Homework Overview

Year 2 Autumn 2

Our Literacy units this half term will beinstructions and winter poetry. We will be focusing on using imperative verbs, co-ordinating conjunctions, adjectives and adverbs.
Each week you will be set a piece of homework to support the previous week’s learning. This homework may be sent home in the homework folders orposted on the blog.

You will also be expected to practice your weekly spellings, read your reading book daily, complete activities in your reading diary and contribute to our class blog. / Maths
In Maths this half term we will be learning to partition 2-digit numbers, multiply and divide by 2, find ¼ of amounts and shapes and to tell the time to the nearest quarter hour.
Each week you will be set a piece of homework to support the previous week’s learning. This homework may be sent home in the homework folders orposted on the blog.

You will also need to practise your 2, 5 & 10 times tables and contribute to our class blog.
Our Science unit this half term is Materials: Good Choices. We will be learning to identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses
Keep looking out for Science links and challenges on our class blog.

/ Topic
Our Topic next half term is Famous People. We will be focusing on the famous people from history as well as some important living people. We will be learning about why they are famous and how they have shaped the world today.

PSHE:Our SEAL unit this half term is Getting on and Falling Out. We will be learning to how we deal with friendship. You will be set a piece of SEAL homework in Week 6. This will be posted on the class blog.
Computing: Our ICT unit this half term isI Am a Data Handler. The focus will be using computing skills to make charts and tables.
RE:Our RE unit this half term will be The Festival of Light. We will be learning about the way light represents different things in religion.

Music:Our Music unit this half term will be ‘Feeling the Pulse’ and we will be learning about musical notation and composition.

PE:Our PE units this half term will be Gymand Swimming.