French 3 Curriculum 2016-2017

AP THEME Global Challenges
AP SUBTHEME: Customs and Ceremonies
TOPIC: Food and Gastronomy / Recommended pacing: Q1: 2 weeks: Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class, so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.
Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level:
FIII.1Thestudentwill engageinoriginalandspontaneousoralandwrittencommunicationsinFrench.
FIII.2The student will initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in French, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations.
FIII.3The student will understand spoken and written French presented through a variety of media and based on new topics in familiar contexts.
FIII.4 The student will present information orally and in written French, recombining familiar elements to create original sentences in paragraphs that are increasingly complex.
FIII.5Thestudentwill presentinFrenchstudent-createdandculturallyauthenticstories,poems,and skits.
FIII.9The student will investigate and discuss why similarities and differences exist within and among francophone cultures.
FIII.10 The student will applytarget-languageskills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
Facts & Skills
  • Interview a partner or group about their eating habits (what they like to eat, when, etc.)
  • Ask and answer questions about a cooking show
  • Evaluate and interpret texts and materials related to food and meals.
  • Understand announcements and advertisements about food.
  • Categorize vocabulary into fruits, vegetables, meat, and fish
  • Produce oral and written reports on their eating preferences.
  • Design a poster for healthy eating.
  • Film and present a cooking show in which the student narrates how to make a recipe from a French-speaking country
  • Students name dishes and explain the ingredients used to make them
  • Describe how people in France go grocery shopping
  • Identify and use colloquial expressions related to foods and meals.
  • Identify certain French cheeses
  • Identify traditional foods of New Orleans
  • Learn about the different kinds of grocery and specialty stores in France
  • Learn about the importance of cheese in the French culture: how it is served, how many different kinds there are, and when/how one eats it
  • Learn about foods that the French are increasing in consumption and decreasing in consumption.
  • Compare and contrast weights and measurements in the U.S. vs. francophone countries.
  • Compare and contrast popular foods and snacks in the U.S. vs. francophone countries
  • Compare and contrast ingredients used in recipes in France vs. the U.S.
  • Compare vocabulary usage and structural patterns of English and French.
  • Use authentic materials to read about and discuss food and meals.
  • Food and meal vocabulary
  • The verb venir
  • The passé récent
  • Modal verbs: devoir, vouloir, pouvoir

suggested vocabulary /
  • SeeVision for the official vocabularylist: French III Vocab 1A La nourriture
/ resources
activities /
  • See resources posted on VISION under French Teacher Exchange and OneDrive
  • D’accord 2 - Unité 1A
  • Conduct a survey related to eating habits
  • Watch a cooking show (Allô Sophie!)
  • Create a presentation describing the preparation of a dish from a Francophone country (or Francophone African country)
  • Un Voyage Gastronomique: students will research and prepare a dish from a specific French province or francophone country, providing historical context.
  • Students create directions for a dish with step-by-step instructions. Then, the teacher can combine the recipes to make a class recipe book.
  • Visit a local French café/restaurant
  • Les repas:

AP THEME: Contemporary Life
AP SUBTHEME: Customs and Ceremonies
TOPIC: Shopping and dining / Recommended pacing: Q1:2 weeks: Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class, so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.
Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level:
FIII.1Thestudentwill engageinoriginalandspontaneousoralandwrittencommunicationsinFrench.
FIII.2The student will initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in French, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations.
FIII.3The student will understand spoken and written French presented through a variety of media and based on new topics in familiar contexts.
FIII.4 The student will present information orally and in written French, recombining familiar elements to create original sentences in paragraphs that are increasingly complex.
FIII.5Thestudentwill presentinFrenchstudent-createdandculturallyauthenticstories,poems,and skits.
FIII.9The student will investigate and discuss why similarities and differences exist within and among francophone cultures.
FIII.10 The student will applytarget-languageskills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
Facts & Skills
  • Interview a partner or group about their favorite restaurants and dishes
  • Ask and answer questions about restaurants/menus
  • Say the names of foods and have students tell which type of store sells them
  • Understand French menus and the specialty food stores
  • Categorize the different steps of setting up a formal dinner into chronological order
  • Produce oral and written reports on their shopping and restaurant preferences.
  • Design their own restaurant with a menu
  • Present skits and role plays of people dining at restaurants
  • Students look and pictures and create a story of what is happening/identify the vocabulary they see in the pictures
  • Describe how people in France eat their meals
  • Identify French eating habits
  • Explain dining manners in France and North Africa
  • Describe the popularity of North African food in France
  • Learn about the different kinds of specialty stores in France
  • Learn about the importance of manners at the table in the French culture
  • Learn about the influence of North African culture on French restaurant preferences
  • Compare and eating habits in the U.S. vs. francophone countries.
  • Compare and contrast manners at a formal meal in the U.S. vs. francophone countries
  • Compare and contrast table manners in North African countries vs. the U.S.
  • Compare vocabulary usage and structural patterns of English and French.
  • Use authentic materials to read about and discuss dining and shopping for food
  • Restaurant and grocery shopping vocabulary
  • The comparatives and superlatives of adjectives and adverbs
  • Single and Double object pronouns

