Proudly Present

The 20th Annual


May 9 – 10, 2014

Pasadena Convention Center/Sheraton Pasadena,

Pasadena, CA

This year’s workshop will begin following Space Ops 2014. Separate registration and fee is required for the Workshop.

Improving Space Operations Workshop

You are invited to attend the 20th Annual Improving Space Operations Workshop, jointly sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Space Operations & Support Technical Committee (SOSTC), and SpaceOps. This year's Workshop will immediately follow the SpaceOps 2014 convention (separate registration/fee required).

The workshop is a primary means by which the SOSTC achieves its objectives to:

1.Investigate the development, implementation, and operation of systems that support space-related activities.

2.Focus on operations technologies associated with space operations infrastructure, including the Internet and other commercial technologies.

3.Develop positions on operational issues needing AIAA input from a cross section of member expertise.

4.Identify approaches and standards for making operations more affordable, more flexible, more productive, and safer.

As in past years, the emphasis will be on small groups working to advance the level of understanding in several technical areas relevant to space operations.

When and Where

Friday, May 9, 2014

►1:00 PM to 4:00 PM at the Pasadena Convention Center

Saturday, May 10, 2014

►7:30 AM to 4:00 PM at the Sheraton Pasadena Hotel

Pasadena Convention Center
300 East Green Street
Pasadena, California 91101 / Sheraton Pasadena Hotel
303 Cordova Street
Pasadena, CA 91101

Call for Presentations

Presentations (no paper required) are solicited in each of thetwo tracks of the workshop. Each presentation should be of an educational nature and not a product or service advertisement. Please send a short paragraph describing the proposed topic(s) to the leader of the appropriate track by close of business on Friday, March 28, 2014, to propose a presentation. If selected for presentation, charts must be emailed to the track leader by close of business on Thursday, May8, 2014. Please contact the appropriate track leader if you have questions.

Workshop Format

The workshop will comprise two tracks and 3-4 plenary presentations. This year's tracks include:

Track 1: Commercial Space Operations

Leader:Dan King ()

The commercial space industry continues to develop exciting new services that raise unique operational challenges and opportunities. Commercial space operations encompass a spectrum of missions and technologies that includes ISS Commercial Cargo andCrew, space tourism,geostationary Earth orbit-hosted/ejectable payloads,satellite servicing, and prospecting andextracting resources from an asteroid or the Moon. Some factors that may need to be addressed for successful and continuing space operations include spaceports, range and range safety, ascent and reentry, landing, flight tracking and coordination, regulations, rights, insurability, and profitability. This track brings together government stakeholders, innovative companies, and entrepreneurial pioneers that could share their experiences and contribute to establishing those vital conditions for the expansion of new commercial space endeavors.

Track 2: Spacecraft Anomaly Characterization and Trending

Leader: William Ailor ()

The Spacecraft Anomaly Characterization and Trending track will examine current practices and standards related to capturing, characterizing, and trending spacecraft anomalies. Of particular interest are lessons learned in these areas, examples of how satellite operators and manufacturers are using anomaly data, and experiences and ideas for sharing anomaly information that might improve spacecraft reliability.


A block of rooms has been reserved at the Sheraton Pasadena Hotelfrom May 5-11.Reservations must be made by April 18, 2014 to be eligible for the group rate of $185/night for single or double occupancy. Be sure to mention the group codeSpace Ops 2014-AIAAwhen calling to make your reservations.

Sheraton Pasadena direct: 626-449-4000 or 800-457-7940

Starwood/Sheraton nationwide: 800-325-3535

Hotel website:

Registration Information

Workshop attendance is limited, so you are encouraged to respond early. Please email your reservation towith the following information:


►Email address

►Agency/Company Affiliation

►Country of citizenship and any relevant US status information (e.g. “green card”)

►Preferred track

Workshop check-in procedures will be provided with confirmation of your registration.

The registration fee for the workshop is:

If registration received before March 16 / $75 (US)
If registration received from March 16to May 8 / $100 (US)
Walk-up registration May 9-10 / $125 (US)
Students / $25 (US)

The fee is payable in advance by check or credit card or on the morning of the workshop by cash, check,or credit card.

**Cancellations must be made by April 18in order to receive a refund.**

Once your registration is confirmed, you will receive an invoice from AIAA-SOSTC with credit card payment information.

Checks payable to AIAA SOSTCmay be sent to:

Space Science and Engineering Division
Southwest Research Institute
P.O. Drawer 28510
San Antonio, TX 78228-0510

Additional Information

Information about past workshops and the Space Operations and Support Technical Committee can be found on our website at: .