B00645 / 1 / Neon Products (Victoria) / Painters Local 1163 / 1945
B00645 / 2 / Neon Products / Sheet Metal Workers Local 280 / 1964
B00645 / 3 / Neon Products / Painters Local 1163 / 1970
B00645 / 4 / Netherlands Overseas Mills (Hixon Division) / Woodworkers Local 1-424 / 1970
B00645 / 5 / William Neufeld / Carpenters and Joiners Locals 452, 1251, 1843, 2213 / 1956
B00645 / 6 / S. Neva Contracting / Woodworkers Local 1-80 / 1968
B00645 / 7 / R.W. Neven Co. / Painters Local 138 / 1960
B00645 / 8 / Neville Enterprises / Building Materials Local 213 / 1968
B00645 / 9 / New Anchor Hotel / Beverage Dispensers Local 676 / 1955
B00645 / 10 / New Burrard Hotel / Beverage Dispensers Local 835 / 1955
B00645 / 11 / Tom Newcomb (Kamloops) / Labourers Locals 602, 1070, 1093; Tunnel and Rock Workers Local 168 / 1969
B00645 / 12 / New England Construction (Vancouver) / Carpenters and Joiners, 4 locals / 1955
B00645 / 13 / New Jersey Developments / Construction and General Labourers Locals 602, 1070, 1093; Tunnel and Rock Workers Local 168 / 1964
B00645 / 14 / Newland Construction and Development / Carpenters and Joiners, 29 locals / 1964
B00645 / 15 / Newnes Machine and Ironworks / Bridge, Structural and Iron Workers Local 172 / 1970
B00645 / 16 / New Noy Enterprises / Building Materials Local 213 / 1971
B00645 / 17 / New Palace Cafe (Vancouver) / Hotel and Restaurant Employees Local 28 / 1955
B00645 / 18 / New Royal Hotel / Hotel and Restaurant Employees Local 636 / 1968
B00645 / 19 / Newshems Crane Service / Teamsters Local 213 / 1968
B00645 / 20 / News Publishing (Nelson) / Vancouver Printing Pressmen Local 25 / 1070
B00645 / 21 / News Publishing (Nelson) / Nelson Typographical Workers Local 340 / 1953, 1963
B00645 / 22 / Newton Sash and Door (North Surrey) / Woodworkers Local 1-252 / 1958
B00645 / 23 / New West Construction and George Ludwig / Operating Engineers Local 115 / 1959
B00645 / 24 / New West Construction (Revelstoke) / Tunnel and Rock Workers Local 168 / 1957
B00645 / 25 / New West Construction / Operating Engineers Local 115 / 1957
B00645 / 26 / New West Construction / Building Material Local 213 / 1963
B00645 / 27 / New West Construction / Teamsters Local 213; Engineers Local 115; Construction and General Labourers Locals 602, 1070, 1093; Tunnel and Rock Workers Local 168 / 1965
B00645 / 28 / New Westminster cafes and restaurants / Beverage Dispensers Local 835 / 1958
B00645 / 29 / New Westminster / New Westminster Fire Fighters Local 256 / 1970
B00645 / 30 / New Westminster Foundry / Steelworkers Local 3495 / 1956
B00645 / 31 / Ralph N. Neyhart (New Westminster) / Construction and General Labourers Local 602 / 1956
B00645 / 32 / Ralph N. Neyhart (Burnaby) / Plasterers Local 779 / 1956
B00645 / 33 / Nicholson Insulation / Carpenters and Joiners, 29 locals / 1962
B00645 / 34 / Nichol's Cartage / Truck Drivers and Helpers Local 31 / 1969
B00645 / 35 / Norman A. Nichol (painting contractor) / Painters and Decorators Local 138 / 1957
B00645 / 36 / Nicola Valley General Hospital / Hospital Employees Local 180 / 1970
B00645 / 37 / Nicola Valley Sawmills / Woodworkers Local 1-417 / 1970
B00645 / 38 / Osvald Nicolaison / Carpenters and Joiners Local 2493 / 1954
B00645 / 39 / J.R. Nielsen / Carpenters and Joiners Local 2068 / 1957
