Government of Karnataka
Water Resources Department
(Published in terms of the Provision of the Karnataka Transparency in public Procurements Act 2000)
Volume No.6
6th March 2006
No.WRD 9 MBI 2006 Dt: 06--03-2006
The details of the notices inviting the tender in respect of the Procurement requirements of different procurement entities is published as a part of the State Tender-Bulletin for the First week of March2006. The details of the published Tender Notification may be obtained by the concerned Executive Engineers who has invited the respective Tenders.
Volume No.06 Deputy Secretary to Govt., (MMI)
Email: Water Resources Department.
Send to:
- Managing Director, Krishna Bhagya Jala Nigam Limited, Bangalore.
- Managing Director, Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited, Bangalore.
- Managing Director, Cauvery Neeravari Nigam Limited, Bangalore.
- Engineer-in-Chief, Water Resources Development Organisation, Bangalore.
- Compiler, Karnataka State Gazette Officer, Bangalore.
- The District Tender Bulletin Officer & Deputy Commissioner, ______.
- The Chief Engineer, ______.
- The Chief Engineer, B.T.D.A., Bagalkot.
- The Superintending Engineers, ______Circle.
- The Executive Engineers, ______Division.
- The President, Karnataka Engineer’s Association, K.R.Circle, Bangalore.
- The President, Karnataka Engineering Service Association, K.R.Circle, Bangalore.
- The President, Karnataka State Contractor’s Association, Bangalore, for information with a request to give vide publicity of the Tender-Bulletin through the President / Chairman of the affiliated District Contractors Association, ______District.
Volume- 6.1
(A Government of Karnataka Under Taking)
Office of the, Executive Engineer, KNNL, G.L.B.C.DivisionNo.2, Jamkhandi.
No.KNNL/GLBC/D2/DB/TND/05-06/5989Dated : 22.2.06
Sealed percentage tenders by mannually or electronic tenders (e-tendcring) in the prescribed form arc invited by the under-signed on behalf of M.D, K.NNL. Bangalore, from the contractors registered for The works mentioned in the statement below, The contractor shall invariably mention in their application. whether they want to submit their tender by manually or by E-tendeiing.
The blank tender documents can be obtained through website com and by linking lo e-tcnder (i.e. once you are in the above website, click on E-Tender Wizard which will link to where electronic tender box available there in OR the blank lender documents obtained and submitted mannually in The offices mentioned below.
Receiving of application will be at following offices till 8.3.06 at 5.30p.m
1) Registered Office, KNNL IVth Floor, Coffee Board Building No.l
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore-01.
2) Central Office, KNNL Walmi Building, Dharwad.
3) Chief Engineer, KNNL. lrrigation (North) Belgaum.
4)Superintending Engineer KNNL,GLBC,Circle,Jamkhandi.
4) Executive Engineer, KNNL. GLBC Dn.No.2 Jamkhandi.
Sl.No / Name of work / Approx.amount
put to
tender (Rs.
In Lakhs) / EMD.
Lakhs / Cost of tender document + sales
Taxes (Non refundable / Class of Contractor / Stipulated
Period of
(including Monsoon)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
1.(a) / PACKAGE - I
Providing lining to RamathirthDy Km 1 to 6 / 106.00 / 106000 / 25000 + 3740 / Class I & above / 3 Months excluding of irrigation.
(b) / Providing lining to Kankanawadi Dy Km 1of irrigation
(c) / Providing lining to Kadakol Minor Dy Km No : 1 & 2
1) The Contractor who are eligible in the techanical bid,those contractor will be issued Tender Book let.
2)The ineligible in techanical bid have no claim on application fees.
3)The Tenderer should have completed similar work of Rs.50.00 lakh during last five years and produce certificate not below the rank of Executive Engineer.
4)The eligible list under prequalification will be notified in notice board and website.
5)Cange of dates will be notified in notice board and website if any , no sepearate intimation will be given.
6)Contractor should sign each page of Tender Booklet.
7)Original certificate should be produced before opening of tender
8)The under signed receive the right to post pone the calender of events mentioned above.
For Electronic Tender system.
1) The aspiring contractors who have not previously obtained the user ID and Password for participating in e-tendering in KNNL may now obtain the same by requesting in writing to the registered office, KNNL. Bangalore on or before 5.3.06
2) The contractor may submit application for e tender on or before 8.3.06 upto 5.30 p.m in the KNNL. Wcbsitc link-e-tender on payment of the cost ofiender document (non refundable) shown above. While applying the contractor should enter the particulars of the payment like D,D. Number, Date, Amount and the name of the bank. The Demand Draft (D.D) or bankers cheque shall be drawn in favour or Executive Engineer, KNNL. G.L.B.C Division No. 2. Jamakhandi, on any schedule Bank payable at State Bank of Mysore, Jamakhandi. The original requisition with D.D should be submitted to the undersigned on or before 10.3.2006 during office hours.If the D.D Not received there application will be rejected.
