
Outcomes for 2017


2017 – Target actions - revision

Contents Page


Document validation1

The Batemans Bay business context2

The strategic vision3

The on-going mission3

Statement of commitment3

Strategic directions4

2017 Target actions (revision)5

Strategic direction 15

Strategic direction 26

Strategic direction 37

Strategic direction 48

Strategic direction 59

Strategic direction 610


2017 – Target actions, revisions


The Batemans Bay Business and Tourism Chamber Inc (BBBTC) is an incorporated association and has been established – under constitution – to represent the interests of local businesses within Batemans Bay and surrounding district. The organisation has approximately 100 financial members as at March 2015.

The BBBTCStrategic Plan 2015 – 2019 and beyond will build on a framework and suite of initiativeswhich over the operation of the plan, will guide the Chamber and its members to better serve the district businesses and become a stronger voice and advocate in guiding Batemans Bay commercial activity and services.

NSW Business Chamber has over the past four years progressively expanded its influence in the Tourism and Events industry. This influence was recently highlighted by the new Network Destination restructure. The BBBTC has a role and responsibility in ensuring effective improvement of the Visitor Economy. As such the BBBTC is undergoing a name change to Batemans Bay Business and Tourism Chamber in response to this responsibility to the Tourism and Events industry within the Shire.

In recognition of the previous Chamber plan[1](2009 – onwards) and subsequent projects emanating from past directions, the BBBTC executive decided to up-date the core direction of the Chamber and develop a renewed plan to better reflect the contemporary business and technological environment. This document, which outlines the direction for the BBBTC over the ensuing five years, remains in draft copy until reviewed by members and endorsed by the BBBTC executive.

Document validation

The plan has been drafted on behalf of the 2015 BBBTC Executive Committee for endorsement through the following process:

review by executive committee in acknowledgement of the focus and included directions;

review of the objectives and programs by BBBTC members;

further enhancement and inclusions as defined through Chamber consultation;

acceptance of the goals and strategic directions/actions.

Formal adoption and endorsement by Chamber Executive Committee on

The Batemans Bay business context

Batemans Bay and its regional catchment has a population of 6410 people[2]. This population is expected to increase to 7280 over the next tri-census period (2031). Batemans Bay is ideally positioned as the natural destination point and focus for NSW far-south coast tourism experience. The town is the closest easterly focus for inland and ACT visitors to access a coastal vacation and short-stay experience. Thus the town plays an important tourism and servicing role for local businesses and regional activity. The town’s many retail outlets, restaurants and accommodation providers primarily derive their income through tourism, with tourism representing the greatest income sector for the local economy.

Current data from Tourism Research Australia and Destination NSW while limited indicates an eight year downward trend in visitor numbers, and the second lowest overnight visitor spend in NSW. It is broadly recognised that marketing alone will not address these statistics.

Batemans Bay also faces a challenge of relatively high unemployment levels combined with a net outward migration of younger people due to limited higher education, skills training and local job opportunities. The unemployment rate for the Eurobodalla LGA has been consistently rising since September 2011, when the rate was at a low of 4.6 per cent, to 7.1 per cent in December 2013 (most recent statistics available).

Investment in private and public tourism infrastructure has unparalleled potential to improve our product offering and generate employment for skilled and unskilled workers in a range of industries including accommodation, food services, retail and construction.

Why Tourism? Tourism warrants a specific planning focus. According to Urbis consulting “tourism is a highly intensive land use; Tourism has a strong spill over effect into the general economy of an area; Tourism can create economic value from the environment and social value inherent in an area: and There is market failure to adequately invest in tourism to maximise these economic outcomes for and area.”

While aged care is a significant employer in the ESC, its growth is organic due to our ageing demographic, but is more heavily dependant on scarce government funds from all levels. Furthermore the multiplier effect on other industries is not nearly as strong as that which tourism can stimulate. On average 10 rooms of short term tourist accommodation creates 18.2 jobs. (ABS Survey of Tourist Accommodation 2009)

For BBBTC to continue to support the Batemans Bay business community, it needs to ensure it remains relevant to its membership and the community it serves. Therefore, the main focus for the next five years is to grow and consolidate the BBBTC’s membership by researching and more effectively servicing the needs of its members.

The strategic vision

For Batemans Bay Business and Tourism Chamber Inc. to be a recognised, as a vital, credible organisation representing, promoting and supporting Batemans Bay businesses and enterprise as the focalization of tourism and commercial activity in the Eurobodalla Shire.

The on-going mission

“To represent and support the interests of the Batemans Bay business community through collaborative encouragement and providing focussed advocacy, representation, communication, promotion, training and networking”.