B00645 / 40 / William Niemi (Vancouver) / Carpenters and Joiners, 4 locals / 1955
B00645 / 41 / Nikolai Millwork Industries (South Burnaby) / Carpenters and Joiners Local 1928 / 1966
B00645 / 42 / Nikolai Millwork Industries / Carpenters and Joiners, 29 locals / 1968
B00645 / 43 / Nimpkish Iron Mines (Anutz Lake) / Beverage Dispensers Local 835 / 1962
B00645 / 44 / Nimpkish Iron Mines (Vancouver) / Nimpkish Lake and District Mine and Mill Workers Local 1023 / 1962
B00645 / 45 / Nimmo Bay Logging / Woodworkers Local 1-71 / 1959
B00646 / 1 / Norco Machine Works / Ironworkers Local 97 / 1970
B00646 / 2 / Norco Machine Works (North Kamloops) / Ironworkers Local 712 / 1970
B00646 / 3 / Nordan Painting Contractors / Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers Local 138 / 1964
B00646 / 4 / E. Nordy / Hod Carriers Local 602 / 1956
B00646 / 5 / Gord Noren Trucking / Building Material Local 213 / 1959
B00646 / 6 / Gord Noren Trucking / Teamsters Local 213; Labourers Locals 602, 1070, 1093; Engineers Local 115 / 1965
B00646 / 7 / Norgate Sawmills / Woodworkers Local 1-217 / 1951
B00646 / 8 / Nor-Lan Super Market / Meat Cutters and Butchers Local 212 / 1959
B00646 / 9 / Norman Manning / Woodworkers Local 1-71 / 1970
B00646 / 10 / Norpac Seafood / Fishermen and Allied Workers / 1967
B00646 / 11 / Norsemen Construction and Engineering / Teamsters Local 213 / 1970
B00646 / 12 / North American Concrete and Blacktop / General Labourers Locals 602, 1070, 1093; Tunnel and Rock Workers Local 168 / 1975
B00646 / 13 / North Arm Sawmills / Woodworkers Local 1-217 / 1959
B00646 / 14 / Reg North Construction / Carpenters, 29 locals / 1966
B00646 / 15 / North Cowichan / Public Employees Local 358 / 1969
B00646 / 16 / North Shore Lumber / Operating Engineers Local 882 / 1951
B00646 / 17 / North Shore Sheet Metal / Sheet Metal Workers Local 280 / 1964
B00646 / 18 / North Shore Union Board of Health / Registered Nurses' Association of BC / 1970
B00646 / 19 / North Star Heating / Sheet Metal Workers Local 280 / 1964
B00646 / 20 / North Surrey Automotive / Machinists and Aerospace Workers Local 1857 / 1958
B00646 / 21 / North Surrey Truck Lines / Building Material Local 213 / 1954
B00646 / 22 / North Thompson Logging / Employees Association
B00646 / 23 / Board of School Trustees - School District 44 (North Vancouver) / North Vancouver Civic Employees Association 3 / 1956
B00646 / 24 / North Vancouver Cartage / Truck Drivers Local 31 / 1959
B00646 / 25 / North Vancouver / North Vancouver Firefighters Local 1183 / 1969
B00646 / 26 / North Vancouver Sawmills / Woodworkers Local 1-217 / 1958
B00646 / 27 / North West Reinforcing / Ironworkers Local 97 / 1971
B00646 / 28 / Northern Alberta Dairy Pool (Edmonton) / Building Materials Local 213 / 1955
B00646 / 29 / Northern Concrete Products / Truck Drivers Local 31 / 1968
B00646 / 30 / Northern Construction and J.W. Stewart / Building Materials Local 213; Engineers Local 115; Labourers Locals 602, 1070 and 1093; Tunnel and Rock Workers Local 168; Plasterers and Cement Masons Local 919; Pile Drivers Local 2404; Electrical Workers Local 213; Club and Cabaret Local 740; Carpenters Locals 452, 1251, 1843, 2213; Boilermakers Local 359; Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Local 97; Bricklayers and Masons Local 1 / 1956-1967
B00646 / 31 / Northern Floor / Carpenters and Joiners Local 1998 / 1961
