BID Advisory Action Items

Wednesday, Apr 13, 2016 6:15pm



PDA BoardKarla Schikore, Holly Wick, Marie Schmittroth, JoAnn Ritko Pozzi

Guest None

Merchants None

Next MeetingNEXT MEETING – May 11, 2016


  1. Introductions made
  1. 2016 BID Budget/Billing/Receipts/Collections (Karla)

a)As of 4.11.16 324 businesses have paid their BID

b)$41,534 collected as of this date. This amount reflects what was collected in total in past years. Last year we collected nearly $70k

c)309 Businesses not collected.

d)Mungle will send out notices to unpaid businesses by month end with a demand letter

e)Karla will ask for report of paid/unpaid after due date, along with the monthly comparison report year over year. Karla to advise Mungle & Assoc.

f)Mungle is assessing a method to send out notices for the collections for those who have not paid in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.

  1. There are a total of 340 businesses that have not paid their BID 2012 thru 2015. The unpaid businesses break down as follows (these are rough %’s).
  • 25% unpaid years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
  • 25% unpaid years 2012, 2013, 2014
  • 25% unpaid years 2012, 2013
  • 25% unpaid 2015 only

g)Phase 1 to bill businesses never billed: We billed out about 2 dozen businesses in Phase 1 of businesses never billed, and we collected an additional $6.5k

h)Phase 2 to bill businesses never billed Holly walked Petaluma Blvd & has a list of those business never billed in zones A, B, C. Holly submitted the list to Mungle & Assoc. for billing

i)Phase 3 Washington Street (Lakeville to Howard) – completed by Holly & that report was sent to Mungle and Assoc to compare and bill those who have never been billed.

j)Phase 4 will be completed as follows: If completed before next meeting, lists to be sent to Karla to get to Mungle & assoc. Our continuing goal is to maximize collections for BID. All in progress.

Kentucky StreetWashington to D StreetRegina

Western AvenuePetaluma Blvd to HowardMarie S.

B StreetRiver to HowardRegina

Keller StreetWashington to D StreetMarie S.

C StreetWashington to WesternHolly

  1. Camera Update: Contract expires May 2016. Monies that were previously used for cameras will now go to security for specific events downtown or key times, for example, the holidays.
  1. Downtown Sidewalk Sale July 21-July 23, 2016 are the confirmed dates for next sidewalk sale for 2016
  1. Sidewalk Sale Banner to be hung on D Street confirmed by Holly & Jenny, it will be hung prior to the River Festival so will be viewed by thousands of people.
  2. Holly confirmed the post it note advertising in the Press Democrat for July 17.
  1. Butter & Egg Days Retail Items –
  • Children’s train hats purchased & received.
  • Children’s train whistles purchased & received
  • Shopping bags
  • All items priced for sale at parade.
  • Hat & button
  • Hat, button, whistle
  • Hat, button, whistle, bag
  • Separate cots for all items as well
  1. BID Downtown Marketing –
  2. We sent out email reminders about the BID meeting to the downtown merchants to attend the BID meetings. Will need to coordinate with the new marketing group to determine best approach for merchant ideas, marketing for downtown et.
  3. No discussion of other items discussed
  1. Plant Beautification –
  2. group trying to determine best approach due to water draught. However, the group wants to have hanging plants in the downtown core this year as a test.
  3. Summary attached of ideas/costs.
  4. Karla will contact John Brown to see if the city is willing to assist with the maintenance of the hanging baskets.
  5. The biggest issue is not purchasing the baskets, but the daily maintenance that is required.
  1. Meet with the City –Marie Schmittroth went to the city to obtain information for the following to see what assistance/money the city can provide. Still in progress
  2. Sidewalk repairs& cleaning
  • Downtown Petaluma Entry Sign– possible city art budget?
  • General Maintenance
  • Keep Petaluma Clean concept
  • Parking Garage health & safety issues
  1. Parking –
  2. Holly gave an update on the parking and the committee she is chairing. Meetings underway.
  1. Security PatrolsKarla will follow up with Marie to ask the patrol services company to attend a BID meeting to give an overview on what they do, how often, and to listen to what recommendations they may have for improvements. More monies are set aside beginning in May for Security as the camera contract is expired at that time.
  1. NextMeeting:
  2. Wed May 11, 2016 – 6:15pm – 8:00pm
  1. Meeting adjourned

Karla Schikore - 2016 Board Treasurer & BID Chair