Key Concept 6.1 Science and the Environment / Answer
Concepts & Relevant Examples in underline / “Facts”
  • How did science affect humans’ conception of the natural world in the 20th century? What new technologies and discoveries affected this conception?
What new technologies in
communication and
transportation, and how did
they impact conceptions
about size and distance?
What new scientific
paradigms changed the way
people understood the
natural world and humans
How did scientific
discoveriesaffect humans’
ability to feed themselves?
How did medical innovations
affect humans’ survival
What new energy
technologies affected the
20th century? / New understandings of science affected humans’ conception of the natural world caused development of new technologies. They understood This led to population growth, and humans found new ways to interact with nature and the environment. New scientific discoveries like Newton’s laws
Advances in transportation such as automobiles helped people and cargo get from place to place faster and safer. New technology like the telephoneproduced quicker and more efficient communications. This impacted conception about distance because it became less of a problem both regionally and globally. Internet, planes.
New scientific paradigms changed the way humans understood the world. The theory of relativity(changed ideas of the laws of the universe) and the big bang theoryprovided a better understanding of physics and how the earth/planets work. Quantum mechanics worked with physics and the atom and led to more discoveries chemically and scientifically. Psychologyand working with the brain & human interactions helped understanding in behavior of the average thought process. It also led to more progress in understanding mental illnesses.
Genetically modified crops allowed farmers to produce bigger and more plentiful crops that grew quickly- which led to more food for growing population. The Green Revolution helped spread the new ideas of hybrid & genetically modified crops. With bigger & faster growing crops, there was a food surplus that caused the population to grow rapidly. After the Great Depression led to the Green Revolution.
Medical innovations provided safer and more reliable medicines and procedures. The polio vaccine ceased the spread of polio increased the ability of humans to survive. Antibiotics made it easier and more effective for people to get medicine for common illnesses. The artificial heart allows people to live longer lives.
The use of oil became one of the main energy sources and helped grow industries and regional wealth (oil discoveries, companies). Nuclear powerwas used for power and warfare. Renewable energies like solar power and hydroelectricity decreased the amount of nonrenewable energy used and increased production. /
  • provide some examples of your own here with attention to cot
  • Einstein’s theory of relativity
  • Quantum mechanics
  • the Big Bang theory
  • psychology
  • genetically modified crops
  • hybrid crops
  • Green Revolution
  • polio vaccine & Jonas Salk
  • antibiotics-penicillin
  • artificial heart
  • oil (early)
  • nuclear
  • “green” energies, renewables

  • How did humans’ relationship to the environment change in the 20th century? What negative consequences in the 20th century accompanied the benefits of industrialization?
/ The population explosion caused by food surpluses led to limited resources. More goods needed to be produced faster to keep up with expansion, which caused deforestation. Because of deforestation, desertification of once good growing land happened. Waste from factories and industrial plants created greenhouse gases and began global warming (continues today) /
  • population explosion and limited resources
  • greenhouse gases and global warming
  • desertification
  • deforestation

  • What caused some of the major demographic changes of the 20th century? A general answer here.
Disease contributed. What
were some diseases
associated with poverty that
continued to threaten human
survival? Where were these
a major problem in the
What new, emergent
epidemic diseases
threatened humans?
What diseases associated
with more sedentary
lifestyles and longer life
expectancies became a new
  • How did technology regarding birth control and family planning impact global demographic patterns?
  • How did new military technology affect wartime casualties?
How did new tactics affect
wartime casualties? / Disease and migrations caused demographic changes. Because of the diseases without cures in developing countries killed off large amounts of the population, and those that didn’t die migrated to other areas. Immigration caused by richer nations, GMOs and flexibility led to population increase while wars led to decrease.
Diseases like malaria and cholera were associated with poverty because malaria spread into African regions hard to reach by most doctors and there was little treatment. Cholera came from unsafe drinking water/ contaminated food. These were a major problem because 20th century technology was not fit to find cures for some of the diseases like tuberculosis and transportation was not as advanced yet.
New diseases such as the 1918 influenza pandemic threatened survival. In the later part of the 20th9century HIV/AIDS emerged and then in the 21st century the Ebola virus(both have no cure) spread and caused panic.
Changing lifestyles to people becoming more sedentary due to the decreased need for physical labor led to higher chances of diabetes and heart disease. Increased life expectancy brought about Alzheimer’s.
The birth control pillgave women better control over pregnancy. Less unplanned babies were born in a family which helped keep population in control. In rural areas where there was more need for children to help families, more children were born than in the urban. It also led to different sexual practices for younger & unmarried men/women.
New military technologysuch as tanks, airplanes and the atomic bomb made it easier for a military to wipe out another military/fortress/city, without losing too many men on their own side. Machine guns could fire more bullets faster. The casualties became larger and more devastating.
Trench warfare was created to fight for days while being protected on either side of a large area. Firebombing minimized the use of actual bombs in populated areas, in order to damage the area significantly. These tactics led to horrible casualties and environmental damage in places like Hiroshima and Dresden.Nanjing with the execution of thousands. /
  • Malaria
  • TB
  • Cholera
  • 1918 influenza pandemic
  • Ebola virus
  • Diabetes
  • heart disease
  • Alzheimer’s
  • “the pill
  • machine guns
  • tanks
  • airplanes
  • nuclear weapons—the atom bomb
  • trench warfare
  • firebombing
  • Hiroshima, Dresden, Nanjing

