(Open hand)
- Set position
- Salutation
- Upright position
- Salute
- Cover
- Move both open hands up under armpits, palms up
- Turn both open hands palms down
- Move open hands down to waist
- Move open hands back up under arm pits
- Cross strike out to chest level
- Bring back in to chest, knuckles out
- Cross block over head
- Step out w/right to 3:00 into horse stance bringing open hands out and down to hips and up under arm pits
- Double finger jabs
- Step forward to 12:00 w/right into forward stance and right outward block and left downward block
- Step forward to 12:00 w/left into forward stance and left outward block and right downward block
- Step forward to 12:00 w/right into forward stance and right uppercut poke and slapping inside elbow w/left
- Draw back into cat stance and right uppercut poke
- Step forward to 12:00 w/right into forward stance and forward elbow smash into left palm
- Move left hand holding right hand and right elbow jab to 12:00
- Double pokes to face and solar plexus w/right hand over left to 12:00
- Step w/right to 10:30 into forward stance facing 6:00 and left outward block and right downward block
- Draw back into cat stance
- Step forward w/left into forward stance and right vertical poke to groin w/left hand open at heart
- Right phoenix strike to chin
- Slide right foot to left foot and step back to 7:30 facing 3:00 and right upward block w/left at hip
- Slide right foot to left foot and step back to 4:30 facing 12:00 into forward stance and left downward block and right then left horizontal pokes
- Jump to 7:30 w/left into cat stance facing 12:00, crossing arms w/right in front of left
- Right sidekick to 12:00 w/right hand parallel to kicking leg
- Without bringing right leg down, jump to 4:30 into cat stance, crossing arms w/left in front of right
- Left sidekick to 12:00 w/left hand parallel to kicking leg
- Step down w/left into forward stance and double pokes to face and solar plexus w/right over left
- Slide right foot to left foot and step to 10:30 facing 6:00 into forward stance and left downward block then right and left horizontal pokes
- Swing right leg counter clockwise all the way around facing 12:00 into horse stance and front cover
- Upright position
- Salute
- Set position
Revised 5/12
Salutation:Sir, I’m from the Kajukenbo system.
My Sijo is Adriano D. Emperado.
My Sigung is Trent Sera
My Sifu is Kristin Tanaka
I will do Pinian #6.
Sir, may I begin.