Council Offices / Swyddfa’r Cyngor

Dragon Theatre

Jubliee Road

Barmouth / Abermaw

Gwynedd LL42 1LU

Minutes of a meeting of Barmouth Town Council held in the

Dragon Theatre

at 7p.m. on Tuesday, 27th March 2012.


Councillor M James (in the Chair) Councillor V McArdell , Councillor P Hill , Councillor D Clay. Councillor J Brookes, Councillor T Roberts, Councillor L Davies, Councillor S Baynes, Councillor A Sanderson Councillor P Bunce, Councillor S Slater, Councillor B Goddard

In attendance:

Mrs J Hughes (Clerk)

Eryl Jones Williams (Reporter)


Councillor R Williams


Councillor M James – Licence Application The Royal Hotel

Councillor P Hill – Licence Application The Royal Hotel.

Councillor T Roberts – all planning matters, Finance, Royal British Legion donation for

wreath & donation to Sailors Institute

Councillor L Davies – Late night shopping event

3 MINUTES Minutes of the previous meeting held on 24th January 2012 were approved and signed subject to the following amendments:-

Councillor David Clay had declared an interest regarding the Standards Committee

Item 3 Rotary Club should read ‘replying’ not ‘relying’


A complaint had been received from a local resident about the sand building up on the path from the Roundhouse to the crossing. Historically this was flat but it has now built up to the wall. The Council had been asked if they could lend their support to getting it cleared, as this is the main access to the car park. Councillor James suggested that the Community Gang might be able to help. Councillor Roberts suggested that it would be quicker to contact the Harbour Master and request him to address the issue. Councillor James stated that he would deal with this.

The police will be invited to the April meeting to give an update on the policing situation. It is known that the police are very concerned about the imminent retirement of some police officers, as this will leave them short staffed.

Councillor McArdell said that she had spoken to someone who had stated that the Talbot Square notice board was in a poor state of repair and this needs to be looked at. Councillor James said that several of the notice boards in the town could do with some attention but he was unsure as to whom they belonged. It was agreed to send a letter to Gwynedd Council asking them to tidy and repair the boards. Councillor Clay stated that it was necessary to define exactly what is needed and Councillor McArdell said that perhaps 2-3 Council members could arrange to inspect them to ascertain this. Councillor Brookes suggested that it might be possible to purchase something “off the peg” rather than go down the route of having them made to order. Councillors Brookes, James and McArdell will arrange to inspect the boards and look into replacements.

Councillor James said that 2-3 of the benches also needed repair work, especially the bench outside NatWest Bank as this is well used, but it will need to be replaced quickly. Councillor Bunce said that two benches by the church also needed some attention. These don’t need replacing, just some cosmetic work and there were also two benches by the old signal box that could do with renovating. It was agreed to obtain quotes and specify a deadline in which the work must be carried out.


The Chairman had attended the Meirrionydd Access Group meeting with Councillor Roberts. There had not been a lot on the agenda but the Barbara Bus was thought to be an excellent facility and they now had 3 buses, which could be hired by anyone with a disabled relative for which there was no charge except the cost of fuel. Councillor Roberts confirmed that most people with a disabled person in the family knew about the bus.

The Chairman had also attended the One Voice Wales Training course along with other Council members and the Clerk. This was thought to be an excellent course and everyone benefited from this.

The Chairman had also hosted the Council Dinner, which was attended by everyone and was a very successful and enjoyable evening.



APPLICATION FOR PREMISES LICENCE - The Royal Hotel, King Edward Street, Barmouth.

Councillor Roberts declared an interest and left the room as did Eryl Jones Williams (Reporter). This was discussed and there was NO OBJECTION


Tir Ger / Land adjacent to Hope Villa, Gloddfa Road, Barmouth, LL421BH

Insufficient information was available to discuss this but it was believed that it was an amendment to Planning already permitted. Councillor James will find out more information and e-mail the other Council members.


Snowdonia National Parks Application Number NP5/51/449C

Installation of solar panels on roof of main building, Plas Cardeon Outdoor Education Centre, Bonttdu – PERMISSION GRANTED


Monthly Management Report- Noted


The sub-committee had not met but had previously considered the Christmas late night shopping event accounts and recommended that the shortfall of £300.00 be paid. It was also suggested that this event be one of the Council’s core events in order that it be covered by the insurance. Councillor Davies stated that this had already been agreed. Councillor Roberts proposed that the £300.00 be paid and the matter be placed on the agenda for April for discussion as to the core event.

Councillor Hill said that the Reverend Kevin Horsewell had asked about funding for the church lights etc. It was agreed that he need to submit the application form for consideration.

A donation of £30.00 was made to the Royal British Legion in respect of the wreath.

Christmas trees. Councillor Davies said that she had paid for the small trees but the large tree was included in the invoice from R J Electrics, which had been paid.

Sailors Institute. Councillor Clay had received a copy of the anticipated income & expenditure after the meeting and had now received a copy of the balance sheet. This showed that they carry a balance of £22,000.00. It was the view of the sub-committee that there was no need for a contribution from the Council at present.