Key Concept 6.2 Global Conflicts and their Consequences / Answer
Concepts & Relevant Examples in underline / “Facts”
  • How did the overall global political order shift as the century progressed? What did NOT change?
Older, land-based empires
such as the Ottoman,
Russian, and Qing empires
collapsed. What external and
internal factors contributed to
Colonies gained
Some colonies gained
independence through
Other colonies achieved
independence via armed
struggle. / At the beginning of the 20th century, Europedominated the global political order (Japan, Russia, and U.S.) Throughout the years, other political orders tried to restructure the system, and redistribute power. European leaders tried to remain in power. Nations became more democratic.
Economic struggles, political and social resentment, and military defeat caused the collapse of Ottoman, Russian, and Qing empires. In Russia, the power struggle between Lenin and Trotsky led to years of political problems under Stalin. They lost the Russo- Japanese war and weakened the state. In china, the empress Cixi is held responsible for the collapse for the Qing dynasty, despite her efforts to change China for the better. Spheres of influence weakened china due to rebellions within. Mustapha Kemal (cultural /economic reforms, Turkification, Kemalism) loss of territory and wars, weakened by Greek Revolution.
India and the Gold Coast gained independence from the British empire in 1947. Colonies in Algeria and Vietnam gained independence from the French in 1954, and Angola from the Portuguesein 1975.African colonies, Asian colonies all after world war 2 and in the following decades.
India and the Gold Coast had to negotiate their freedom with Britain, in things like the Partition of India in 1947. The Partition created sovereign states of Pakistan/Bangladesh and the Republic of India. The Gold Coast eventually gained independence under the name of Ghana in 1957.
Colonies like Algeria and Vietnam had armed fights for independence from the French. The Algerian War for Independence was between France and the Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN) and lasted 1954-1962. Vietnam’s communist leader, Ho Chi Minh, declared independence soon after Japan surrendered to the allies in WW2. However, the French invaded the country and began the 8 year war in the ate 60s to early 70s. After the French lost a major battle in Minh Dien Ben Phu, peace negotiations were made. /
  • Mustapha Kemal/Ataturk
  • Lenin and Trotsky
  • Dowager empress Cixi
  • Partition of India 1947
  • Gold Coast
  • Algeria and the FLN
  • Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh
Dien Bien Phu
  • What new anti-imperial movements challenged the status quo during the age of imperial rule and contributed to the end of empires and the restructuring of states?
Nationalist leaders and their
Regional, religious, and
ethnic movements
challenged both imperial rule
inherited colonial boundaries
Some transnational
movements sought to unite
people across national
Movements to redistribute
land and resources
developed in Latin America,
Africa, and Asia sometimes
advocating socialism and
Communism…why? / Anti-imperialism ideas contributed to the dissolution of empires and the restructuring of states. Non-violent and violent movements were made against imperialism along with global wars. Xhosa cow killing, ghost dance, satyagraha, and the Taiping rebellion
Nationalist leaders such as Mohandas Gandhi, Ho Chi Minh or Kwame Nkrumah in challenged the imperial rule in Asia & Africa. Gandhi used civil disobedience (satyagraha) to win independence from the British. Kwame Nkrumahhad to negotiate for freedom of Ghana. Ho Chi Minh won independence for Vietnam after battling the French and enforcing communism for 8 years.
Muhammad Ali Jinnahand the Muslim league were founded in 1905 and challenged both colonialism and inherited imperial boundaries, pushed for “home rule.” Several diverse political groups came together to form the Quebecois in the 1960’s. They pushed for independence of the Quebec region from Canada. No success. The Biafra movement was towards securing the resurgence of an ethnic oriented redrawing of boundaries in Nigeria.
There were movements to redistribute land and resources in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.Sometimescommunism and socialism were involved in these movements. Pan-Arabism is connected to Arab nationalism, and wanted one Arab state to unite the Arab World (opposed western political involvement). Pan-Africanism was similar, in wanting the solidarity of Africans worldwide. The movement believes that unity is vital to social and political progress and wants to unify Africans.
Capitalism left massive wage gaps between the tycoons and the workers, especially with foreign investments, so socialist and communist governments arose to fix weak economies and level the gap between the rich and poor, as well as give back to the people the land they deserve.
Population resettlements caused redrawing of old boundaries. Former colonials (South Asians, Algerians, and Filipinos) to imperial metropoles (Britain, France, U.S.) continued cultural and economic ties between colonies even after the end of empires. /
  • Mohandas K. Gandhi and non-violence (satyagraha)
  • Ho Chi Minh
  • Kwame Nkrumah
  • Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the Muslim League in British India
  • The Quebecois separatist movement
  • The Biafra secessionist movement
  • Pan-Arabism
  • Pan-Africanism
  • communism