3)Date of submission of techanical bid 13.3.06 Up to 4.00 p.m & opening of techanical bid on 13.3.06 at Division office Jamkhandi at 5.00 p.m
4) The contractor can have access to e-tender form (blank tender documents) on 17-03-2006 up to 4.00 P.M
5) Last date for submission of completed e-tender documents is 21.3.06 up to 4.00 P.M.
6) Tenders will be opened on 25.3.06 at KNNL.Office Bangalore at 11.00 A.M.
7) The contractor will obtain tender documents from the website fill them with scanned signature and submit the completed tender document in to electronic tender box in the website itself. The E.M.D shall be scanned and attached to the e-tender document and original E.M.D document shall be submitted in person to the Executive Engineer, KNNL.G.L.B.C, Division No. 2. Jamakhandi on or before 23.3.06 or One hour before opening of the tender on 25.3.06 at KNNL office Bangalore.
For Mannual Tendering.
Aspiring contractor may :
1) Submit their application for blank tender document on 8.3.06
2)Submission of techanical bid at Division office Jamkhandi up to 4.00 p.m 13.3.06
3) Issue of blank lender documents on 17.3.06 up to 5.00 p.m
4) submit sealed tenders at any one of the below mentioned office on
21.3.06 up to 4.00P.M
a) Central Office, KNNL, Walmi Building, Dharwad,
b) Chiefl Engineer, KNNL Irrigation (N) Belgaum.
c)Superintending Engineer KNNL,GLBC,Circle,Jamkhandi.
d) Executive Engineer, KNNL, GLBC Dn.No.2 Jamkhandi.
5) Date of opening of tender documents at KNNL Office Bangalore on 25.3.06 at 12 Noon.
Requirement of Machineries
(1)Tipper Nos 1(2)Concrete Mixture 1 No(3)Water Tanker 1 No.
1) E.M.D should be in the form of D.D. or Bank Guarantee of a Nationalised or Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of the, Executive Engineer, KNNL. GLBC Dn. No. 2. Jamkhandi.
2) Tender received without valid E.MD shall be rejected.
3) The following certificates shall be scanned and attested & enclosed to the e-tender / Mannual tender documenls.
a) Contractor registration certificate.
b) Latest income tax clearance certificate.
c) Karnalaka Sales Tax clearance certificate.
All the above original certificates shall be produced at the lime of opening of tenders for verification.Fake and confiscaled documents will be viewed seriously.
4) Any documenls submitted through post / courier are at the risk of contractor.
5) If any of the dates mentioned above happens to be a general holiday, the next working day will deemed to be operational.
6) If any further information can be had from the office of the under signed during office hours on all working days.
7) The officers competant to accept the tender shall have the right to reject any or al! the tenders without assigning any reason, whatsover thereon.
8) Corrigendum will be published in the website / News papers for all modifications / correction if any.
9) The contractor has to mention in the application,for manuval tendering the name of office for obtaining blank tender document or otherwise the Blank Tender documents will be issued by the undersigned office.
10) Attention is invited to rule No. 21 of condition of contract.
11)The KNNL reserves right to modify or alter any condition without assigning any reason.
12)Fulfillment of above conditions needs apply for tender.
Executive Engineer
KNNL,GLBC Dn,No,2, Jamkhandi.
Volume- 6.2
(A Government of Karnataka Enterprises)
Office of the ExecutiveEngineer,KNNL,MLBCC Divn .No.1, Ramdurg. Taluka:Ramdurg District: Belgaum,Phone No.(08335) 242143
No.MLBCC.1/DB.1/Remodelling/Tender/05-06/2208, Dated:. 15.2.06
Sealed percentage rate tenders by manually or Electrinic tender(e-tenders) in the prescribed form are invited by the undersigned on behalf of Managing Director,Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited,Bangalore from the Registered contractor for the works mentioned in the statement below. While applying for the tender the contractor shall invariably mention his option regarding submission of tender by manually or by e-tendering.
The blank tender documents can be obtained through web site and by linking to e-tenderwizard (ie., once you are in the above website click on e-tender wizard,which will link to www tenderwizard com.where electronic tendering is provided)and can be submitted through electrtonic tender box available therein or the blank tender documents obtained and sumitted manually in the office mentioned in note(5).
Statement showing the works put to tender.
Sl.No / Name of work / Approx.amount
put to
tender (Rs.
In Lakhs) / EMD.
Lakhs / Cost of tender forms
includig all
Taxes / Category / Stipulated
Period of
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
1 / Remodelling of MLBC Km 40,41,42 & 43(Package.V) / 269.00
Lakhs / 269000/- / 28,125/- / CategoryIII & above / 4 months including mansoon.
NOTE:- The aspiring tenderer should have following pre-qualifications
1) The contractor opting for e-tendering can apply for user ID Pass word upto 10-3-2006, 5-30 PM. to the registered office KNNL,Banalore.
