List of “A” “B” Streets

Trash is picked up every other week(“A” or “B” week)

NOTE: Recycling and compost are picked up every week!

Check this year’s calendar on the town website for “A” and “B” trash weeks ( How May We Help You, Trash, Recycling and Compost) or call Calista Carbonell (251-8103).

There is no curbside service on major holidays (New Years, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas). Pickup for those days is the day after the holiday. Other days are then delayed one day for the remainder of the week.

NOTE: For streets followed by an asterisk (*) there is no pickup on that street – please bring all trash, recycling and compost to the end of the street or road.

Monday “A” Week

Trash picked up on “A” week

Recycling / compost every week.

Allen St.

Blakeslee St.

Canal St. (even house #’s)

Central St.

Clark St.

Estabrook St.

Fuller Dr.

Highland St.

Homestead Pl.

Horton Pl.

Lawrence St.

Oak Grove Ave.

Pearl St.

Pellet St.

Pine St.

Prospect Ct.

Prospect St.

Reed St (*)

Thomas St.

Washington St.

White Birch Ave.

Monday “B” Week

Trash picked up on “B” week

Recycling / compost every week.

Atwood St.

Baldwin St.

Canal St. (odd house #’s)

Clark Ave.

Coombs St.

Cotton Mill Hill

Cross St.

Darien St.

Dummer Ave.

Fairground Rd.

Fort Dummer Hts. (*)

Generous St.

Goldfinch Lane

Haskell Dr. (*)

Home St.

Hunt Ave.

King Ave. (*)

Left Bank Way (*)

Marlboro Ave.

Martel Way (*)

Mercury Dr. (*)

Moreland Ave.

Mountainview Ave.

Old Guilford Rd.

Parkside Ave.

Pauls Rd. (*)

Riverview St.

South Main St.

Sunny Acres Rd.

Valgar St.

Valley St.

Vernon St.

Wilsons Woods Rd.

Tuesday “A” Week

Trash picked up on “A” week

Recycling / compost every week.

Beech St.

Brannon St.

Bullock St.

Butterfly Ln.

Church Pl.

Crosby St.

Elliot St.

Elliot Terrace

Elm St.

Flat St.

Frost Pl.

Frost St

Garden Dr. (*)

Green St.

High St. (even #’s)

Highlawn Rd.

Larkin St.

Moore Ct.

Retting Pl (*)

School St.

Shadow Lawn (*)

Spring St.

Stewart Pl.

Stand Ave.

Union St.

West St.

Western Ave. (Even house #’s 2-328)

Whetstone Dr.

Whipple St.

Williams St.

Willow St.

Tuesday “B” Week

Trash picked up on “B” week

Recycling / compost every week.

Bakers St.

Belmont Ave.

Birge St.

Brook St.

Cherry St.

Chestnut St.

Chestnut St. West

Cottage St.

Christie Ln. (*)

Draper Ln. (*)

Estey St.

Estey Circle

Fairview St.

Fairview Village Dr.

Friendship Rd. (*)

Frog Hill (*)

Guilford St.

Hillcrest Terrace

Kyle Rd. (*)

Lamson St.

Ledgewood Hgts.

Lexington Ave.

Locust St.

Maple St.

Moonlight Lane (*)

Organ St.

Pleasant St.

Pond Dr. (*)

Reynolds Dr.

Signal Hill Dr.

Southern Ave.

Summit Circle (*)

Vine St.

Winter Ct.

Winter St.

Wednesday “A” Week

Trash picked up on “A” week

Recycling / compost every week.

Abbott Rd.

Ames Hill Rd.

Akley Rd.

Arbor Hill Common

Barrows Rd.

Bonnyvale Rd.

Brattle St.

Bro Place (*)

Brookside Dr.

Country Hill

Covey Rd.

Culbertson Dr.

East Bonnyvale Ln. (*)

Evergreen Lane

Garfield Dr.

Gateway Farm Ln. (*)

Geo F. Miller Dr.

Glen St.

Goodenough Rd.

Green Meadow

Greenleaf St.

Harvest Hill Rd. (*)

Hinesburg Rd.

Ivy Lane (*)

Juniper Ridge Rd. (*)

Lee Rd.

Mather Rd.

Melchen Rd. (*)

Melrose St.

Miller Rd.

