Cllrs B Whatling (Chair), M Clifton, T Grocutt, T Bouttle, J Bishop, S Angell, M Grimshaw, J Aldridge

APOLOGIES:Cllr J Douglass- arriving late¸ T Carter¸ B Tipper¸ F Dowsing¸ J Sherman.

IN ATTENDANCE:District Cllr Denney,A Durn (Clerk),

16.250To Receive and Accept Apologies for absence.

Apologies were noted and accepted.

16.251To Receive Declarations of Interest and any requests for dispensations

Cllr J Aldridge – Cleaner contract

16.252Chairman’s announcements

The Chairman gave the following report: This month has been less busy regarding meetings I have however attended all required meetings during the month these being Planning & Highways, Recreation and Leisure, and a number of office meetings. In addition to this I attended a meeting of the Ashmead Phone Box Group regarding telephone boxes.

Together with Cllr Aldridge and the Clerk I attended a one day seminar in Yate called Risk Engineering – I tend to call these “what ifs meetings” they being arranged by Zurich insurance and provide information regarding claims and our responsibilities in this respect, a very worthwhile visit.

After several recent site inspections carried out by Cllr Tina Bouttle Chair of Recreation and Leisure and the Clerk I was asked as Chair of Council to comment on a complaint made by a local resident, regarding the Rackleze Conservation area, I therefore along with Cllr Bottle and Staff administration officer visited the area to view the situation first hand and thereafter make my findings known to the local resident who had the original concerns. Letters are being exchanged to resolve this situation and all details so far are with our Clerk should you require further information.

As you are all aware further problems have occurred at the Jubilee fields with regards to dogs, this is another item for consideration by this Council.

For information a series of meeting are to take place in the near future to discuss the s106 Littlecombe monies availiable as grants , with an amended list and agreed criterion these will start at the earliest.

I move from announcements, with your approval to make a formal statement.

I move to a most important point at this time – those who were at the February Full Council Meeting are aware of a situation that occurred on that evening when, during business a cross exchange of views between Councillors and 2 representatives of the Ashmead Phone Box Group who came to us to discuss telephone boxes, became somewhat overheated.

It is in regard to this occurrence I would remind the Councillors of their responsibilities and behaviour under our code of conduct rules.

To repair any damage doneI took it on myself to attend the next meeting of the Ashmead Group to express my personal apologies to those in attendance for the situation that had occurred In Council, this with reservations was accepted by the Committee. I was then given the opportunity to explain and fully discuss any concerns this Council might have, and to ensure on behalf of both parties that the proposed action had been fully assessed in every aspect. Without my further involvement, the Committee went into a detailed and intensive discussion from which a new proposal was agreed this was duly forwarded to this Council the next day. Since this incident, I have spoken to the Councillor concerned and I have his word that such an apology will be made to those concerned at the forthcoming meeting with the Ashmead Group which is presently being arranged. Fortunately, this communication path is once again established with this Group thus allowing things to move forward, I have I might add also received a similar verbal apology from the Councillor.

With lessons learned I would hope that when this matter is resolved it can now be closed, this time we were fortunate that no permanent damage was done.

With my apologies expressed to you all, please be aware that I give you my word that I will without hesitation curtail immediately any action I deem likely to create a situation similar to that seen recently, be assured this Council will never again tolerate another such outburst or incident under my Chairmanship.

16.253To consider changes to order of business

It was RESOLVED to move item 24 to after item 6

16.254To receive any questions, statements or submissions from members of the public in attendance

None received.

16.255To approve and sign Minutes of the Full Council meetings on 1st February 2017 as a true and correct record

Amendment of Cllr Angell joining the meeting before the item approving the 2017/18 budget and precept. It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes including the amendment. The Minutes were signed by the Chair.

Cllr Douglass joined the meeting.

16.256To note matters arising from the Minutes and not covered by agenda items, for information only


16.257To receive minutes of Committee meetings held in November and December2016 and January 2017

Planning and Highways

Recreation and Leisure

Finance and General Purposes

The minutes were noted.

16.258To receive reports on issues affecting Cam from:

a)County Councillor

No report submitted.

b)District Councillor

District Cllr Clifton gave the following report:

  • Stroud DC had agreed its budget.The Council Tax had been set at an extra £5 per Band D which is the maximum allowed before referendum requirements.

District Cllr Denney sent the following report:

Sustainable design and construction check list

SDC is as far as we know the only council in the country to have a policy like this (I think there is one in London but nowhere near as comprehensive). Alas it is voluntary and doesn't replace the 2016 Zero Carbon homes policy of the last Labour government which was ditched by the Conservatives after lobbying from the construction industry.

Council are hoping that better firms in the construction industry will embrace this as a sustainabilityquality quality mark. Those that don't will be shamed by SDC and it will be published if they haven't returned their form.

This policy was passed on Thursday 16th of Feb 2017and will be being sent out to developers looking to put forward planning applications from that date.

Council Housing

The Housing revenue account has reached the government imposed borrowing limit and so no more money can be spent on developing new council housing from that fund, despite us having over 2000 people on the waiting list. So SDC has made available £8 million from capital reserves for the purpose of building further housing. We are supposed to be able to retain right to buy receipts in order to build new housing however what’s left after the discount to the owner has been applied isn’t enough to replace like for like. Further the red tape associated with our ability to retain the receipts is so complex we are in effect unable to spend the money and in fact recently had to give £500k back to central government.

