TAFE - ACADEMIC PROGRESS – ‘At Risk’ Academic Performance Improvement Plan
Office use only
Instructions: 1: This APIP is to be used when the student is participating in the development of their APIP. (For non-participating students, use the “Non Participation APIP” email.)
2. A copy of this plan will be provided to the student and the Secretary of the Student
Progress Committee.
3. Original to be placed on the student file. (If participation method is via email, please place a copy of the email communications in the student file too.)
Student Name / Student Number
Program / Semester identified as ‘at risk’
Participation method? (e.g. face-to-face, telephone, email) / Is this APIP an outcome of a withdrawn exclusion or UAC decision? / Yes / No
(pls circle)
Date of discussion / Location (i.e. for face-to-face interview)
Name & Title of Academic Advisor (please print)
Contact details for Course / Program Coordinator
A) / Details of poor academic performance (mark X all that apply):
Courses failed:
Failing (or been deemed no yet competent in) 50% or more of enrolled course load in a compulsory semester or academic teaching period
Failing the same course or received a final not yet competent NYC grade for a competency more than once
Has not met the timelines prescribed in the apprentices / trainees training plan
B) / Reasons and strategies provided by the student
Reason/s provided by Student for poor performance (e.g. personal or academic circumstance/s):
Strategies offered by the Student to address poor performance:
Was evidence provided by the student in relation to the poor performance?
* If yes, please ensure a copy of the evidence is placed on the student file with this form. / Yes* / No
C) / Please select and detail academic advisor’s recommendations to improve the student’s academic performance for the next enrolled period/s (mark X all that apply) :
[ ] Specific course enrolments ______
[ ] Advice to repeat failed course/s ______
[ ] Attendance requirements ______
[ ] Recommendation to reduce student load to ______
[ ] Recommendation of a period of leave of absence
[ ] Recommendation for student to achieve a balance of study and employment/personal commitments
[ ] Meet with ______to devise a workable program and study plan
[ x ] Stay in contact with your school academic staff on a regular basis
[ x ] Meet with course coordinator/s to ensure you are fully aware of the requirements of your course/s
[ x ] Ensure prior to enrolling in a course that you have satisfactorily completed all pre-requisite requirements
[ x ] Pass more than 50% of your enrolled course load, and not fail (or be deemed not yet competent in) any course more than once, in your next semester/term/teaching period.
[ ] Other – Please specify:
D) / Please indicate specific support and referral recommendations here (mark X all that apply):
[ ] Referral for specific learning skills development or other academic support e.g. the online RMIT Learning Lab at www.dlsweb.rmit.edu.au/lsu/ .
Tutorials and references offered online by Study & Learning Centre Learning Lab include:
[ ] Study skills [ ] Writing skills [ ] Maths essentials
[ ] Assessment tasks [ ] Referencing guides
[ ] RMIT Library guides and tutorials: www.rmit.edu.au/library/guides
[ ] Referral to disability support service (where available)
[ ] Referral to counselling service (where available)
[ ] Consideration of appropriateness of the program to the student’s career plans
[ ] Recommendation for student to consider applying to transfer to another program
[ ] Advice to improve english language skills
(Business students only)
[ ] Referencing using the Harvard Style: www.dlsweb.rmit.edu.au/bus/public/referencing
[ ] Written reports and essays - Guidelines for referencing and presentation: http://prodmams.rmit.edu.au/s9sx559hurvc.rtf
E) / Advisor and student signatures
Please enter the estimated new program completion date here: / Date
Advisor signature / Date
Student declaration and signature / This academic progress improvement plan is an action plan for me. It clarifies the expectations of the University in relation to my academic performance.
I understand that the University may use information in this plan to contact me to offer targeted support.
I take responsibility for following up the specific recommendations in my plan.
Signed: Date
You must achieve the academic performance targeted in this plan during your next semester/term of study if you wish to be eligible to continue in your program. Please note that two consecutive semesters/terms/teaching periods of unsatisfactory academic performance is grounds for cancelling your enrolment in your program (i.e. you will be excluded).
This is your opportunity to take the necessary steps to improve your academic performance.
It is strongly recommended that you seek the assistance of the appropriate specialist academic support through your study institute or online through the RMIT learning lab at www.dlsweb.rmit.edu.au/lsu/. You may also wish to consider seeking personal assistance through your family health practitioner or study institute’s student services.
You are also welcome to seek the assistance and representation of support services at RMIT. To contact a Student Rights Officers in the Student Union, refer to www.su.rmit.edu.au or telephone +61 3 9925 5004 for further details.
In addition to these services, your lecturers / teachers are also available for advice and assistance.
Special consideration
If during your next or subsequent semester/s of enrolment you experience unexpected or extenuating circumstances which are beyond your control and of a serious nature which meets the eligibility criteria as identified in the Special consideration policy, you are advised to apply for special consideration www.rmit.edu.au/students/specialconsideration.
Offshore Academic Progress Improvement Plan (TAFE)
Save Date: 21/04/2010
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