St. Ethelbert’s CatholicPrimary School

Dane Park Road, Ramsgate, Kent CT11 7LS.

Tel: 01843 585555




The Governors and Staff believe that the closest co-operation between school, parents, parish and community is necessary to bring the best out of the children and for this purpose we wish to provide you with the following information about our school.

The present building was begun in 1928 and officially opened as St. Augustine's All-AgeSchool on 29 April 1929 by Bishop Brown. In September, 1963 the school was re-designated as a Primary School catering for children between the ages of 4 and 11 years and re-namedSt. Ethelbert's. We continue to use the original school badge which depicts the pallium of St. Augustine, who brought the faith to Kent in 597 A.D. and the crown of King Ethelbert (later Saint Ethelbert) the King of Kent. The school motto is "Serviam”: "I shall Serve".

St. Ethelbert's is a Catholic School maintained by the Kent Education Authority.

This guide for 2017-2018 supersedes all previous editions.


East Kent Area Education OfficeAdmissions & Transport

Kent County Council Kent County Council

Brook HouseSessions House

Reeves Way County Hall



CT5 3SS ME14 1XQ

Tel:03000 414141 (Contact Centre)Tel: 03000 412121


HeadteacherMrJohn Letts B.A. (Hons), PGCE, NPQH,

DeputyHeadteacher Mrs Kelly LockwoodB.A. (Hons), NPQSL

SENCOMrs Rebecca Borrough,B. Sc. (Hons) PGCE


Mrs Trudi BaileyB.A. (Hons)

Mr Christopher BishopB.Ed (Hons)

Mr Richard JossB.Sc. (Hons)

Miss Naomi MillidineB.A. (Hons), PGCE

Mr John PressleyB.Sc. (Hons)

Miss Vicky ReesB.A. (Hons)

Mrs Stacey RussellB.A. (Hons), PGCE

Miss Aimee Taylor B.A. (Hons)

Mrs Suzy WebbB.A. (Hons), PGCE

BursarMrs Cathy Sturge

School SecretaryMrs Sam Saunders

Family Liaison Officer Mrs Elaine Gregory

NurseryMrs Claire KemberAssistant Manager

Mrs Deborah Cox

Miss Simone Douglas

Sports CoachMr Leon Williams

Learning Support Assistants

Mrs Diane Butt

Mrs Sharon Calver

Mrs Sarah Cayley

Mrs Jackie Connolly

Mrs SueDexter

Mrs Claire Dodson

Mrs Julie Donnelly-Gore

Miss Louise Hill

Mrs Carol Milgate

Mrs Amy Nicholson

Miss Sholah Nikraz

Mrs Nickie O’Hare

Mrs Julie Rydz

Mrs Ella Silsbury

Mr William Silsbury

Mr Michael Stow

Mrs Helen Taylor

Mrs Claire Tyler

CaretakerMr Richard Hull MDMSMrs Kelly Brien

Mr Richard Hull

CleanersMr Chris MarshallMrs Penny Miller

Ms Diana PerdukMiss Emma Nicholls

Mrs Hazel Oliver

Mrs Shahnaj Parveen

Ms Diana Perduk

Mr Gavin Smith


Foundation Governors appointed by the Catholic Trustees

Mrs Claire Turner(Chair)

Father Marcus Holden

Father Mark Higginss

Mr Steve Kelly

Mrs Maureen Francis

Mrs Susan England


MrJohn Letts

Parent Governors

Mrs Sarah Beaumont

Mr Peter Wilson

Teacher Governor – Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Kelly Lockwood

Associate Foundation Governor- Finance

Deacon Peter Brown

Clerk to the Governors

Mrs Kim Metcalfe

Office/Admissions/ProspectusPage 1 of 1301/11/2018



We have robust systems in place for safeguarding children and take any concerns parents and carers, or children or school staff, may have, very seriously. Our aim is to work closely with parents and carers if a concern arises, however parents/carers must be aware that if this concern indicates a child may be at risk of significant harm, the school has a duty to contact Social Care immediately. The Designated Lead for Safeguarding is John Letts (Headteacher), Ann-Marie Butchard-Thursten (Deputy Headteacher) and Steve Kelly (Governor).

Throughout their time at school, your child may have worries and concerns. Importantly, we will ensure that your child knows who they can speak to in school to receive any necessary support and action. Likewise, if you, as a parent or carer have any concerns or are aware of changes in family circumstances which may affect your child, please do talk to your child's class teacher in the first instance. All staff have been trained in child protection and prevent radicalisation procedures.