Canal Regeneration

Although not strictly a Cam issue Members may be interested to know that I have had positive feedback from members of the public on SDC’s decision to back phase 1b. There seems to have been generally supportive press coverage also. Let’s hope the HLF are equally as enthused in November when the funding bid for 1b is to be submitted.

Cycling and walking plan

There has been much interest in this from many people across the district and dare I say it cross party support. We have £300k I the budget and I am following up a significant lead for matched funding which could boost this amount substantially. I met with the Green Way team on Saturday morning and we had a productive meeting. Environment lead Barry Wyatt has identified an officer lead for the project and although we may need to buy in some expertise the majority of the work should be able to be covered by in house resources.


It is 99% certain that the demolition of 88-90 Cam High St was conducted without a licence from from natural England and in contravention of the law, bats being a protected species. I personally have spoken with the consultants who did the initial survey and they have not been approached to obtain a licence to move the bats or to undertake any mitigation work. I have made the Chair of the Environment committee on DCC and Gloucestershire Wildlife trust aware of what has happened. Cllr Douglass is also looking into this matter. Mitigation work will need to take place very quickly as the roost was identified as a maternity roost and if those bats now have nowhere to go to give birth then that local population will die.

16.259To agree to the committee membership for Cllr Poskett

It was RESOLVED for Cllr Poskett to be a member of Recreation and Leisure Committee.

16.260Todiscuss the transport assessment report for NE Cam and agree actions

Meetings had been held with Stroud District Council Planning re the Sandpits traffic lights/roundabout proposals. It was agreed that Cam and Dursley Councils need to provide proposals. Similarly, for Noel Lee Way roundabout with mitigation measures. The report had been shared with Dursley Town Council. The report was discussed¸ it was felt that the data was out of date and yet had been used by GCC. It was RESOLVED that Cllrs Dowsing and Angell to analyse the report and discuss the key issues with Gloucestershire County Council.

16.261To review the financial report for 2016/17 and agree actions

The report was reviewed and queries were discussedand explained.

16.262To review the utilities quotes and agree actions

The quotes and recommendations from 2 brokers were reviewed and discussed. It was RESOLVED to accept the cheapest recommendations.

16.263To review the quotes for the Christmas lights and agree actions

The quote from the original installation contractor was reviewed. The quote was felt to be costly. Another supplier was suggested. It was RESOLVED to contact the suggested supplier for a quote and ensure insurance requirements were met. It was RESOLVED to delegate authority for £1000 to the Clerk with Cllr Aldridge for supply and installation of Christmas lights.

16.264To agree the Complaints Policy

The updated policy was reviewed. An amendment to clarify the last paragraph was proposed. It was RESOLVED to accept the Complaints Policy to include the amendment.

16.265To receive an update on progress on the development of the NDP for Cam

An update was given on the progress to date. The Chair and Vice Chair of NDP had met the new NDP Officer at Stroud District Council. Work is being done on sports and play areas in the parish and their level of protection. The Vice Chair had attended the training session at Churchdown which was worth attending. Awaiting news of the Locality Grant which is to be used for the policy writing contract.

16.266To note training opportunities, conferences, and information events, and confirm attendance

The schedule had previously been circulated and the proposals agreed. Any requests for further training to be sent to the Clerk.

16.267To receive an update on the Cam and Dursley Station

An update was given.

16.268To review the Housing White Paper consultation and agree response

It was RESOLVED to allocate 30 minutes on the next Planning and Highways Committee agenda. Councillors are asked to prepare for the meeting. The Clerk will circulate briefing notes to help in the preparation.

16.269To agree to setting up of working groups and terms of reference

It was RESOLVED for the Chairs and Vice Chairs to meet to discuss the staffing capacity.

It was RESOLVED for Cllr Whatling¸ Dowsing¸ Angell¸ and Bishop to form a working group to discuss Building Development with no budget¸ and report to FGP Committee.

16.270To discuss and agree to a representative nomination to the GAPTC Executive Committee

There were no nominations.

16.271To discuss the Lobby Day engagement of the local MP and agree actions

It was RESOLVED to have a joint meeting with the local MP and other parish and town councils. Items for discussion include M5 junction¸ Severn bridge¸ boundary change¸ council tax capping¸NDP¸S106/CIL.

16.272To agree to the date for the Annual Parish Meeting 2017

It was RESOLVED to hold the Parish Meeting on 24th May 2017 at7pm. Items could include NE Cam development¸ play review¸ police¸ being a councillor.

16.273To review the request from Stroud District Council on the policy in relation to fossil fuel investments and agree a response

There was a discussion on the Paris Agreement and the Pension Investment Strategy. It was RESOLVED where Councils can decide¸ that support is given for non-investment in fossil fuels.

16.274To resolve, pursuant to the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, that the public and press be excluded during Agenda Item 26 and 27 due to the confidential nature of the discussion


16.275To agree to the appointment of the internal auditor

It was RESOLVED to appoint Mr I Selkirk as the Council’s internal auditor.

16.276To agree to the appointment of the cleaning contract

Due to the termination of the previous contract¸it was RESOLVED to appoint Even Better Clean as the cleaning contractor.

16.277To reconvene the meeting


16.278To note any items for information or referral only

Parochial Charities – Cllr Poskett to be the Council representative.

Amphibian migration season has started¸ patrols will be held at Woodend Lane.

16.279Close of meeting

The meeting closed at 8.54pm.
