
A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)

12th edition (2007)


People: W-

(other than writers, artists, scientists, intellectuals, saints and main political rulers)

Waad, William

Secretary to Elizabeth I of England, c. 1600.

Waad, William. Letter to David Cecil, on Abraham Edwardes. Calendar of the Manuscripts of . . . the Marquis of Salisbury. 18 vols. London, 1904. 10.172-3.

Wafer, Lionel


Wafer, Lionel. A New Voyage. 1699.

Wakeman, George (Sir)

Physician to Queen Caroline, 1680s.


Lagoni, Frederike. Fiktionales versus faktuales Erzählen fremden Bewusstseins. (Narratologia, 53). Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2016.* (Represented speech; represented thought; Goethe, Wilhelm Meister; George Foster, Cook der Entdecker; Eduard Mörike, Maler Nolten; Karl Falkenstein, Kosciuszko; Gottfried Keller, Der grüne Heinrich; Friedrich Meinecke, Hermann von Boyen; Thomas Mann, Der Zauberberg; Ernst Kantorowicz, Kaiser Friedrich der Zweite; Sten Nadolny, Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit; Golo Mann, Wallenstein).

Walsingham, Francis (Sir) (c. 1530-1590)

English statesman, Secretary of State 1573-90


Lane, Jane. Conies in the Hay: A Novel. Davies, 1973. (Walsingham, Paris, 1586).

Watson, T. Eclogue upon Death of Walshingham. 1590. Rpt. Arber.

Walter (General)

El general Walter. Delsan, c. 2012.

Ward, John

News from the Sea of Ward the Pirate. Pamphlet on John Ward. Early 17th?

Waterford, Louisa, Marchioness of

Surtees, Virginia, ed. Sublime and Instructive. Letters from John Ruskin to Louisa, Marchioness of Waterford, Anna Blunden, and Ellen Heaten. London: Joseph, 1972.

Watt, James

British engineer, improved steam engine, 1769.

Internet resources

"James Watt." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*


Wegener, Einar

Danish artist, underwent sex-change operation in 1930.

Welby (Lady)

Peirce, C. S., and Victoria Lady Welby. Semiotic and Significs: The Correspondence between Charles S. Peirce and Victoria Lady Welby. Ed. C. S. Hardwick. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1977.

Peirce, C. S. Excerpts from Letters to Lady Welby (1906-08). In The Essential Peirce: Selected Philosophical Writings. Volume 2 (1893-1913). Ed. Nathan Houser et al. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1998. 477-91.* (on semiotics).

Related works

Peirce, Charles S. From Letters to Lady Welby. In Critical Theory since 1965. Ed.. Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle. Tallahassee: UPs of Florida / Florida State UP, 1986. 1990. 639-45.*

Wellington (Duke of)

Hibbert, Christopher. Wellington: A Personal History. London: HarperCollins, 1997.

Weller, Jac. Wellington in India. London: Longman, 1972.


Tennyson, A. "Ode" on the Death of Wellington. 1852.


Beethoven. Wellingtons Sieg oder die Schlacht bei Vittoria op. 91. 1813. Berliner Philharmoniker / Herbert von Karajan. Prod. 1969. In Orchesterwerke - Bühnenmusik. 5 CDs. (Complete Beethoven Edition, vol. 3). Hamburg: Deutsche Grammophon, 1997.* (Wellington's Victory, or The Battle of Vitoria / "Battle Symphony").

Thomas Wentworth, Earl Strafford

Browning. Strafford.

Kearney, Hugh. Strafford in Ireland 1633-41. 1959.

Rushworth, John., ed. The Tryal of Thomas Earl of Strafford. 1680.

Wedgwood, C. V. Strafford.

Weston, Richard (Sir); Earl of Portland

Alexander, Michael. Charles I's Lord Treasurer: Sir Richard Weston Earl of Portland. Preface by A. Rowe. North Carolina UP, 1975.

Wharton (Thomas, Earl of)

Swift, Jonathan. A Short Character of T[homas] E[arl of] W[harton]. 1711.