E-safety is a focus in all areas of the curriculum and staff reinforce e-safety messages in the use of computing across the curriculum. In lessons where the internet is accessed, pupils are guided to sites checked as suitable for their use and processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in internet searches.

Pupils are taught in all lessons to be critically aware of the materials/content they access on- line and be guided to validate the accuracy of information

Parents and carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need to use the internet and mobile devices in an appropriate way. The school will therefore take every opportunity to help parents and carers to understand these issues through parents' evenings, newsletters, letters, website and information about national and local e-safety campaigns and literature.

Parents and carers will be responsible for:

  • endorsing (by signature) the Pupil Acceptable Use Policy
  • accessing the school website in accordance with the relevant school Acceptable Use Policy.


There are two entrances to the school, one is off Dane Park Road and the other is off Lillian Road. The gates at each end of the site are locked between 9:10am and 3:00pm each day. To gain access to the school during the school day, visitors must use the intercom based at Dane Park Road.

All volunteers and visitors must sign in at the School Office, based off Dane Park Road and wear a school visitor badge if they are staying on site. If a parent or carer is collecting or returning a child, then he/she must be signed out/in at the School Office.

Medical Matters


We understand that from time to time your child may be required to be administered with a prescribed medicine during the school day. The following guidance is taken from the Bath and North East Somerset Schools' Medicine Policy, which has been adopted by our school.

It is at the Headteacher's discretion as to whether or not prescribed medicines can be administered in school. However, as a school we wish to do all we can to support this request. The following policy regarding the administering of medicines will apply:

  1. We will only administer medicines which have a doctor's prescription and which are considered conventional medicines (this does not include homeopathic remedies for example).
  2. A permission and disclaimer form must be completed by parents and handed to the School Office.
  3. All prescribed medicines, which are to be administered, must be handed to an adult in school and returned to the parent or carer.
  1. All medicines which are to be administered must be clearly labelled with the child's name.


A number of children in school will have prescribed inhalers for asthmatic needs. These, along with any additional equipment, must be placed in a suitable, sealed and labelled container and handed to the class teacher. These will be kept in a central place in your child's classroom. Please note that a permission and disclaimer form must be completed in the School Office and that it is the parent/carer's responsibility to check the date on the inhaler.


Illness and accidents do, unfortunately, occur. Many of our staff are trained in first aid, including paediatric first aid. If a child is unwell or has an injury giving cause for any concern, it is our policy to contact parents and carers as soon as possible.

It is vital that parents and carers have notified the school office of any changes to addresses, telephone numbers or named contacts.


We ask that parents and carers make regular checks for headlice and treat accordingly. Children with long hair must tie it back as this reduces the chances of spreading the unwanted visitors. If we find that a child has headlice in school, we will inform the parent of carer so that it can be treated immediately and so that the risk of spreading is reduced.


Please ask for a copy of our latest Admissions Policy


In the light of this Christian vision of faith and the message of the Gospels taught by theCatholic Church, St. Ethelbert’s School aims are:

  • The school is a Faith Community based on Gospel values where all people are seen in God’s image and loved by God.
  • The school encourages all pupils and staff to be helped to develop as whole people in body, mind and spirit, nurturing talents to reach their full potential.
  • That everyone is valued and respected as a unique, special and gifted individual.
  • That we try to treat each other as we would like others to treat us.
  • That we aim to be a happy school, an inclusive school, with everyone working as a team – Staff, Children and Parents.
  • That we endeavour to be an influence for good in the wider community.


To help provide extra equipment and apparatus over and above that which is provided by the L.E.A. each family is asked to contribute £20 per year towards school funds which goes directly to the Library Budget only. In addition there is an annual sponsored event when each class raises money for school funds.

CHARGING - Education Act 1988

The Governors' policy is:

  • To make charges allowed by the Education Reform Act.
  • To seek voluntary contributions from parents to facilitate the continuation of activities during school hours for which charges may no longer be made.


Parents can make an appointment to see the Headteacher or any member of staff either in person or by writing to or telephoning the secretary. We are happy to help with any problem that may arise and personal contact is the most satisfactory way but teachers are very busy people and cannot be expected to interrupt their planned day without sufficient notice.

New entrants are invited with their parents to meet the reception class teacher during the term preceding entry followed by a home visit in Term 1. In Term 1, 4 and 6 parents are invited to see their children’s work and discuss their progress with the class teacher. Every child receives a report in the Summer Term which can be discussed at the end of the year.

Parents are invited during the course of the year to school and class Holy Masses, musical and stage presentations, carol services, match fixtures and sports days. From time to time staff will arrange curriculum information evenings when parents will be invited to discuss new apparatus and methods of working.


