The [ENTER NAME OF AGENCY HERE] recognizes the importance of complying with the federal requirements for the National Incident Management System. We further acknowledge our role as an emergency responder as defined by the United States Department of Homeland Security.
The [ENTER NAME OF AGENCY HERE]has adopted the concepts and principles of NIMS, and names the [ENTER NAME OF AGENCY HERE] [ENTER NAME HERE] as our NIMS Coordinator to work with the Henry County Emergency Management Agency on any future NIMS compliance issues. Our agency has completed or will soon be completing the following actions as required for NIMS compliance:
1)[ENTER NAME OF AGENCY HERE]adopted NIMS at the appropriate level for all departments and agencies.
- [ENTER NAME OF AGENCY HERE]has signedthe Henry County Mutual Aid agreement which includes implementing NIMS.
2)Will manage all emergency incidents and preplanned events in accordance with ICS organizational structures, as defined in NIMS. ICS implementation must include the consistent application of Incident Action Planning and Common Communication Plans and indicated in our Intra-Mutual Aid Agreement.
- All incidents shall have;
- An IC
- Safety Officer
- Command Staff
- Operations Staff
- If warranted the IC may include;
- Planning Branch
- Logistics Branch
- Financial Branch
3)Will coordinate and support emergency incident and event management through the use of integrated multi-agency coordination systems, i.e. Emergency Operations Centers (EOC’s).
- Will provide staff to the Henry County EOC if requested.
4)Will implement processes, procedures, and /or plans to communicate timely, accurate information to the public during an incident through a
- Joint Information System and JointInformationCenter or
- Or assigned/designated PIO
5)Revised and update plans and SOPs to incorporate NIMS components, principles and policies, to include
- planning,
- training,
- response,
- exercises,
- equipment,
- evaluation, and
- corrective actions
6)Will participate in intrastate and interagency mutual aid agreements, to include agreements with the private sector and non-governmental organizations.
7)In the process of completing IS-700, IS-100, IS-200, and IS-300 where appropriate. An Introduction to NIMS at the appropriate staffing levels.
Staff PositionRequired Training
- All PositionsIS-100
- All PositionsIS-200
- Command StaffIS-300
- All PositionsIS-700
- EOC Personnel IS-800
8)[ENTER NAME OF AGENCY HERE]will provide letters of compliance if requested.
9)Will incorporate NIMS/ICS into all local and regional training and exercises.
10)Will participate in a NIMS all-hazard exercise program that involves responders from multiple disciplines and multiple jurisdictions.
11)Will incorporate corrective actions into preparedness and response plans and procedures.
12)The [ENTER NAME OF AGENCY HERE]is currently in the process of inventoryingour response assets to conform to homeland security resource typing standards.
13)Will ensure that all relevant national standards and guidance to achieve equipment, communication, and data interoperability are incorporated into State and Local acquisition programs.
14)Will apply standardized and consistent terminology, including the establishment of plain English communications standards across public safety sector in multi-jurisdictional incidents.
15)Will document and train our responders to current and future SOP’s, SOG’s and agency by-laws.
16)Will provide training to meet current and future mandates.
17)Has provided responder identification cards in compliance with NIMS.