B00646 / 32 / Northern Golf Courses / Building Service Employees Local 244 / 1968
B00646 / 33 / Northern Interior Lumbermen's Association / Woodworkers Local 1-424 / 1953
B00646 / 34 / Northern Plumbing and Heating / Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 180 / 1962
B00646 / 35 / Northern Pipes / Tunnel and Rock Workers Local 168 / 1962
B00646 / 36 / Northern Refrigeration / Refrigeration Services and Installation Workers Local 516 / 1962
B00646 / 37 / Northern Steel Contractors / Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Local 97 / 1962
B00646 / 38 / Northern Valley Transport / Building Material Local 213 / 1970
B00646 / 39 / Northern Vegetables Oils / General Warehousemen Local 842 / 1957
B00646 / 40 / Northland Enterprises / Teamsters Local 213 / 1972
B00646 / 41 / Northland Machinery Supply / Sheet Metal Workers Local 280 / 1964
B00646 / 42 / Northern Services / Painters, Decorators Local 1820 / 1957
B00646 / 43 / Northside Sheet Metal / Sheet Metal Workers Local 280 / 1966
B00646 / 44 / Northside Transfer / Truck Drivers and Helpers Local 31 / 1959
B00646 / 45 / Northwest Construction / Construction and General Labourers Local 692; Teamsters Local 213; Tunnel and Rock Workers Local 168; Engineers Local 115; Pile Drivers, Bridge, Dock and Wharf Builders Local 1549; Carpenters and Joiners, 29 locals / 1955 - 1964
B00646 / 46 / Northwestern Creamery / Milk Sales Local 464 / 1968
B00646 / 47 / Nor-Val Industries / Carpenters Local 2861 / 1970
B00646 / 48 / Nor-West Decorators / Painters Local 138, now 6 locals / 1969
B00646 / 49 / Northern British Columbia Power / Operating Engineers Local 510 / 1964
B00646 / 50 / Northern British Columbia Power / Electrical Workers Local 344 / 1963
B00646 / 51 / Northern Cartage / Building Material Local 213 / 1955, 1958
B00646 / 52 / Northern Construction and J.W. Stewart / Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers Local 359; Operating Engineers Local 115. 1. General Engineering Construction 2. Dredging Work. For other construction work see General Contractors Agreements / 1952, 1955
B00646 / 53 / Northern Culverts and Metal Products / Steelworkers Local 2952 / 1959
B00646 / 54 / Northern Sentinel Press / Lithographers Local 44 / 1958
B00646 / 55 / Northern Spruce Co. / Woodworkers Local 1-424 / 1962
B00646 / 56 / Northland Machinery Supply / Carpenters / 1968
B00646 / 57 / Northrop Architectural Systems / Carpenters and Joiners Local 1928 / 1962
B00646 / 58 / North-West Contracting and Bulldozing / Operating Engineers Local 115 / 1957
B00646 / 59 / Norwood Construction / Carpenters, 29 locals / 1966
B00646 / 60 / Nova Roofing / Sheet Metal Workers Local 280 / 1964
B00646 / 61 / Nor-Lan Super Markets / Retail Food and Drug Local 1518 / 1958
B00646 / 62 / Standard Hardwood Floors / Floorlayers Local 1541 / 1959
B00646 / 63 / Norlund Construction / Carpenters and Joiners / 1959
B00646 / 64 / Norman Construction / Carpenters and Joiners, 27 locals / 1959
B00646 / 65 / Notre Dame College / Carpenters and Joiners locals 1719, 2318, 2458 and 2300 / 1961
B00646 / 66 / North Kamloops Electric / Electrical Workers Local 993 / 1962
B00646 / 67 / North Shore Coffee Service / Miscellaneous Workers Local 351 / 1962
B00646 / 68 / North Star Decorators / Painters Local 138 / 1961
