Application Form
Dear applicant
Thank you for applying to work alongside I Will If You Will (IWIYW) in Bury. The project is focussed upon changing women and girls’ (age 14+) behaviours to take part in physical activity and sport, with the aim of getting more women and girls being more active, more often. The longer term aspiration is to change the culture within Bury to make physical activity and sport the norm, and to contribute to improving the health and wellbeing of our local residents. We have designed this form to make it as easy as possible for you to explain to us how you are able to meet the aims of the project. We have also attached in Appendix 1 a flowchart that confirms the approval process for your application. If you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact your Relationship Manager.
Warm regards
The I Will If You Will Team
  • I/we confirm that the information provided in this application is accurate.
  • I/we confirm that we agree to provide I Will If You Will with data/information about our participants on a basis agreed and will use IWIYW registration forms and registers.
  • I/we agree to implement all elements of the project in line with agreed timescales.
  • I/we agree to support the aims of the I Will If You Will Project and to seek behaviour change from my/our participants.
Name ______
Signed ______
Date of application ______
Please complete sections 1-5 below
Section 1 - Applicants Details
Contact Name
Job Title
Organisation Name and Address
Email Address
Contact Telephone Number
Section 2 - What are you hoping to do? / Office
Please outline your project/idea/concept
Please outline the current staff that you have available to support/drive this project/idea/concept, and what they will be doing?
Please outline whether you will need to recruit additional staff to support/drive this project/idea/concept.
If required, please outline what training you will provide your staff to support them in implementing this project/idea/concept.
If required, please outline whether your staff hold the relevant insurance and liability cover.
Where will the project/idea/concept take place? (Location)
Who do you think will take part in your project/idea/concept?
(E.g. Women/girls/those with particular health conditions etc)
How long will your project/idea/concept run for? / Start Date / End Date
Do you require additional resources to run this project/idea/concept?
If yes, have you researched where the resources can be purchased from and how much they will cost?
How do you plan to market/promote your project/idea/concept?
How do you know that the project/idea/concept will be a success?
Section 3 – Project Plan
Please use the table below to outline the key steps involved in the development and delivery of your project/idea/concept.
Item / Date / Actions
Section 4a - I Will If You Will Aims
Aims / Detail / Office
How many women and/or girls will you engage with this project/idea/concept?
Of these women and/or girls, how many do you think are not involved in physical activity and/or sport prior to this project/idea/concept starting?
How many women and/or girls do you think will be active once a week for 30 minutes as a result of your project/idea/concept?
How many women and/or girls do you think will be active three times a week for 30 minutes as a result of your project/idea/concept?
How many women and/or girls do you think will be active five times a week for 30 minutes as a result of your project/idea/concept?
Please outline what will happen at the end of the project/idea/concept. How will women and/or girls remain active?
How will you seek feedback from the women and/or girls that take part to ensure they are satisfied with the project/idea/concept?
Section 4b – I Will If You Will Aims
Below is a list of the 10 strategic aims that IWIYW is assessed against. Please explain whether you feel you are able to meet any of them and how.
Aims / Yes / No / Explanation / Office
Are you able to make the women and/or girls that take part more aware of the benefits of being active from your project/idea/concept?
Are you able to raise awareness of I Will If You Will with the women and/or girls that take part?
Are you able to market your project/idea/concept as something that is positiveand rewarding?
Are you able to provide women and/or girls with an opportunity to overcome their personal barriers to being active so they feel comfortable and confident taking part?
Are you able to help women and/or girls make a meaningful commitment (a personal pledge) to becoming more active?
Are you able to help women and/or girls find out what is available in their area?
Will women and/or girls have a high quality experience?
Will women and /or girls be able to support and encourage each other?
Will the community become involved in your project/idea/concept?
Will you stay in touch with the women and/or girls that participate in your project/idea/concept to encourage them coming back?
Will you celebrate the achievement of the women and/or girls that take part in your project/idea/concept?
Section 5 - What do you need from I Will If You Will?
Please use the rows below to outline the resources that are required to complete your project/idea/concept. Please be as detailed as possible.
(Funding, staff/volunteer time/travel/rent/research etc) / Time / Value added in kind (no contributions needed) / Amount funded by IWIYW (£) / Amount you will fund (£)
Total £
Section 6 - Office use only
Approved by: - / Yes / No / Date / Signed
Relationship Manager
Operations Programme Manager
If No, feedback given by: -
Overview of the feedback given
Approved by: - / Yes / No / Date / Signed
Locality Officer (If applicable)
Physical Activity Relationship Manager/Sport Relationship Manager
Sport and Active Lifestyles Programme Manager
Contract issued by: -

Appendix 1 – Process Flow Chart(Timeframe, up to 5 weeks)