Governors Attendance Summer Term 2017 - 18

Name / Area of Responsibility / Category / Appointed by / Appointed on
Date and term of length / Attendance at Full Governing Body Meetings / Committee 1/2 Attendance / Learning walks
6.4.17 / 13.7.17 / 4.4.17 / 28.6.17 / 19.9.17 / 10.10.17 / 6.4.17 / 28.6.17 / 26.9.17
Rachel Wells / Chair of Governors
Children in Care/ EYFS Champion
Strategic Gov / Co-opted / Co-opted / August 14 -August 18 / x / Apologies sent work commitment / x / x / x
Roger Lewis / Strategic Gov / LA appointed / LA / Nov 16 –Nov 20 / x
Kate Clark / Head / Head teacher Governor / LA / 1.9.12 / x / x / x / x / x
Tracey Cartwright / Deputy Head / Staff Governor / Staff / Aug16 – Aug 20 / Ab
Work / x / x
Anna Hill / Strategic Gov
Champion / Foundation / Co-opted
Diocese / March17 – March 21 / x / x / x / x / x / x
Kerry Kandola / Foundation Curriculum
Teaching and Learning / Parent Governor / Parents / Jan 17 – Jan 21 / Ab
Work / x / x / x / x / x
Rev’d Paula Smith / RE Champion / Ex-Officio / Diocese / x / x / x
H Cooper / SEND Champion / Foundation Governor / Diocese / Sept 14-
Sept 18 / x / x / x
Mr D Hancox / Forces/ PE Sports Premium Champion / Parent Governor / Parents / April 16 – April 20 / x / x / x / x
Mrs J Sach / RE/Community / Foundation / Diocese / July 2017 – July 21 / ab / x / x