B00646 / 69 / North Surrey Steel Contractors / Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Ironworkers Local 97 / 1968
B00646 / 70 / North Vancouver / Firefighters Association Local 914 / 1970
B00646 / 71 / North Vancouver Machinery / Machinists Local 692 / 1969
B00646 / 72 / Northwest Dental Laboratories / Miscellaneous Workers, Wholesale and Retail Local 351 / 1969
B00646 / 73 / North-West Floors and Decorators / Carpenters and Joiners, 29 locals / 1964
B00646 / 74 / Northwest Food Fair 1 and 2 / Meat Cutters and Butchers Local 212 / 1959
B00647 / 1 / Northwest Lime Co. / Building Material Local 213 / 1953
B00647 / 2 / Northwest Paving / Building Material Local 213 / 1959
B00647 / 3 / Northwest Paving / Operating Engineers Local 115 / 1959
B00647 / 4 / Northwest Plaster and Stucco / Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons Local 779 / 1962
B00647 / 5 / Northwest Protective Coatings / Painters Local 1642 / 1956
B00647 / 6 / Northwest Services / Meatcutters Local 212 / 1962
B00647 / 7 / Super Valu Stores (BC) / Meatcutters Local 212 / 1956
B00647 / 8 / Northwest Timber / Woodworkers Local 1-80 / 1962
B00647 / 9 / North Western Dredging / Operative Engineers / 1957
B00647 / 10 / North Western Drywall Applicators (Vancouver) / Carpenters locals 452, 1251, 1843, and 2213 / 1955
B00647 / 11 / North Western Painting / Painters Local 138 / 1962
B00647 / 12 / North Western Toni-Lynn / Ladies Garment Workers Local 568 / 1962
B00647 / 13 / Northwood Construction / Operative Plasterers Local 919 / 1959
B00647 / 14 / Northwood Construction / Carpenters / 1958
B00647 / 15 / Northwood Construction / Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Ironworkers Local 97 / 1957
B00647 / 16 / Northwood Construction / Building Material Local 213 / 1955
B00647 / 17 / Northwood Construction / Construction and General Labourers Local 602 / 1957
B00647 / 18 / Northwood Pulp / Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers Local 603 / 1968
B00647 / 19 / Norwesco Manufacturing / Bridge, Structural Workers Local 712 / 1957
B00647 / 20 / Norwood Construction / Construction and General Labourers locals 602, 1070 and 1093; Tunnel and Rock Workers Local 168 / 1965
B00647 / 21 / Numella Construction / Carpenters Local 1882 / 1959
B00647 / 22 / Numella Construction / Building Material Local 213; Labourers locals 602, 1070 and 1093; Tunnel and Rock Workers Local 168; Engineers Local 115 / 1959
B00647 / 23 / Pete Nutter / Painters Local 138 / 1962
B00647 / 24 / Nu-West Plaster and Stucco / Hod Carriers Local 602 / 1956
B00647 / 25 / Nyiri Brothers Trucking / Teamsters Local 213 / 1970
B00647 / 26 / C. Nystad Building Material / Building Material Local 213 / 1958
B00647 / 27 / O.B. Logging / Woodworkers Local 1-71 / 1970
B00647 / 28 / O.K. Drywall / Painters, 6 locals / 1963
B00647 / 29 / O.K. Equipment / Building Material Local 213 / 1968
B00647 / 30 / O.K. Valley Freight Lines / Railway Employees and other Transport Workers Local 303 / 1957
B00647 / 31 / O.K. Welders Supplies / Truck Drivers Local 31 / 1957
B00647 / 32 / O and O Logging / Woodworkers Local 1-71 / 1959
B00647 / 33 / O and W Sawmills / Woodworkers Local 1-85 / 1968
B00647 / 34 / O and W Sawmills / Woodworkers Local 1-80 / 1954
B00647 / 35 / Oak Bay / Oak Bay Police Association / 1971
