[Remove this page from final letter]
Directions for Use
When should you use this letter?
1.Students can generally use copyright material in the course of their school work under the 'fair dealing' exceptions in the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). The use must be fair and for a relevant purpose. Relevant purposes includefor research or study, criticism or review, parody or satire or reporting the news.
2.If you want to use the material for some other purpose (such as to enter in a competition or to publish and sell) and no other exception or licence applies, you must obtain the copyright owner’s permission.
3. You should use this letter if you want to obtain the copyright owner's permission.
What do you do?
4.Complete the letter
*Replace the text in square brackets with relevant details.
*Make sure that you replace or delete all the square bracketed text.
*Sign the letter.
5.Send to the copyright owner or publisher
*the signed original of this letter, plus
* a copy of the letter,plus
* a self-addressed envelope.
6.Do not use the material until the copyright owner has replied and agreed to your request.
Checklist- Do you need the copyright owner’s permission?
- Have you identified the copyright owner/publisher and found their address?
Completing the letter
- Have you put all the relevant details in?
- Have you replaced all the text in the square brackets and deleted the square brackets?
- Have you signed the letter?
Before you send the letter
- Have you enclosed the letter plus a copy plus a self addressed envelope?
Before you use the copyright material
- Has the copyright owner relied and agreed to your request?
- Have you filed that reply somewhere safe?
[insert your own address]
[insert date]
[insert copyright owner’s name]
[insert title]
[insert address details]
Dear [insert name]
I understand that you are the [author/publisher] of the following material:
[insert details of material sought to be used – type (eg article, quote (cite in full), art work, logos, diagrams, graphs, tables, music etc) author/composer, date of publication, title, publication, page, section and/or paragraph/s]
I am writing to ask your permission to use the material in the following way:
(a)to reproduce the material in [hardcopy form/digital form];
(b)to communicate the material [on an intranet / on the Internet / by email];
(c)[insert a description of any other required uses]
The purpose of the use would be to [insert a description of what you propose to do with the copyright material - e.g. “include the music in a short film I have created which I want to submit to a short film competition run by [details]”; or “publicly display an artwork of mine which contains the abovementioned material” - provide as much information as you can, as this will make it easier for your request to be considered.].
If you do not control this material
If you do not control the copyright in all of the material, I would appreciate any contact information you can give me regarding the proper rights holder(s). Otherwise, your permission confirms that you hold the right to grant the permission requested here.
If you agree to this request
If you agree to this request as set out above, please sign the permission form below and return this signed letter in the self-addressed return envelope I have provided. A duplicate copy of the letter is enclosed for your records.
If you would like any other information, please contact me on [ ] or by email on [ ].
Yours sincerely
[insert your full name]
[insert the name of your school]
Permission is granted for the use of the material as described above:
Title: ………………………………….……………………………………………………...
(if applicable)……………………………………………………………..
Signature: …………………….……………………………………………………………..
Date: …………………………………………………………………………………………