  • Along with political changes, what demographic and social changes occurred?
What were some major
population resettlements
related to the redrawing of
old colonial boundaries?
What are some examples of
former colonial peoples
migrating to former imperial
metropoles?Why did this
How did the proliferation of
conflicts lead to ethnic
violence such as attempts at
How did the proliferation of
conflicts lead to
displacement of peoples? / Industrialize nations stopped gaining population numbers, social Darwinism was mostly discredited, the caste system took major blows, and enlightenment thinking broke many racial and ethnic barriers.
From 1947-1957 there was a resettlement of refugees in Pakistan that came from the Punjab in India and vice versa. After WW2, the Middle East along with other African territories was divided into mandatory states by the League of Nations. The Jewish population of Israel and Arabs of Palestine under British rule has been in a deep conflict since the 20th century. The closely packed territories promote cultural and social fighting and constant hatred. Many peoples also went back to their respective metropoles.
Peoples moved to the metropoles because they felt more in touch with their modernized nations. South Asians went to Britainto work in the labor force and wanted to better their lives. Algeriansmoved to Francefor the same reason, theywanted to work in big industries with good wages. Filipinos came to the United States for farm and industry labor.
Armenian people threatened/ used the Turkish government as an excuse for their loss in the war. This caused the Armenian Genocide, when they tried to get rid of all of the Armenians. The Holocaust was an attempt to kill off the entire Jewish population. Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany’s failure and financial debt from WW1 and ended up killing about 6 million. The Khmer Rouge went after those who spread Western ideas in Cambodia, and ended up killing almost 2 million people in the killing fields.In Rwanda, the favored group of Africans (Tutsis), were given better jobs by Belgium. The Hutus took over the newly independent government and a war between Tutsis and Hutus broke out. 800k Tutsis were killed.
The Palestinianswere displaced by Jewish people. .Israeli (Jewish population) victory in the Arab-Israeli war produced Palestinian refugees and the Palestinian/Israeli conflict remains a problem today. In western Sudan there was fighting between the non-muslim Sudanese government and muslim rebels. The civil war caused many people to flee from the violence and become Darfurian refugees. /
  • India/Pakistan partition
  • Israeli/Palestinian question
  • Division of the Middle East into mandates
  • South Asians to Britain
  • Algerians to France
  • Filipinos to the US
  • Armenia
  • The Holocaust
  • Cambodia
  • Rwanda
  • Palestinians
  • Darfurians

  • How were WWI and WWII the first “total wars”? What are the defining characteristics of total war?
How did states mobilize all
their peoples in order to
wage war? / Governments involved all of their resources in the wars. Troops were made up of people from country and colonies. Much of the female population finally had a role in the war, like helping out in factories in the home country. Resources were pulled from all of the colonies to fund the war effort.
WW1 and WW2 had all these attributes.
Conscription drafted soldiers into the army. Gurkhas from India were conscripted by the British army. The ANZACs, or the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps, were conscripted by the British to the battle of Gallipoli. /
  • Gurkhas from India
  • conscription

  • What were the causes of global conflict in the 20th c.? i.e. WWI and WWII
  • How did the balance of global power shift in the middle of the 20th century after the end of WWII
  • What new alliances and new types of conflicts did the Cold War era produce?
  • How did the Cold War end?
/ Rivalries between ethnic groups, conflict between Germany and Britain, the Great Depression, Imperialism, nationalism, and expansion of European and Japanese powers.
WWII led to the United States and the Soviet Union becoming superpowers of the world. A capitalist/ communist ideological struggle between the two superpowers began. The U.S. had allies in Latin America and the Middle East. The US wanted to help out any non-communist governments. The USSR had influence in Eastern Europe along with China and other communist governments.
The United States developed NATO (a military defense agreement for alliances) during the Cold War. CENTO, (Central Treaty Organization) was an alliance between Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Pakistan, and the U.K. SEATO was an alliance between the U.S., France, Australia, Britain, the Philippines, Thailand, and Pakistan to stop the spread of communism. The Warsaw Pact was a defense agreement between communist states in Europe. Proxy wars between the U.S. and USSR were not actually fighting each other but giving troops/supplies to a different war.