B00647 / 36 / Oak Bay / Oak Bay Fire Fighters, Local 1856 / 1970
B00647 / 37 / Oakleaf Woodart / Woodworkers Local 1-357 / 1964
B00647 / 38 / Oasis Coffee Shop / Hotel and Restaurant Employees Local 619 / 1951
B00647 / 39 / Oasis Hotel / Hotel and Restaurant Employees Local 28 / 1970
B00647 / 40 / H. Oatman Construction / General Labourers Local 1093 / 1959
B00647 / 41 / Salmon Arm Observer / Typographical Workers Local 226 / 1968
B00647 / 42 / Salmon Arm Observer / Typographical Workers Local 226 / 1970
B00647 / 43 / J.C. O'Callaghan / Painters Local 138 / 1962
B00647 / 44 / Ocean Cement (Evans, Coleman and Evans, Vancouver Island Division) / Railway Transport and General Workers Local 234 / 1964
B00647 / 45 / Ocean Cement / Operating Engineers Local 882, Automotive Lodge 1857 / 1970
B00647 / 46 / Ocean Falls General Hospital / Hospital Employees Local 180 / 1964
B00647 / 47 / Ocean Falls Transit (Division of Johnson Terminal) / Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Local 312 / 1968
B00647 / 48 / Ocean Fisheries (John Safarik) / Fishermen and Allied Workers Provincial Council / 1971
B00647 / 49 / Ocean Park Plumbing and Heating / Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 170 / 1958
B00647 / 50 / Ocean Trailer Convoy / Teamsters Local 213 / 1969
B00647 / 51 / Ocean View Hotel / Hotel and Restaurant Employees Local 636 / 1968
B00647 / 52 / O'Connor Logging / Woodworkers Local 1-71 / 1970
B00647 / 53 / O'Connor Transport / Teamsters Local 181 / 1966
B00647 / 54 / Odeon Theatres (BC) / Theatrical Stage Local 118; Theatre Employees Local B-72; Building Service Employees Local 244; Theatre Employees, B-70; Operating Engineers, 882 / 1955- 1969
B00647 / 55 / Odeon Theatres (Canada) / Operating Engineers Local 918 / 1961
B00647 / 56 / J. Odlund Construction / Carpenters and Joiners, 27 locals / 1961
B00647 / 57 / Office Employees International Union / Woodworkers Local 15 / 1954
B00647 / 58 / Oglow Building Contractors / Carpenters and Joiners Local 2300; Teamsters Local 181 / 1962
B00647 / 59 / Okanagan Building Products (Penticton) / Teamsters Local 181 / 1969
B00647 / 60 / Okanagan Equipment (Kamloops Engineering Division) / Machinists Lodge 692 (Vancouver) / 1964
B00647 / 61 / Okanagan Federal Shippers Association of Kelowna / Interior Fruit and Vegetable Workers Local 1572 / 1964-1970
B00647 / 62 / Okanagan Laminated Beams / Carpenters Local 2511 / 1970
B00647 / 63 / Okanagan Laminated Beams / Kee Pee Products / 1968
B00647 / 64 / Okanagan Lumber (Vernon) / Carpenters Local 2861 / 1968
B00647 / 65 / Okanagan Manufacturing / Carpenters and Joiners Local 2511 / 1970
B00647 / 66 / Okanagan Regional Library District / Public Employees Local 1123 / 1970-1971
B00647 / 67 / Okanagan Reinforcing / Ornamental Iron Workers Local 97 / 1971
B00647 / 68 / Okanagan Telephone (Plant Division) / Federation of Telephone Workers Local 6 / 1969
B00647 / 69 / Okanagan Telephone (Clerical Division) / Federation of Telephone Workers Local 22 / 1969
B00647 / 70 / Okanagan Telephone (Traffic Division) / Federation of Telephone Workers Local 16 / 1969
B00647 / 71 / Carpenters and Joiners / Okanagan District Council of Carpenters Locals 1540, 1346, 1370 and 1696 / 1952
B00647 / 72 / O'Keefe Old Vienna Brewing Co. (BC) / Brewery Workers Local 300 / 1968