Statement of commitment


To embrace inclusion and partnership, treating all members with fairness, respect and dignity;

To value thoughtful and considered, collaborative approaches to all activities;

To encourage adaption and embrace change, and value diversity in business activity;


To support member businesses and all business, in benefiting the town prosperity;

Preparedness to speak as a united voice for all members;

To lobby and campaign on behalf of all businesses at all levels of governance;


To provide representation that is apolitical, impartial and reflects the consensus;


To strive for respect and trust in all undertakings;

To lead by example of best-practice, by what we do and how we do it;

Strive to provide positive outcomes for the township and the Chamber.


To ensure that all programs produce beneficial outcomes for all involved;

To foster growth, innovation and accountability in all Chamber activities.

Professional development:

To provide member opportunities to undertake business training;

To seek external and internal expertise that enhances business technique;

To ensure that all businesses are exposed to technological advances in business operations;

Strategic directions

1.To promote Batemans Bay as the designated commercial hub for economic growth and a preferred tourist destination, in accessing and experiencing the NSW far south coast.

2.To support and advocate for member businesses to achieve business growth through collaboration, professional development, promotion and partnerships with like organisations, local Council and State representative.

3.Strive for membership growth/retention and secure strength through viability and diversity in breadth of representation.

4.The building of strategic and collaborative relationships with all businesses in the local area to ensure that the local community and visitors have access to quality services, locally focussed events and activities.

5.To provide leadership and direction to member businesses and on behalf of the business district, through best-practice governance, effective communication, representation and diligent event planning.

6.To identify opportunities for expanding resources, source funding and broadening business diversity and emerging trends that will enhance the continued growth of the town and region.

Each of these main directions will be managed and supported by a number of deliverable ‘initiatives’ that are tailored to the specific needs of business support and promotion within the Batemans Bay area. In turn, each of the ‘initiatives’ will over the life of the plan, be supported and brought to actuality through the detailed ‘actions’.

To implement the strategic actions (to deliver the strategic initiatives), four member groups (sub-committees) will be established under delegation of the executive committee:

  • Events committee;
  • Membership and tourism committee;
  • Grants and funding committee;
  • Public relations and promotion committee.

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2017 – Target actions, revisions

Strategic direction 1: To promote Batemans Bay as the designated commercial hub for economic growth and a preferred tourism and destination, in accessing and experiencing the far south coast.

This strategic direction is about advocacy for appropriate developmentsand services expected in a self-drive regional hub with primary consideration to Tourism as the chief industry. The BBBTC recognises that the ESC in not responsible for the local tourism industry. The BBBTC encourages collaboration between local industry and representative groups, Chambers of Commerce and Eurobodalla Shire Council to share strategy and responsibility to further our Shires primary industry. The BBBTC will engage to its best ability the Tourism and Event Industry, Chambers of Commerce and ESCto assist outcomes of maximum industry and community benefit.

Strategic initiative / 2017 Target action / Outcome to August 2017
1.1 To create a more readily identifiable Chamber name that recognises the key economic contributors to the local economic environment. /
  • Re-assign the Chamber name and brand as “Batemans Bay Business and Tourism Chamber”;
  • Facilitate an education and information program to inform and provide rationale for the name change;
  • Ensure that all formal communication and correspondence reflects the change.
  • Name and brand change complete.
  • Brand information and rationale discussed and disseminated with members.
  • All platforms changes complete.

1.2 The Chamber recognises the importance of evidence based strategies to benefit the Tourism Industry with tangible and measured results. To this end the Chamber will advocate for atourism and event structure within council which will better achieve Eurobodalla Destination Management Plan(EDMP) outcomes. While the EDMP has not been formally adopted by council the BBBTC believes the plan is an acceptable basic guide which could be resourced through existing funding.
Chamber recognises the importance of council as the primary stable and capable organisation to further Tourism and Events within the Eurobodalla Shire, and will advocate for and support Council endeavours to improve the Visitor Economy. The actions in this section while prescriptive are only intended as recommendations. /
  • That Council re-structure Eurobodalla Tourism and Events according to the EDMP to include a Full time Tourism and Events director and Events be integrated with Tourism.
  • That the current Tourism Advisory Committee be replaced by an experienced industry based board/panel overseeing all aspects of the Tourism and Events Unit. Members are to have relevant tourism and event expertise, be well versed with the DMP, Regional and LGA strategies and have access to industry recognised consultants.
The board/panel incumbents could be negotiated between industry and council and all Shire Chambers of Commerce.
  • Councilevent policy to include control or influence of the event calendar, create and seed(not run) events which drive the visitor economy through utilising available local assets and experiences.
  • Council is restructuring Eurobodalla Tourism and Events to include a full-time Tourism Manager and Events within the new Tourism structure.
  • The new Destination Management Action Plan (DMAP) which the Chamber has had effective input is currently being considered by Council (July 2017).
  • Councils Event Strategy is considerate of event calendar control. Chamber has created new events which include to date: Batemans Bay Paddle Challenge, Sculpture on Clyde and Sculpture Walk and revamped Seaside Carnivale. Chamber has reached out to include membership in the Chamber of Event organisers and Arts groups, and has as such has increased involvement in these events.

