Agape Couples Ministry

“Keys To divorce-proofing your marriage” - Saturday May 28, 2016


(Please Print)
Person # 1
Last name:
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/ First name:
Click here to enter text.
☐ Mr. ☐ Mrs.
☐ Ms. ☐ Miss
☐ Other / Marital status (check one)
☐ Single ☐ Mar ☐ Div.☐ Sep. ☐ Wid. / Sex:
☒ M ☐ F / Wedding/Anniversary date: YYYY/MM/DD
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / Province:
Click here to enter text. / Postal Code:
Click here to enter text.
Phone no.: / Email address:
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Person # 2
* ☐ Same address as above
Last name:
Click here to enter text. / First name:
Click here to enter text.
☐ Mr. ☐ Mrs.
☐Ms. ☐ Miss
☐ Other / Marital status (check one)
☐ Single ☐ Mar ☐ Div.☐ Sep. ☐ Wid. / Sex:
☐ M ☐ F / Wedding/Anniversary date: YYYY/MM/DD
☐ (Same as above)
* Address:
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / Province:
Click here to enter text. / Postal Code:
Click here to enter text.
Phone no.:
Click here to enter text. / Email address:
Click here to enter text.


Registration Fee Information / Payment / OFFICE USE ONLY
☐ $ 50 – Per Couple (Before May 1, 2016)
☐ $ 60 – Per Couple (After May 1, 2016)
☐ $ 30 – Single Registration / ☐ Cash
☐ Email Transfer *
* Email funds to
(Send password in a separate email) /
Dietary Needs:
☐ Vegetarian
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☐ Facebook
☐ Other (please explain): Click here to enter text.
☐ / We do respect your privacy. Please check box if you DO NOT want to receive emails for upcoming KCLC events. / Any future topics/events that would be of interest to you? (Please explain).
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Kingsway Community Life Centre Loving Couples Back to Life and Destiny