Nichols Dr. (*)

Quail’s Hill Rd.

Red Oak Ridge (*)

Robin Way

South St.

Stone Boat Row (*)

Thayer Ridge Rd.

Ursa Ridge (* - bring to South St.)

Waubanong Rd. (* - bring to Hinesburg Rd.)

Western Ave. (West of I-91, both sides of the street)

Wednesday “B” Week

Trash picked up on “B” week

Recycling / compost every week.

Autumn Hill Rd.

Bear Hill (*)

Brookwood Rd.

Carriage Hill Rd.

Cider Mill Hill (*)

Cooke Rd. (*)

Deepwood Dr.

Edgewood Dr.

Edward Hgts.

Fisch Rd. (* - bring to east end of Hescock Rd.)

Gulf Rd. (*)

Halladay Brook Rd. (*)

Hamilton Rd. (*)

Hampshire Cir.

Hemlock Dr.

Hescock Rd. (*)

Kelly Rd.

Lawton Dr.

Lynwood Dr.

Maplewood Dr.

Marlboro Rd.

Olson Dr. (*)

Record Dr.

Regina Vista (*)

Reservoir Rd.

Scott Rd. (*)

Sherwood Cir.

Sokoki Hill (* - bring to east end of Hescock Rd.)

Stark Rd. (*)

Stockwell Dr.

Stonewall Dr.

Sunset lake Rd.

Thistle Hill Rd.

Trail Rd.

Tudor Ln.

Valley Rd.

Village Dr.

Wagon Dr.

Westgate Dr.

Wildwood Dr.

Winding Hill Rd.

Windward Dr.

Woodvale Rd.

Yorkshire Cir.

Thursday “A” Week

Trash picked up on “A” week

Recycling / compost every week.

Acorn Ln.

Black Mt. Rd.

Bradely Ave.

Bretts Rd. (*)

Chapin St.

Chase St.

Chestnut Hill

Connecticut River Dr.

Crescent Dr.

Deacon Pl

Dickinson Rd.

Eaton Ave.

Ebby Dr. (*)

Forest St.

Fox Farm Rd. (*)

Grove St.

Harris Ave.

Harris Pl.

Hillwinds North

Hillwinds Rd.

Howard St.

Just So Ln. (*)

Kipling Rd.

Landmark Hill Dr.

Linden St.

North St.

Oak Crest

Oak St.

Overlook Dr.

Putney Rd.

Putnum Dr. (*)

Rice Farm Rd. (*)

Terrace St.

Thorn Ln. (*)

Tyler St.

Upper Dummerston Rd.

Upper Forest St.

Vermont Ave.

Walnut St.

Wantastiquet Dr.

West River Rd.

Whitney Pl. (*)

Williston St.

Thursday“B” Week

Trash picked up on “B” week

Recycling / compost every week.

Allerton Ave.

Apple Tree Rd. (*)

Bittersweet Ln.

Burgess Way (*)

Capy Way (*)

Cedar St.

Cortland Lane (*)

East Orchard St.

Ethan Hill (*)

Gibson Rd.

Ginko Ln.

Greenhill Pkwy

High St. (odd #’s)

Jenny Ln.

Laurel St.

Macintosh Ln.

Meadowbrook Rd.

Meetinghouse Ln.

Myrtle St.

New England Dr.

Olive St.

Orchard St.

Peachtree Ln. (*)

Pleasant Valley Rd.

Speno Ct.

Spruce St.

Strawberry Hill

Sycamore St.

Timber Ln.

Water Ln. (*)

Western Ave. (Odd house #’s 1-325)

Wickopee Hill Rd.

No Town Pick Up on These Streets

Privateor Commercial properties

Trash/Recycling pick up arranged by owners or landlords

Arch St.

Austine Drive

Bradford Drive

Bridge St.

Buttonwood Hill

Dettman Drive

Eels Court

Experiment Way

First Level Drive

Harmony Place

Holden St.

John Seitz Drive

Justin Holden Drive

Landmark Hill Drive

Main St.

Memorial Court

Memorial Park Drive

Minshall St.

Mornigside Common

Moningside Drive

O’Bryan Drive

Old Ferry Road

Park Place

Reynolds Drive

Royal Rd.

Second Level Drive

Spring Tree Road

Third Level Drive

Town Crier Drive

Walker Place

Wallace Way