B00647 / 73 / Old Country Decorators / Painters Local 6 / 1969 and 1971
B00648 / 1 / Old Country Industrial Contractors / Painters and Decorators Local 1163 / 1969
B00648 / 2 / Old Country Metal Crafts / Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers Local 712 / 1970
B00648 / 3 / Old World Bakeries (Vancouver) / Bakery and Confectionery Workers Local 468 / 1952
B00648 / 4 / Olien and Webber Construction / Carpenters and Joiners Local 1696 / 1966
B00648 / 5 / Oliver Builders / Labourers locals 602, 1070 and 1093; Carpenters, 27 locals / 1970
B00648 / 6 / Oliver Builders(Burnaby) / Labourers locals 602, 1070 and 1093; Tunnel and Rock Workers Local 168 / 1965
B00648 / 7 / Oliver Co-operative Store Association / Teamsters Local 181 / 1969
B00648 / 8 / Oliver / Public Employees Local 848 / 1968
B00648 / 9 / Oliver Equipment Services and Supply / Building Materials Local 213; Operating Engineers Local 115 / 1968
B00648 / 10 / Oliver Hotel / Beverage Dispensers and Culinary Workers Local 835 / 1965
B00648 / 11 / Oliver Sawmills / Woodworkers Local 1-423 / 1967
B00648 / 12 / Oliver Transfer / Truck Drivers Local 31 / 1954
B00648 / 13 / Carl Olsen (Langley) / Carpenters and Joiners, 27 locals / 1959
B00648 / 14 / C. Olsen Construction / Carpenters and Joiners, 4 locals / 1957
B00648 / 15 / Olsen Enterprises / Carpenters and Joiners, 29 locals / 1964
B00648 / 16 / J. Olund Construction / Carpenters and Joiners, 29 locals / 1964
B00648 / 17 / Olympic Cafe (Vancouver) / Restaurant Employees Local 28 / 1948
B00648 / 18 / Olympic Estates / Beverage Dispensers Local 676; Hotel and Restaurant Local 28 / 1965, 1967
B00648 / 19 / Olympic Window Cleaning and Janitor Service / Building Services Employees Local 244 / 1962
B00648 / 20 / Omineca Electric (Vanderhoof) / Electrical Workers Local 993 / 1962
B00648 / 21 / 100 Mile District General Hospital / Operating Engineers Local 882 / 1969, 1970
B00648 / 22 / O'Neill Tile and Terrazzo / Tilelayers Local 3; Bricklayers Local 1 / 1966, 1962
B00648 / 23 / Opsal Steel / Steelworkers Local 3452 / 1968
B00648 / 24 / D.A. Orchard Construction / Carpenters and Joiners, 29 locals / 1968
B00648 / 25 / Orchardson Forest Products / Woodworkers Local 1-357 / 1970
B00648 / 26 / H.A. (Sandy) Ormston / Bricklayers Local 1 / 1966
B00648 / 27 / R.H. Orman (1953) / Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 170 / 1964
B00648 / 28 / Ormonds / Bakery and Confectionery Workers Local 267 / 1959
B00648 / 29 / Ornamental Bronze Co. / Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers Local 712 / 1970
B00648 / 30 / Orr Construction / Carpenters and Joiners Local 1237 / 1957
B00648 / 31 / George Orr Logging / Woodworkers Local 1-71 / 1962
B00648 / 32 / Osborne Propellers / Molders and Allied Workers Local 281 / 1969
B00648 / 33 / Osborne Shipyard / Carpenters and Joiners, Local 506 / 1960
B00648 / 34 / Oscar Buck Construction / Vancouver, New Westminster and District Building Trades Council / 1960
B00648 / 35 / Oscar's Septic and Sewer Services / Operating Engineers Local 115 / 1957
B00648 / 36 / Oscar's Steak House / Club and Cabaret, Construction Camp and Culinary Service Local 740 / 1960
B00648 / 37 / Osoyoos / Public Employees Local 848 / 1970
B00648 / 38 / Osoyoos Sawmills / Woodworkers Local 1-423 / 1956
