Functional Exercise 5-15-15 SRRC Earthquake

0830 - Earthquake 5.0 @ 0830 5-15-15, around Hillsboro area

  • Power outages @ hospitals in impacted area (no power or water)/generators in use


*Reach back to impacted hospitals*

  • Contact Hillsboro and ask what your current needs are
  • Reach out to Brian Kieninger – notify IDPH
  • Establish lines of communication – StarCom/MERCI/cell/e-mail (what is working?)
  • Stand up our EOC’s/HICS @ St. John’s & MMC
  • Attempt to communicate with other region 3 hospitals via StarCom
  • Get a SitRep from all the hospitals

1022 -Switching to MERCI radios/ StarCom is down

  • Gap – we have not tested the MERCI system
  • We are going to send out an e-mail as well
  • Gap – have a printable form for SitRep from each hospital – continuity of information needed

Update BedReport in HavBed

1032 SIREN Alert – “Hillsboro hospital collapsed ~50 people trapped, unable to access d/t road condition / Communicated to SJH”

Passavant with fires and burning within –staff evacuation needed

Video Update between RHCC’s to relay information: Update as of 1040

  • ALMH EOC update: Current census is 11 (SitRep status : good)
  • MDH : no resources/no evac needed (EMS ready and on standby)
  • Blessing: no damage/normal power/no StarCom/no MERCI, trying to text
  • St. Francis: Functional, inspecting: Bed Count 17pts/75 staff – HICS up
  • Pana: On generator, no water, no evac needed
  • TMH: impacted as well, backup gen, run time 120hrs, emerg H20 plan, staffing plans being reviewed, sending alert msg, reverse 911, StarCom down, msg received thru SIREN, logged onto HAN, review of bldg and damage
  • Illini: Injuries, evacuation, 3 patients Acute Care, one non-ambulatory, generator power, no water (via Text)
  • Culbertson
  • SJH : Sitrep – no needs, EOC up and running
  • MMC: Sitrep – no needs, EOC up and running
  • Passavant: 60 pts requiring evac, potential for explosion, #8 critical, unable to do bed count = 16 ED pts
  • Hillboro : need to evac 10

We are requesting from IDPH:

  • IMERT resources
  • Mutual Aid ambulances
  • Request activation for MedSurge Plan
  • Have IDPH send out message through SIREN for bed status statewide
  • IDPH requesting SIRC

1046 – Hillsboro - #2 critical pts need evac, #2 non critical, #8 ambulatory need evac, #5 already evac : need AE and bus:

RHCC send out message back to regional hospitals with current bed status and other hospital status.

MMC & SJH receiving 8 critical patients – 6 to SJH & 2 to MMC

RHCC – Blessing (can you send ambulances and take back to Blessing


MEMORIAL CARTHAGE : NEED EVAC BUT working it through Burlington and Keokuk, Ft. Madison

  • BYPASS – only local care of pts

TMH: generator back-up, no emergent needs, have surge beds available ? #

  • 18 non-critical beds

MMC: taking 3 of Passavants critical

  • 0 critical beds
  • 55 non-critical

SJH: taking 5 of Passavants critical

  • 0 critical beds
  • 17 non-critical

Blessing: up and functioning, #10 critical beds & #18 adult #13 ped non critical

  • 14 Non-critical

Mason District: Back up power & H20 not reliable, activated H20 plan: #8 Medsurg, 1 peds, 0 ICU

  • ED maxed; 8 non-critical beds

ALMH: #10 non critical beds, zero OB beds, 3 PEDS : Functional but has local pt needs as well

  • Bed availability down to 6; bed status projected to be full

Pana: On Generator, No water, No evac needs

  • On generator, tx of ambulatory in parking lot

St. Francis: Functional, can they take patients? ED is currently evaluating and may take up available

  • 4 maternity/5 in-pt beds available

ILLINI: patients are being transported to Blessing, evacuating all inpatients to take care of community

  • Needs to be on diversion, no generator (need transport to area)

Passavant: Critical transport taken to SPI, 60 non-critical working with IDPH to coordinate req for med resources and bed availability

  • Coordinating with IDPH to dispo 30 pts to SJH & 30 pts to MMC


Support Hospitals Strengths:

  • Hospitals know plans, required connection with other hospitals

Support Hospitals Weaknesses:

  • Room set up (have RHCC in middle of room)
  • Communication method during exercise
  • Need simcell for local injects
  • Include key stakeholders – EMA, EMS, ?Fire/Law
  • Map with pins for hosp within region
  • Which RHCC to contact?, need 2 additional contact #’s
  • St. Francis would comm. Directly with Hillsboro – difficult to judge priority in communication between impacted hospital vs. RHCC
  • Make checklist for evacuation info request to standardize responses

Impacted Hospital:

  • Command Center plans need to change for alt EOC location
  • Hard to get info from them immediately because of comm’s and inherent to situation to RHCC
  • Probably would not have picked up StarCom radios, area impacted as well as the MERCI radio

RHCC Strengths:

  • Brian “had fun” – I.D. ways to communicate, use redundancy methods
  • Takes time to process communication
  • Get a form for SITREP
  • Prioritize means of communication to regional comm’s plan, not just a list of them
  • We have never exercised MERCI radio comm’s
  • Incorporate into regional evac plan, state could assist with movement of patients (burn/ped surge plans)


  • Unity of effort for SITREP

Dr. Wohltman

  • Critical patients need evacuated but need to be clarified, What constitutes a critical patient?
  • Computerize format/template report to enter all SITREP information, simplify the process


  • Communication was working wonderful (Doug)
  • Marty: MERCI primary communication platform was mentioned but we missed it; bring in our local EMS/EMA and do a tabletop ex first
  • Doug: may center data on 7.1 earthquake, it listed all comms no matter what was down; therefore we could assume that comms could be down for weeks
  • Bob: biggest concern was how long it was going to take. He had to do things on the fly based on info that we were asking for from the RHCC: thinks it well for our first time getting together and doing an exercise, passing info along went well; we may be asking for assistance from other EM’s, they can be a resource to help us and off load some of the massive amount of data coming into the EOC
  • Phil: keep this relationship up, as a local EMA, the communication is essential and important to him