vocabulary / SeeVision for the official vocabularylist: French III Vocab 1B A table! / r
activities /
  • See resources posted on VISION under French Teacher Exchange and OneDrive
  • D’accord 2: Unité1B
  • Le petit déjeuner in Arles
  • Film:Kings of Pastry and accompanying questions (see VISION)
  • (Recette: Les crepes : students watch and answer teacher-created questions about the video OR can be used as a sample project)
  • (students listen and answer teacher-created questions about the dialogue)
  • (Video: at the grocery store : students watch and compare/contrast supermarkets in the USA vs. France)
  • se plaindredans un restaurant + questions
  • a la boulangerie
  • (reservation au restaurant)

AP THEME: Contemporary Life
AP SUBTHEME: Health issues
TOPIC: Daily routine / Recommended pacing: Q1: 4 weeks: Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class, so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.
Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level:
FIII.1Thestudentwill engageinoriginalandspontaneousoralandwrittencommunicationsinFrench.
FIII.2The student will initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in French, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations.
FIII.3The student will understand spoken and written French presented through a variety of media and based on new topics in familiar contexts.
FIII.4 The student will present information orally and in written French, recombining familiar elements to create original sentences in paragraphs that are increasingly complex.
FIII.5Thestudentwill presentinFrenchstudent-createdandculturallyauthenticstories,poems,and skits.
FIII.9The student will investigate and discuss why similarities and differences exist within and among francophone cultures.
FIII.10 The student will applytarget-languageskills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
Facts & Skills
  • Interview a partner or group about their personal hygiene and daily routines
  • Ask and answer questions about their own daily routine
  • Identify the parts of the body
  • Explain the items they need in order to get ready for the day
  • Identify the different steps of getting ready for the day and put them into chronological order
  • Produce oral and written reports on their hygiene habits and daily routine
  • Draw a monster and identify the body parts
  • Present skits and role plays of people getting ready for the day
  • Students look at pictures and create a story of what is happening/identify the vocabulary they see in the pictures
  • Describe medical services and pharmacies in France
  • Identify colloquial expressions using parts of the body
  • Identify idiomatic expressions using parts of the body
  • Discuss the French company L’Occitane
  • Learn about the role of pharmacies in France
  • Learn about the usage of Celsius to measure temperature in French speaking countries
  • Compare and contrast health and beauty products in the U.S. vs. francophone countries.
  • Compare and contrast hygiene in the U.S. vs. francophone countries
  • Compare and contrast daily routine in the U.S. vs. francophone countries
  • Compare vocabulary usage and structural patterns of English and French.
  • Use authentic materials to read about and discuss health and daily routine
  • Daily routine vocabulary
  • Personal hygiene vocabulary
  • Reflexive verbs

vocabulary / See Vision for the official vocabularylist: French III Vocab 2A La routine quotidienne / r
activities /
  • See resources posted on VISION under French Teacher Exchange and OneDrive
  • (sample project for students to show their daily routine)
  • listening activity (students listen and put the teacher-created list of activities in order)
  • (Students read and answer the corresponding questions about a couple’s daily routine)
  • (Students watch video and report the daily activities that Petit Eric did during the day; can also be used as a sample project)
  • D’accord 2: Unité 2A
  • parts of the body (Great for frappe-mouche)
  • French children’s song “Alouette” with parts of the body
  • Activities to practice parts of the body
  • le corps humain
  • PPT on the body parts