B00648 / 39 / O'Sullivan Painting / Painters, 6 locals / 1971
B00648 / 40 / W. Oswald Masonry / Construction and General Labourers Locals 602, 1070 and 1093; Tunnel and Rock Workers Local 168 / 1968
B00648 / 41 / Our Own Co-operative Association / Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen Local 212 / 1955
B00648 / 42 / Overall Design / Carpenters and Joiners, 29 locals / 1970
B00648 / 43 / Overall Design Construction / Carpenters and Joiners, 27 locals / 1966
B00648 / 44 / R.J. Overgaard / Painters, Decorators Local 1163 / 1962
B00648 / 45 / Overland Construction / Carpenters and Joiners, 4 locals / 1957
B00648 / 46 / Overland Freight Lines / Truck Drivers Local 31 / 1969
B00648 / 47 / Overwaitea (Campbell River; Chemainus; Chilliwack; Courtenay; Kamloops; Kaslo; Kitimat; Lake Cowichan; Langley; Nanaimo; Nelson; Parksville; Port Coquitlam; Powell River; Prince Rupert; Quesnel; Salmon Arm) / Retail Clerks Local 1518 / 1969
B00648 / 48 / Overwaitea Meats (Port Alberni; Nanaimo; Cloverdale) / Meat Cutters and Butchers Local 212 / 1960
B00648 / 49 / Owen Brothers / Meat Cutters and Butchers Local 212 / 1969
B00648 / 50 / Owens Meat Market / Meat Cutters and Butchers Local 212 / 1957
B00648 / 51 / Owl Janitor Services / Building Services Employees Local 244 / 1959
B00648 / 52 / Oxford Motors / BC Auto Workers Lodge 1857 / 1953
B00648 / 53 / Ox-O-Lite Plastic Products / Woodworkers Local 1-357 / 1968
B00648 / 54 / Oyster River Engineering / Machinists / 1969
B00648 / 55 / Oyster River Shingles / Woodworkers Local 1-363 / 1955
B00648 / 56 / Oz Contractors / District Building Trades Council / 1960
B00648 / 57 / Walter Ozol / Painters Locals 138, 1163, 1642, 1820, 1857 and 1896 / 1969
B00649 / 1 / P and B Demolition / Labourers Locals 602, 1070 and 1093 / 1970
B00649 / 2 / P and B Transport / Building Material Local 213 / 1970
B00649 / 3 / P and B Transport / Teamsters, 213 / 1970
B00649 / 4 / P and G Building Contractors / Carpenters and Joiners Local 2300 / 1959
B00649 / 5 / P and G Cement Contractors / Construction and General Labourers Local 602 / 1968
B00649 / 6 / P and J Electric / Electrical Workers Local 213 / 1962
B00649 / 7 / P.K. Floor and Building Maintenance / Building Services Workers Local 244 / 1968
B00649 / 8 / Pacific Bedding Co. / Upholsters Local 1 / 1969
B00649 / 09 / Pacific Brewers Warehousing / Brewery Workers Local 300 / 1963
B00649 / 10 / Pacific Bridge Co. of BC / Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons Local 919 / 1959
B00649 / 11 / Pacific Chrysler Products / Automotive Maintenance Local 151 / 1962
B00649 / 12 / Pacific Clothing (Vancouver) / Amalgamated Clothing, Journeymen Tailors Local 178 / 1962
B00649 / 13 / Pacific Coast Construction / Tunnel and Rock Workers, 4 locals / 1968
B00649 / 14 / Pacific Coast Construction / Carpenters, 29 locals / 1970
B00649 / 15 / Pacific Coast Granite / Granite Cutters Association / 1957
B00649 / 16 / Pacific Coast Handle Co. / Woodworkers Local 1-217 / 1966
B00649 / 17 / Pacific Coast Insulation and Roofing / Carpenters and Joiners Local 527 / 1949
B00649 / 18 / Pacific Coast Packers / Packinghouse Food and Allied Workers Local 499 / 1968
B00649 / 19 / Pacific Coast Terminals / Longshoremen and Warehousemen Local 511 / 1960
B00649 / 20 / Pacific Coast Wholesale Drugs / Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Local 535 / 1966