2) The contractor can request for blank tender documents upto 13-3-2006 5.30 PM in the KNNL website link e-tender or in the office of the Executive Engineer,MLBCC Dn.No.1.Ramdurg. (for manual tendering)on payment of the amount mentioned in col (5) above for the works towards the cost of tender documents.The cost of form shall be paid in the forms of Demand Draft (DD) or Bankers cheque of a Nationalised Bank/Scheduled Bank drawn in the favour of Executive Engineer,Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited, payable at State Bank of Mysore,Ramdurg(non refundable).If the contractor opt for e-tendering he should scan & enter the particulars like Demand Draft No. Date /amount and Name of the Bank in the website and also the original DD should be submitted to the Office of the Executive Engineer, KNNL,MLBCC Dn.No.1,Ramdurg on 14-3-2006 alongwith certified copy of contractors registration certificate, latest Income Tax Clearance certificate, Karnataka Sales Tax Clearance Certificate and Employees provident fund ( EPF) Registration Certificate. These certificates should also be enclosed with the application by the contractors opting for manual tender. The original certificates should be produced at the time of opening of tender.
3). The blank tender documents will be issued on 21-3-2006 upto 5-30 PM in the below mentioned offices(Note 5).as requested by the contractors in their application.
4 ) The contractors can have access to e-tender documents on 21-3-2006 upto 5-30 PM.
5.) The last date for submission of completed e-tender documents and also for manual tendering is on 25-3-2006 (upto 4.00 PM).The e-tenderer should attach his scanned signature on the Schedule “B” alongwith the scanned EMD.
i)Registered office,Managing Director, KNNL,4th Floor Coffee Board Building No.1 Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Veedhi,Bangalore-560001
ii)Central Office KNNL ,WALMI Building,Belgaum Road,Dharwad.
iii)Chief Engineer,KNNL Irrigation,(North),Zone,Belgaum.
iv)Superintending Engineer,KNNL MLBCC Circle,Naviluteertha.
v)Executive Engineer, KNNL MLBCC Dn.No.1,Ramdurg.
6. The following certificates shall be scanned and attached to e-tender documents.In case of manual tenders certificates shall be enclosed with tender documents.
a. Contractor enrolled under KNNL.
b. Karnataka State Sales Tax clearance certificate.
c.Employee Provident Fund (EPF) registration certificate.
d Income Tax Clearance Certificate
All the above original certificate shall be produced at the time of opening of tender for verification.
7. The e-tender and Manual tender will be opened in the office of the Managing Directors, KNNL 4th Floor, Coffee Board Building .No.1, Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi,Bangalore-560001. on 28-3-2006 at 11-30 AM or other convenient date which will be informed.
8. EMD should be in the form of DD or Bank guarantee of Nationalised or Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of the Executive Engineer,,KNNL MLBC Dn.No.1,Ramdurg payable at State Bank of Mysore , Ramdurg.Tender received without valid EMD shall be rejected. The vailidity of EMD shall be for period of 180 days(one hundred eighty days)from the date of opening of tender shall be submitted along with the tender in manual tender system.
9. The contractor shall obtained blank tender documents from website and submit the completed tender documents with electronic tender box on the website itself.The EMD shall be scanned and attached to the e-tender documents and original EMD documents shall be submitted in person to; the Executive Engineer,KNNL MLBCC Dn.No.1,Ramdurg, before opening of the tender ( during working hours.).
10.Any documents submitted through post/couriers is at the risk of contractor(ie.,KNNL is not responsible for postal delay).
11.The conditional tenders will be rejected.The officer competent to accept the tender shall have the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
12.Corrigendum will be published in the website for all modifications /corrections if any.
13.The contractor should attach his/her scanned signature to the Schedule”B” before submitting(ie. In case of e-tendering)and affix his/her signature to the Schedule “B” in case of manual tendering.
14.If any of the dates mentioned above happens to be General Holidays the next working day will holds good.
15.Whenever erratic rate is quoted for an excavation item the quantity mentioned in the tender for that item will be paid at the quoted rate irrespective of actual strata encountered during execution.
16.The intending contractor should note that if any of the land(either in part/parts or in whole) required for the work is not yet acquired by the Nigam it shall be the responsibility of the contractor to take possession of such land and start the work by consent of the owners before commencement of work,at no extra cost to the Nigam and no claims whatsoever relating to non availability of land would be entertained.
17.The detail tender notification can be had from the KNNL website and linking to e-tender or in the office of the undersigned.
18.The successful bidder should produce an additional Bank Guarantee for the difference amount below 25% if quoted rates are below 25% of the estimated rates before executing agreement with KNNL.
19.Items such as sand blasting , fixing of wiremesh after drilling, shortcret concreting , lining by pavers etc. are to be executed from specialised people only.
20.Wagon drilling not to be used for hard rock excavation.
21.The contractor has to give a leakproof performance guarantee for three years
Executive Engineer,
Volume - 6Web Site:-
Water Resources Department. / (D.UDAYASHANKAR)
Deputy Secretary to Government (MMI)
Water Resources Department