Digital Communications III and IV
Class Syllabus
Teacher: Mrs. Sharon Boren Room: New Gym Business Lab
School Phone: 893-2811 Prep Period: 10:57-11:52
E-Mail Address:
Digital Communications III: Digital media is a semester hands on course focusing on the creative and technical skills necessary for Web design and animation. Students will create visual effects and animated graphics for video, web, and other types of media using computer software. Students learn the fundamentals of Web design and HTML, explore techniques used in building media for the Web, along with learning to develop content and publish media-based web sites to the Internet
Desktop Publishing IV: Audio/ Video Production is a semester course. Students are introduced to digital audio and video. They will capture, create, and edit audio and video files for media productions and various delivery formats. This course allows the student to build digital audio and video making skills by having them conceive, storyboard, record, edit, and finalize projects in various media formats. This is a hands-on course that teaches students how to use audio and video editing software.
Supplies Required:
§ pen/pencil
§ Folder w/brads for storing notes/handouts/assignments
§ Paper
§ All computer work can be completed in the classroom if time is used wisely
§ If classroom work is not finished, it is the student’s responsibility to find the time to come in and work if computer equipment is needed
§ Objective tests (multiple choice, true/false, matching, completion, short essay and open response questions)
§ Computer/skills tests
§ Projects
End of Course Testing:
§ DC III and IV has state mandated end-of-course testing during the months of December and May. Test scores will be analyzed and rated to a state average. If you are required to take the semester test, your end-of-course test score will be recorded as your semester test score; if you are exempt from the semester test, your End-of-Course test score will be included in the 4th 9-weeks grading period as a part of your grade for that grading period. Approximately 3-5 days will be set aside for review purposes prior to the testing date—the testing will be on-site testing using the Internet and our classroom computers.
Your grade is based on the total points you have earned divided by the total possible points for the grading period.
Additional Lab Time/Assistance:
§ I arrive by 7:20 a.m. and I am available during lunch to help. Please make arrangements with me if you need any of these extra times for assistance or additional lab time to complete assignments.