Keystone Biology Remediation 2014-15

Ms. Bruno 724.846.1050 x316

Email or visit Room 203

Remediation on your own: Because you scored Basic or Below Basic on the Biology Keystone Exam, you will be expected to retest in mid-December. Your schedule doesn’t permit you to be enrolled in the Keystone Biology Remediation elective course periods 1 or 8; however, there are a variety of resources available to you to study on your own for the retest.

Study Options:

Ms. Bruno:

1.  Study Guide Booklet: Big Ideas in Biology, Glossary Terms, Scoring Guidelines

2.  Biology Flip Charts: Laminated Study Guides for Biology – see Ms. Bruno to sign out a set

3.  Periods 1, 4 ,8 and after school for tutoring with Ms. Bruno on days that you can fit it in

4.  All documents and links are on my school webpage: School Staff – Stacy Bruno

Online: Access these at home, during study hall or while in the library for study hall

5.  iTunes University: Pennsylvania Learns – Biology course units as needed

6.  Khan Academy: also available on iTunes U app

7.  Bozeman Biology: free videos and podcasts to review

8.  Edmodo Group: Mrs.Zern & Mrs. Phillips use this in Biology: Join code = byf3xd

9.  PDE Keystone : Biology Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content with Sample Questions

10.  Waterfront Learning: ONLINE coursework for KEYSTONE BIOLOGY • Facilitated by a PA highly qualified teacher • Self-paced, asynchronous • Accessible from any computer with internet access• Remediation courses run for 9 weeks for $150/student

Ms. Bruno is available in Room 203:

Home Room, Periods 1 (Keystone Bio), 4 (Prep) & 8(Keystone Bio) & after school

Other Keystone Biology Internet Resources

·  Youtube – Bozeman Biology Videos

·  PhET simulations (University of Colorado’s Interactive simulations)

·  Keystone Biology Links – Peters Township SD

·  Biology Animations

·  Biology Animations

·  Biology Animations

·  Variety of Biology Resources