Councillor McArdell said that as the Council had allocated money in the precept for various causes and events such as the Arts Festival and were now going to underwrite losses there is now the question of what is going to happen to the money if it is not distributed. Councillor Clay stated that the precept can be reduced. Councillor McArdell suggested that the Council give some thought to a project on which to spend any excess funds if there is a large sum left. One point, which came out of the training course, was that there is now going to be a new 5 year Council so why not look ahead and plan for a 5 year project.

Councillor Clay said that details were available for a Community Grant i.e the Tidy Towns project in which £300-£30,000.00 was available for 2012/13. The deadline for applications is Friday 13th at 4pm, which does not give much time. This is why if there were a project in the pipeline funds could be applied for as they become available. The Council need to be prepared for this. There had been plans drawn up for sunken gardens but nothing had been done. Councillor Clay asked if the Council could take the initiative and contact Wavecrest to express an interest. Councillor McArdell said that she would contact Sheila at Wavecrest and let her know about the plans and that the Town Council would support this.




Clerk’s Wages (less tax) £140.00

Alan Mercer (Caretaker) £83.00

HMRC £105.00


Bus Services - Councillor Roberts understands that the next bus service will be a commercial service and the timetables will be changed. Transport grants are likely to be cut and the train service will also change. The present timetables will remain until April and it is not known what will happen after this.

Trains – Due to the trains being overcrowded during the summer months, the Ariva 2.24pm from Birmingham will now have 6 carriages, as will the 9am from Machynlleth.

Steam Trains – Progress is being made in relation to the steam trains and it is hoped they will be back next year.

Planning – Deck Chair Concession, Mr Swift Simpkin. Councillor Roberts gave his blessing to this but Mr Swift would not be allowed to sell anything else. If anything else were to be sold then the concession would be withdrawn. Councillor Roberts also wanted to know where the deckchairs would be situated. They could be situated on the causeway or alongside the lifeboat ramp or the poolside. The Council were asked if they had any preference. The deckchairs would have to be removed at night. Mr Swift had wanted a container on the beach but this had been refused. Councillor Slater said that he should be given a choice of where he wanted to site the deckchairs and could have more than one site if required. Councillor Roberts said he supported this. Councillor Brookes would like more clarification as to what the concession entails. Councillor Roberts stated that it would be an annual concession; he could not have exclusive rights and would have to apply every year. The matter was voted upon and it was AGREED that the Council was in favour of the concession being granted.

Pontoon – This does not belong to the Yacht Club. A group got together and received £80,000 in grants. The pontoon is arriving during the Easter week and the ramps will arrive after this. It can be used by everyone and there will be wheelchair access. Funding had been obtained from Snowdonia National Park as it is for the benefit of everyone. Councillor Bunce said that there would be a co-ordinators publicity meeting.

The Maritime Committee has said they will pay for the erection of the Harold Lowe memorial plaque and Councillor Roberts asked Councillor Slater for the template. It will not need planning approval.

Church Clock – this had been moved forward 1 hr and it is still not working. There have been several efforts made to get it going again but it only runs for about 1 hour then stops. The Rector has called in maintenance and is trying to get an engineer in. It was asked if the Council would fund repairs. Councillor Roberts said that costs must be obtained and the Council should wait for the Rector to report.

Memorial Park – Councillor Roberts had met with the property people and informed them of the Council’s concerns. The Council should voice their concerns in writing ie that the project be sustainable. Councillor McArdell said she fully supported this.

Councillor Clay suggested that the new Council should re-examine the situation once they had been appointed.

Councillor Roberts submitted a list of items that would not be an issue when considering Planning Applications. The Clerk will scan this and circulate to all Council members.


Councillors Clay and Baynes had attended the One Voice Wales meeting in Dolgellau. There was a presentation from the Betsi Cadwalader Health Board, which contained very detailed changes in town and community councils.

Dragon Theatre – Councillor Baynes has attended the Management meeting. There is still no progress on the purchase and the issue regarding the access to the doorway has still not been sorted out. Some repairs have been carried out. The lift needs a battery back up and there had been no hot water for 2 weeks. A fund raising coffee morning had been held and the magic evening raised over £2,000.00.

Several people had commented that it was a shame that the Council board had been covered up and felt that it shouldn’t have been. It was made clear that his was done to comply with the request of the management. It was also made clear that the funds donated from the precept were not an automatic entitlement and was discretionary.

Councillors James and McArdell had attended the Harlech & Ardudwy leisure meeting and other councils had also sent representatives. The AGM was held and £151,000 had been received in capital grant money. The future of the pool and climbing wall is secure for the next 4-5 years. Grants have been awarded on a high-risk basis. The committee are asking for more volunteers and had asked if anyone could help out. Local businesses had been asked to support the climbing wall. Councillor Bunce suggested that a link could be put on the Barmouth Publicity site as they were hoping to increase the size of this. The committee would like a representative from the council to attend regularly to be kept updated about what is happening – possibly every 2-3 months. Invitations are likely to be issued and someone will attend.


Councillor McArdell had spoken to Rita who is in favour of the beacon. Councillor Roberts asked if the Council could fund the event. Councillors McArdell and Roberts will meet on 9th April to discuss. Councillor Davies said the school did not have any plans to celebrate the jubilee, as the school will be closed. It was suggested that a party be held and a commemorative mug be given to the children. Councillor Brookes suggested something more permanent for the school that could be used by all of the children. Councillor Davies said she would raise the matter at the next meeting with the headmaster.