Algebra IMrs. Cooley

Contact Information:



Information, including class notes and assignments, is also available on the school’s website. Look under the high school teacher websites and find my name.

Class Expectations

I expect you to do well in this class.

I expect you to give your best effort in this class.

I expect your attention and respect when I am teaching or someone else is talking.

I expect you to ask questions if you don’t understand something.

I also expect you to:


Bring textbook, notebook, homework, calculator, pencil, etc. to class every day.

Passes will NOT be given for you to go and get these!


All school policies should be followed.

Obey the “Golden Rule”. Treat others as you wish to be treated.


You must be in your seat when the bell rings and stay in your seat until the end of class.


Copy all notes in your notebook, correct all homework and quizzes, participate in all class activities, do all warm up problems, etc. Use class time wisely.


There is no shame in not knowing something--yet, to hide it is the shame!


The following items are required for this course.

-Scientific calculator (TI-30IXII)

Note: TI-84 graphing calculator is suggested, but not required. You will definitely need a graphing calculator for Algebra II.

-3-ring binder, dividers, lots of paper

-Pencils, eraser

Grading Policy:

Grades will be determined by a point system and based upon your demonstration of what you’ve learned via tests, quizzes, homework, projects, and other assignments. You may view your grade on the website.

West Branch Local School’s Grading Scale

A93 – 100

B85 – 92

C75 – 84

D65 – 74

F0 – 64


Each student is required to keep an organized notebook containing all notes, homework, handouts, and any graded work.


You should expect homework every night! It will be checked the following class for completeness, not correctness. No credit will be given for homework without all work shown!! Keep your homework labeled and organized in your notebook. Use pencil!

Be sure to check my webpage on the Warrior’s website for assignments and class notes—especially if you are absent!

Completed Homework + Organization = Success


Quizzes are usually, but may not always be, announced.

Tests will always be announced about one week ahead of time.


Students are expected to participate in class by answering questions, asking questions, volunteering to put problems on the board, not causing disruptions, etc.

Academic Dishonesty:

Do your own work. Cheating or any perception of cheating will not be tolerated. A zero will be given for that assignment and parents/principal notified.

Extra Help:

Please know that I am here to help you!! I want you to succeed this year in Algebra. I am available before school, after school, during my conference period (1), during my lunch period (7-8), and during study hall (11-12) for extra help. You may e-mail me as well. Math continually builds on previous content, so do not fall behind—stay ahead of the game!!!

I have read the classroom expectations for Mrs. Cooley, Algebra I.

Student Name______

Parent Name______

Parent Phone Number______

Parent E-mail Address______

Parent Signature______

I have read the classroom expectations for Mrs. Cooley, Algebra I.

Student Name______

Parent Name______

Parent Phone Number______

Parent E-mail Address______

Parent Signature______