The P.T.F.A. aims to promote even closer co-operation between home and school by organising social and fund raising events.

All parents of children attending the school are automatically members of the P.T.F.A. and membership is free.


The Governors of the school expect all children:-

  • To wear school uniform.
  • To have school sports wear and appropriate footwear.
  • Hair should not be dyed, in an unusual style or have shaved patterns or hair extensions. Long hair must be tied back on both boys and girls as part of Health & Safety.
  • Noearrings are allowed.
  • No jewellery should be worn around the neck, ankles or wrists and no body-piercings are allowed.
  • Fingernails should be clean and unpainted.
  • Fake tattoos are not allowed.


The school colour is navy-blue.

A good quality navy-blue sweatshirt with the school badge printed on it can be purchased through the school. Most parents find this a smart practical garment which can be worn most of the year in conjunction with grey trousers for boys and navy-blue skirts or trousers for the girls and plain white shirt or blouse with collar or plain white polo shirt with collar (with school badge optional). Navy blue cardigans with the school badge can be worn. In summer weather open-necked, short-sleeved white shirts with collar for boys and red and white check dresses for girls are traditional. Sun hats printed with the school badge can be purchased through the school. Boys can wear grey shorts.Socks and tights must be either navy blue, grey or white and not black or patterned.

P.E.: Plimsolls, white ‘T’ shirts and navy-blue shorts are required for P.E. and Games. From Year 3 onwards children may need football boots, socks, shorts and shirts. Draw-string bags for P.E./Games clothing please. Children may need joggers for outdoor games in winter.Please supply slip-on plimsolls for young children until they have learnt to tie laces.

No jeans, cords, boots or fashion shoes. Shoes should be flat heeled. High heeled, peep toed or platform fashion shoes are unsuitable and dangerous, preventing children from playing properly in the playground. All shoes must be black and trainers can only be worn for outside games.

No earrings, necklaces, wrist/ankle bands, piercings, dyed hair, unorthodox / patterned haircuts,hair extensions or painted nails.


The Governors and Kent County Council do not accept responsibility for loss or damage to the personal property of pupils. Marking clothes and other property with the owners name is of the greatest importance and parents are requested to ensure that all property brought to school is clearly marked.


The welfare of a family is recognised as contributing greatly to the happiness and integration of the child. If parents have any problems the School’s Family Liaison Officer will be happy to advise them.

Families in receipt of INCOME SUPPORT, ‘INCOME BASED’ JOB SEEKERS ALLOWANCES or CHILD TAX CREDIT from the Benefits Agency are entitled to free meals, forms for which are availablein the School Office.


The school nurse can be contacted through the school by permission of the parents.


All children learn at different rates and may, therefore, need extra support at some stage during their school life. Those who require extra support are identified by their class teacher; parents are informed and included on the school’s Additional Education Needs register. They are then given support appropriate to their individual needs in order to enable them to participate fully in all aspects of the curriculum. Ways of supporting children include teaching them in a more practical way, planning work that is appropriate to their level or working with another adult in the classroom.

Children with more complex needs may work with visiting professionals from other agencies. Those with very complex or severe needs may require a Statement of Special Educational Need. This shall be applied for by the schools’ Additional Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo).


St Ethelbert’s Primary School aims to provide a curriculum that is appropriate to the needs and abilities of all children. Teaching and learning is planned to enable each child to reach for the highest level of personal achievement. Children that excel in specific areas of the curriculum are encouraged to progress their learning further and we aim to provide opportunities for this to happen.


St Ethelbert’s CatholicPrimary School is committed to making appropriate provision of teaching and resources for pupils for whom English is an additional language and for raising the achievement of minority ethnic pupils who are at risk from underachievement. We will identify individual pupil’s needs, recognise the skills they bring to school and ensure equality of access to the curriculum.

The school’s Additional Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs Rebecca Borrough. For further information on Additional Educational Needs at St Ethelbert’s Primary School please refer to the school policies.


The dates of school holidays are supplied to parents well in advance. Holidays cannot be taken during term time. Any holiday will cause an ‘unauthorised absence’ in the register and is reported as such to The Education Welfare Officer. Holidays taken in school time could result in a fine from Kent County Council.


The school day begins at 8.55 a.m. each weekday and breaks for lunch at 12.00 noon. The afternoon session is from 12.55 p.m. to 3.15 p.m. Children must not be on the premises before 8:45am, unless at Breakfast Club.

Staff are only responsible for supervising your child for ten minutes before and after the school day. Children must not be left unsupervised before or after these times.

Parents should notify the school before 9a.m. on the first day of their child’s absence.