being and health of my pet including authorizing any medical attention deemed necessary. Either my veterinarian or the nearest emergency veterinarian will be contacted to provide emergency medical care. I agree to reimburse K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc. for any expenses incurred in securing the well-being and health of my pet. In addition I, the owner, will be held liable for paying all incurred veterinarian bills.

All charges incurred by the owner of the pet shall be payable upon pick-up of the pet. The pet will not be released until all charges are paid in full. If the owner does not pick up the pet within 3 calendar days after the day the pet was due to be picked-up, the pet shall be deemed abandoned and turned over to the proper authorities to be humanely destroyed.

The owner of the pet specifically represents to K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc. that the pet has not been ill, exposed to rabies, distemper, parvo virus, canine cough, or other contagious diseases within a thirty day period prior to boarding.

Only pets that have been fully vaccinated may be boarded at K9 to 5 and Beyond Inc. All vaccinations need to be up-to-date at least one week prior to boarding. Puppies must have at least two rounds of puppy shots. It is the owners’ responsibility to have a proof of vaccination record from their veterinary clinic prior to boarding their pet. K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc. will refuse the right to board a pet if vaccinations are not current or no proof of vaccinations is on record.

The following vaccinations are required:



Bordetella (Canine Cough)

Canine Cough can be contracted any time your dog comes into contact with another dog. All dogs boarded at K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc. must show proof of a bordetella vaccine, but the bordetella vaccine is like the human flu shot and does not immunize all dogs against all strains of canine cough. K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc. and its staff will in no way be held liable for any strain of canine cough my dog may contract while being boarded. While rarely life threatening, it can be expensive to treat.

It is strongly suggested by K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc. that your pet be on a flea & tick preventive along with heartworm preventative.

This contract contains the entire agreement between the owner of the pet and K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc. All terms and conditions of this contract shall be binding on the heirs, administrators, personal representatives and assigns of owner and K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc.

The provisions in this agreement apply to any future time the undersigned owner boards the same named pet at K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc. This agreement will only be signed once.

Pets name

Owners name

(Print and Signature)

K9 to 5 & Beyond Inc.