1.3 To work with Council and businesses to initiate annual events and develop attractions that capture and highlight the unique experiences within the Shire. /
  • Explore options for a deep water pier and decommissioned vessel for major dive site;
  • Develop a proposal for a signature marine based event which includes other local experiences to maximum visitor economy impact in the “low season”;
  • Explore the creation or seeding of a late winter event to maximise visitor economy impact while promoting local experiences (subject to calendar and council strategy).
  • Prepare a program of seminars, mentorship and advice to assist product development.
  • Examine the possibility of a “Tourism Sign” on the Kings Hwy before the Princes Hwy round-a-bouts. The purpose is to highlight tourism attractions and encourage tourists to turn right into the major part of our Shire. The sign could include Mogo Zoo, Tilba and Mogo historic towns etc and also reference with direction arrows, Durras etc, so as not to marginalise this north section of the Shire.
  • Councils Deep Water Marina Feasibility is complete. The study encompassed the Chambers Hanging Rock Pier Proposal. Council is currently investigating taking this outcome further.
  • Chamber has a proposal for an artificial reef for dive tourism.
  • The creation of the late winter event is the “Sculpture on Clyde”.
  • Product Development has been proposed as part of Councils DMAP strategy. Council has run product development courses, particularly in the digital area.
  • Chambers signage proposal awaits the ESC signage strategy to be completed late 2017.

Strategic direction 2: To support and advocate for member businesses to achieve business growth through collaboration, professional development, promotion and partnerships with like organisations, local Council and State Government Representatives.

This strategy is about being seen as the voice of business in the Batemans Bay andcommunity and thus able to represent businesses interests to council and other community forums. To assist community through united business action where the need arises.

Strategic initiative / 2017 - Target action / 2017 Outcome
2.1 Liaise with and establish networks with local government representatives and relevant State members in support for Chamber actions. /
  • Connect with all current councillors and local member through inviting and involving them in Chamber Activities;
  • Regular invitation to Councillors and local member to attend and provide up-dates on Council/governance activity.
  • All Councillors and local members have been invited to various Chamber meetings and events.
  • Invitation to Councillors and local members to provide up-dates have not been sufficiently enacted.

2.2 Liaise with broader business representative organisations, such as NSW Business Chamber to assist in member appreciation of services and training products. /
  • Connect with all shire chambers with a view to promote common objectives and share resources where possible;
  • Engage with the NSW Business Chamber in identifying products and services that may be specific and targeted for the local business mix;
  • Develop contacts and explore opportunities to work collaboratively with other community organisations where appropriate.
  • All Chambers have met regarding common objectives, and progress has been made.
  • NSW Business Chamber has primarily provided Tourism workshops and access to some business training. Council has been a significant provider in this area.
  • The Chamber has opened up to various organisations with multiple collaborations.

2.3 Establish an annual networking, training and seminar calendar including opportunities for one-off training/seminar events. /
  • Identify professionals both within and external of the Chamber that can contribute and share specific skills for new business operators and staff;
  • Advocate on behalf of members issues with a focus on industry rather than individual issues (due to limited resources);
  • Establish a mentoring program across the Chamber membership skills base;
  • Promote advice and mentoring through an Electronic Noticeboard on the new website;
  • Utilise local and interstate advice and mentoring professionals depending on an individual’s requirements.
  • Identifying professionals to assist new business operators has not been requested by new business operators.
  • A shift to address industry wide advocacy has occurred. Effective individual member advocacy has also occurred.
  • The mentoring program has been suggested throughout the year, yet no interest has arisen.
  • The electronic noticeboard proposal did not garner sufficient interest or support.
  • The mentoring program has not received interest internal or external interest.

2.4 Initiate opportunities for Chamber meetings to include intra-chamber member promotion and exposition sessions. /
  • Promote the Chamber activities through a regular local media column and identity profile;
  • Prepare a comprehensive suite of information about the town and the business services provided;
  • Upgrade website and Facebook entities to better promote chamber activities and businesses.
  • The Chamber has a regular insert in The Bay Post and we have now a media officer.
  • Business service information via the new website has not commenced.
  • Media Upgrades in progress with new website and reconfigured Facebook page.

Strategic direction 3: Strive for membership growth and secure strength through viability and diversity in breadth of representation.

This strategy is about continually promoting the values of Chamber membership to both existing members and local businesses to ensure the Chamber stays relevant to the needs of all businesses and grows in representative strength through numbers and wider community recognition.