2018 Joplin Area Catholic Schools

Summer Enrichment Program

The Joplin Area Catholic School System offers a variety of Summer Enrichment programs for grades K – 12, and is open to Catholic and non-Catholic children whether you attend a Joplin Area Catholic School during the year or not.

Please review the course offerings for more information, and decide what fits best for your child.

Deadline to enroll is May 25, 2018

Earth Wind Fire

This summer we’re digging into earthquakes, creating hot air balloons and making a replica of Chicago in 1871. (Yes, this program does involve fire!!!) Each of these projects connects to a social studies topic.

Where: St. Mary’s Catholic Elementary School – 3025 S. Central City Road

When: June 13-15, daily

Time: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Who: Current 2-5 graders

Cost: $60

RSVP: Debi or Emily Long – Current St.

Mary’s teachers. Or fill out the form below and return to St. Mary’s Catholic Elementary


Make checks out to Emily Lone or Debi Staton.

Engineering and Design

This class is the first in a series of Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) science. We will design and build a mechanical arm and explore structures. Students get to meet an engineer and ask questions about this line of work.

Where: St. Mary’s Catholic Elementary School – 3025 S. Central City Road

When: June 7

Time: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Who: Current 3-5 graders

Cost: $20

RSVP: Debi or Emily Long – Current St.

Mary’s teachers. Or fill out the form below and return to St. Mary’s Catholic Elementary


Make checks out to Emily Lone or Debi Staton.

Engineering and Design

This class is the first in a series of Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) science. We will design and build a mechanical arm and explore structures. Students get to meet an engineer and ask questions about this line of work.

Where: St. Mary’s Catholic Elementary School – 3025 S. Central City Road

When: June 6

Time: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Who: Current K-2 graders

Cost: $20

RSVP: Debi or Emily Long – Current St.

Mary’s teachers. Or fill out the form below and return to St. Mary’s Catholic Elementary


Make checks out to Emily Lone or Debi Staton.

Art camp

This class - Art Camp - will provide several engaging art projects that go beyond what we are able to accomplish during the school year! Your child may join us for one or both days. The class will be limited to the first 15 children to sign up for each day. The cost is $7.00 for one or $10.00 for both days.

Where: St. Mary’s Catholic Elementary School – 3025 S. Central City Road

When: June 27 & 28

Time: 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Who: 2 – 5 graders

Cost: $7 for one day or $10 for both days

RSVP: Mary Ann . Or fill out the form below and return to St. Mary’s Catholic Elementary School.

¡Ay Caramaba--Let's Make Chicken Enchiladas!

We will make chicken enchiladas, homemade tortillas,our ownfrijoles and fresh salsa. Naturally, there will be some speaking in Spanish while we cook and learn. We will do some 'sampling' while we are cooking, and each participant will go home with a pan of chicken enchiladas, beans and rice to share with their family (of 4). Limit 10 students per day.

Where: St. Mary’s Catholic Elementary School or St. Peter’s Teacher’s Lounge

When: June 6 (Grades 3-5), June 7 (Grades 6-8)

Time: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Who: 3rd-8th graders

Cost: $20

RSVP: Margie Black . Or fill out the form below and return to St. Mary’s Catholic Elementary School.

Creative Writing

This class will journey into the description, dialogue, plotting and other aspects of writing short stories. Students will create small writings and aim to finish a short story to share. If time allows, we may also talk about how to create a one act play. There will be many small activities to work on fundamentals, many opportunities to share, and a collaborative workshop atmosphere.

Where: McAuley Catholic High School

When: June 4 - 8

Time: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Who: Middle and High School

Cost: $60

RSVP:Kaari Schrader fill out the form below and return to

McAuley Catholic High School

Deliver payment to McAuley Catholic High School.

Lab Rats

Come join us as we learn science in a fun and interactive way. Every day we will have a different lab activity to complete as we learn the science behind how the lab works. There will be two different sessions offered. The first session will be held in the morning and focus on physical science. Labs include (but aren’t limited to) how to make an Ethernet cable, a bouncy ball and a lava lamp. The second session will be held in the afternoon and focus on life science. Labs include (but aren’t limited to) how to build a DNA model and extracting DNA from spinach. We’ll also look at how the miracle berry changes your taste buds (must have parent permission to participate). Join us for the first session, the second session or both!

Where: McAuley Catholic High School

When: June 4-8, 2018

Time: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. (Session 1) and 1 p.m.- 4p.m. (Session 2)

Who: Children in 6-8th grade

Cost: $60 per session

RSVP: Alicia . Or fill out the form below and return to McAuley.

Deliver payment to McAuley Catholic High School.

Show Choir Camp

Love to sing? And enjoy singing show tunes? This class will allow students to learn and practice the songs from the new hit movie “The Greatest Showman.”

Where: McAuley Catholic High School

When: June 4-8

Time: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Who: Middle and high school students

Cost: $60

RSVP: Kristen Stremel . Or fill out the form below and return to

McAuley Catholic High School

Deliver payment to McAuley Catholic High School.

Bleach, Embellish and Tie Dye Shirts

This class will learn about creating fun shirts with color. Available to middle and high school students with a limit to only 10 students. All supplies provided except t-shirts, please bring your own.

Where: McAuley Catholic High School

When: June 11- 14

Time: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Who: Middle and high school students

Cost: $60

RSVP: Ruth Atchley . Or fill out the form below and return to McAuley

Catholic High School

Deliver payment to McAuley Catholic High School.

Greek Myths Drama Camp

This drama camp will explore Greek theatre, myths and participants will create masks to help express the story. Students will use their voice, creativity and learn basic acting skills to bring this story to life! Ideal for around 8-10 students. We will paint and form mask molds (can purchase from Amazon, very inexpensive)

will need paint, brushes, etc.

Where:McAuley High School

When: June 4-8

Time: Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1 p.m.-3 p.m. Camp will finish with a final

performance on Friday afternoon.

Who: Junior high children in 6-8 grade

Cost: $60

RSVP: Contact Drew Fethers for more information.

Deliver payment to McAuley Catholic High School.

My child(ren) ______, in grade(s) ______

Would like to enroll in the

Earth Wind Fire

Engineering and Design June 6

Engineering and Design June 7

Art Camp

¡Ay Caramaba! June 6

¡Ay Caramaba! June 7

Creative Writing

Lab Rats

Show Choir

Bleach, Embellish, Tie Dye

Greek Myths Drama Camp

summer enrichment program.

The best number to reach me at is: ______

My email address is: ______

Address: ______

Health Insurance Info: ______

Preferred doctor: ______

Preferred hospital:

Can photos be taken of your child for use on website and social media? Yes No