AP THEME: Global Challenges
AP SUBTHEME: Health issues
TOPIC: Illness and other medical conditions / Recommended pacing: Q2: 4weeks: Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class, so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.
Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level:
FIII.1Thestudentwill engageinoriginalandspontaneousoralandwrittencommunicationsinFrench.
FIII.2The student will initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in French, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations.
FIII.3The student will understand spoken and written French presented through a variety of media and based on new topics in familiar contexts.
FIII.4 The student will present information orally and in written French, recombining familiar elements to create original sentences in paragraphs that are increasingly complex.
FIII.5Thestudentwill presentinFrenchstudent-createdandculturallyauthenticstories,poems,and skits.
FIII.9The student will investigate and discuss why similarities and differences exist within and among francophone cultures.
FIII.10 The student will applytarget-languageskills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
Facts & Skills
  • Interview a partner or group about their health and how they stay healthy
  • Ask how they would remedy certain illnesses
  • Identify symptoms of illnesses
  • Explain what one needs to do when they are sick
  • Classifyvocabularyinto the categories of “les maladies, les remèdes, et les professions médicales”
  • Produce oral and written reports on their health and visits to medical facilities
  • Write/tell a story about someone who has an accident/gets sick and needs to go to the doctor
  • Present skits and role plays of people who are sick or at the doctor/hospital
  • Students look at pictures and point out various medical conditions and treatments
  • Describe the national healthcare system in France
  • Identify terms for common health problems
  • Discuss francophone pioneers in medicine
  • Explain the importance of l’hôtel des Invalides
  • Learn about the role the national health care system in France
  • Learn francophone leaders in medicine
  • Compare and contrast healthcare in the U.S. vs. francophone countries.
  • Compare and contrast medical leaders in the U.S. vs. francophone countries
  • Compare illnesses in the U.S. vs. francophone countries
  • Compare vocabulary usage and structural patterns of English and French.
  • Use authentic materials to read about health problems
  • Illnesses and medical condition vocabulary
  • Vocabulary pertaining to accidents and medical visits/treatments
  • Past tense of reflexive verbs
  • The pronouns Y and EN

vocabulary /
  • See Vision for the official vocabularylist:French III Vocab: 2B La santé
/ r
activities /
  • Resources and activities are posted on Vision under LCPS French Teacher Exchange and Onedrive
  • D’accord 2: Unité 2B
  • students listen to the dialogue and answer the corresponding questions
  • pour la consultation médicale
  • lecture la sécuritésociale
  • Faire de + sports and avoir mal à + body
  • dialogue about avisit to the doctor for an angine + questions

AP THEME: Science and Technology
AP SUBTHEME: Discoveries and Inventions
TOPIC: Everyday Technology / Recommended pacing: Q2:3 weeks: Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class, so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.
Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level:
FIII.1Thestudentwill engageinoriginalandspontaneousoralandwrittencommunicationsinFrench.
FIII.2The student will initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in French, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations.
FIII.3The student will understand spoken and written French presented through a variety of media and based on new topics in familiar contexts.
FIII.4 The student will present information orally and in written French, recombining familiar elements to create original sentences in paragraphs that are increasingly complex.
FIII.5Thestudentwill presentinFrenchstudent-createdandculturallyauthenticstories,poems,and skits.
FIII.9The student will investigate and discuss why similarities and differences exist within and among francophone cultures.
FIII.10 The student will applytarget-languageskills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
Facts & Skills
  • Maintain a discussion related to today’s forms of communications.
  • Discuss and/o3r debate the use of technology in today’s society.
  • Express and explain how to use technology.
  • Express opinions and react to current and past technology.
  • Demonstrate comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to technology.
  • Evaluate and interpret written texts and materials on technology.
  • Produce oral and written reports onscience and technology.
  • Produce an activity showing how to use technology.
  • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to science and technology.
  • Discuss how people in the French culture(s) interact with social environment (at home and at work).
  • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards technology.
  • Compare and contrast the changes in computer technology and the prevalence of English in the field of computer science.
  • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards technology.
  • Technology vocabulary and expressions (email, text, formal and informal letters)
  • Prepositions with the infinitive
  • Reciprocal reflexives

vocabulary /
  • See Vision for the official vocabularylist: French III Vocab:3A: La Technologie
/ r
activities /
  • Resources and activities are posted on Vision under LCPS French Teacher Exchange and Onedrive
  • D’accord 2 – Unité 3A
  • Reader – Un cadeau pour toi (
  • Create a user's guide for using an electronic/telecommunications device in French.
  • Locate internet/communications lingo inthe Francophoneworld and compare/contrast it with the native cultures.
  • Correspondwith a Frenchpen-pal/via e-mail/blogs/instant messaging
  • Role-play parent/child telephone conversations usingproper manners of Francophone world.
  • Research onthe internet companies thatrequire French for employment
  • Keep a notebook in Frenchof your daily communications.
  • Prepare a how-to guide explaining how to check the teacher’s webpage at theirschool to lookup classwork and homework

AP THEME: Science and Technology
AP SUBTHEME: Discoveries and Inventions
TOPIC: Cars and driving / Recommended pacing: Q3:3 weeks: Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class, so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.