B00649 / 21 / Pacific Co-operative Union (Mission) / Packinghouse Workers Local 517 / 1958
B00649 / 22 / Pacific Co-operative Union / Packinghouse, Food and Allied Workers Local 350 / 1969
B00649 / 23 / Pacific Delivery Service / Brewery Workers Local 300 / ;1963
B00649 / 24 / Pacific Dental Ceramics / Miscellaneous Workers, Wholesale and Retail Delivery Local 351 / 1970
B00649 / 25 / Pacific Disposal (Coquitlam) / Miscellaneous Workers Local 351 / 1969
B00649 / 26 / Pacific Engravers and Photographers / Photo-Engravers Local 54 / 1960
B00649 / 27 / Pacific Engravers and Photographers / Office and Technical Employees Local 15 / 1969
B00649 / 28 / Pacific Freightways / Building Material Local 213 / 1962
B00649 / 29 / Pacific Furniture Manufacturing / Woodworkers Local 1-118 / 1949
B00649 / 30 / Pacific Great Eastern Railway / Railroad Trainmen Local 987 / 1956
B00649 / 31 / Pacific Great Eastern Railway / Locomotive Engineers Local 105 / 1968
B00649 / 32 / Pacific Great Eastern Railway / Railway and Steamship Clerks Local 630 / 1959
B00649 / 33 / Pacific Great Eastern Railway / Transportation Union, Locals 845, 1080 / 1969
B00649 / 34 / Pacific Holding / Carpenters and Joiners, 29 locals; Construction and General Labourers Locals 602, 1070 and 1093; Tunnel and Rock Workers Local 168 / 1964
B00649 / 35 / Pacific Industrial Insulation / Carpenters and Joiners, 4 locals / 1957
B00649 / 36 / Pacific Inland Resources / Northern Interior Woodworkers Association / 1969
B00649 / 37 / Pacific Junk / Marine Workers Local 1 / 1949
B00649 / 38 / Pacific Masonry / Labourers Locals 602, 1070 and 1093; Tunnel and Rock Workers Local 168 / 1968
B00649 / 39 / Pacific Pallet / Woodworkers Local 1-367 / 1970
B00649 / 40 / Pacific Pipe and Flume / Carpenters and Joiners Local 1696 / 1966
B00649 / 41 / Pacific Press / Vancouver Photo Engravers Local 54 / 1962
B00649 / 42 / Pacific Stage Lines; BC Hydro and Power Authority / Amalgamated Transit Division 1 / 1966
B00649 / 43 / Pacific Steel / Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers Local 712 / 1970
B00649 / 44 / Pacific Steel / Carpenters and Joiners, 29 locals / 1968
B00649 / 45 / Pacific Truck and Trailer / Automotive Lodge 1857 / 1969
B00649 / 46 / Pacific Western Hotels / Operating Engineers Local 882 / 1967
B00649 / 47 / Georgia Hotel / Hotel and Restaurant Employees Local 28 / 1962
B00649 / 48 / Pacific Western Insulation / Carpenters, 27 locals / 1970
B00649 / 49 / Page-Hersey Tubs / Steelworkers Local 2655 / 1966
B00649 / 50 / Vincent Pahkste (Metro Construction Co.) / Carpenters Local 125 / 1970
B00649 / 51 / Paint-Rite (V. Hansen) / Painters and Decorators Local 138 / 1964
B00649 / 52 / Palace Laundry and Dry Cleaning / Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Local 580 / 1968
B00649 / 53 / Palm Dairies / Milk Sales Drivers and Dairy Employees Local 464 / 1965
B00649 / 54 / Pan American Construction / BC Provincial Council of Carpenters, 29 locals / 1966
B00649 / 55 / Pandora Enterprises / Beverage Dispensers and Culinary Workers Local 835 / 1965
B00649 / 56 / Panelized Construction / Carpenters and Joiners Local 1882 / 1957
B00649 / 57 / Pankrat and Clegg Construction / Carpenters and Joiners, 27 locals / 1959
GR-1430 Collective Bargaining Agreements 1946-1971