Whittington, Dick

Heywood, Thomas. The Famovs and Remarkable History of Sir Richard Whittington. 1656. In Literature Online: Early English Prose Fiction. Cambridge: Chadwick-Healey.

Wild, Jonathan

British racketeer and thief gang leader, hanged 1725.

Howson, Gerald. Thief-Taker General: The Rise and Fall of Jonathan Wild. London: Hutchinson, 1970.

_____. It Takes a Thief: The Life and Times of Jonathan Wild. Cresset, 1987.

Mackay, Charles. "Popular Admiration of Great Thieves." In Mackay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. Ware: Wordsworth, 1995. 632-46.*


Fielding, Henry. The Life of Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great. Satirical novel. In Fielding, Miscellanies. Vol. 3. 1743.

Wildman, John

Ashley, Maurice. John Wildman. 1947.

Wilkinson, John.

English industrialist (18th c.)

Wilkinson, Robert

Clergyman, fl. 1607.

William the Marshal

Duby, Georges. Guillermo el Mariscal. Madrid: Alianza.

Williamson, Joseph

Retired tobacco merchant and philantropist, built a network of tunnels under Liverpool.

Internet resources

Friends of Williamson Tunnels


Wilson, Henry (Henry Jeremiah Jones Colbath Wilson, 1812-1875)

US politician, vice-president of the US 1873-75.

Winchester (Marchioness of)


Milton, John. "An Epitaph on the Marchioness of Winchester." Poem. In Poems. 1645.

_____. "An Epitaph on the Marchioness of Winchester." In The Poetical Works of John Milton. London: Bliss Sands & Co., n.d. [c. 1898] 315.*

_____. "An Epitaph on the Marchioness of Winchester." Poem. In Poems. 1645. In The Poems of John Milton. Ed. H. Darbishire. London: Oxford UP, 1961. 16-18.*

Windsor (House of)

Prince Henry

García Landa, José Angel. (In that very line, vile participation). In García Landa, Blog de notas 13 Jan. 2005.


Withers, Henry


Pope, Alexander. "On General Henry Withers, In Westminster-Abbey, 1729." Epitaph. In The Poetical Works of Pope. Ed A. W. Ward. London: Macmillan, 1879. 459.*

Wolford, George (Dartmouth College).

Wright brothers

(Wilbur Wright, Orville Wright, built first successful airplane 1903)


Perrine, Laurence. "Two brothers devised what at sight." Poem. In Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. By Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson. 8th ed. Boston (MA): Thomson Learning-Heinle & Heinle, 2002. 863.*

Wriothesley, Henry (Earl of Southampton) (b. 1573)

Shakespeare's patron, involved in the Earl of Essex' conspiracy, imprisoned by Queen Elizabeth.

Akrigg, G. P. V. Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton. 1968.

Wuormos, Aileen

US prostitute, serial killer, executed.


Monster. Writer and dir. Patty Jenkins. Cast: Charlize Theron, Christina Ricci, Bruce Dern, Lee Tergesen, Annie Corley, Scott Wilson. Musc by BT and Howard Paar. Coprod. Brent Morris. Prod. des. Edward T. McAvoy. Ed. Jane Kurson and Arthur Coburn. Photog. Steven Bernstein. Exec. prod. Sammy Lee, Meagan Riley-Grant, Stewart Hall, Andreas Grosch, Andreas Schmid. Prod. Charlize Theron, Mark Damon, Clark Peterson, Donald Kushner, Brad Wyman. Media 8 Entertainment / DEJ Productions / KW Productions / Denver & Delilah Films, 2003. DVD: Prism Leisure, 2005.* (Prostitute who is a serial killer, based on the Aileen Wuormos case).

Sir Thomas Wyatt the Younger (1521-1554)

Son of Sir Thomas Wyatt; rebel leader against Mary Tudor, executed.

"Thomas Wyatt the Younger."



Morley, Henry. "The Globe in a Square." Household Words 12 July 1851. Online at Rhode Island College.* (Wyld).