The University has cover on Buildings and Contents.
Buildings are defined as all premises owned or occupied by the University in connection with the business, and includes landlord’s fixtures and fittings, walls, gates, fences etc.
Contents are defined as business equipment, plant, machinery, furniture, fixtures and fittings and all other contents belonging to the University or for which they are responsible, contained in the premises. This includes hired or borrowed property. Temporary removal is also covered.
Geographical Limits
Scotland, England, Wales , Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.
There is also Worldwide cover on equipment up to a limit of £25,000 per location. If property in excess of this value is taken outwith the geographical limits, separate cover can be arranged, with the premium being charged to the department concerned. Please contact the Insurance Section if this cover is required.
Principal Extensions to Policy
Temporary Removal
There is cover for the temporary removal of:
- Contents temporarily removed for cleaning, renovation, or repair, including transit.
- Deeds, documents, manuscripts, plans, books and computer system records, subject to a limit.
Property on loan to the University
Property on temporary loan to the University is covered up to a maximum of £250,000 on any one loss, subject to the £20,000 excess
Principal Special Conditions
Unless an article is specifically insured in a separate sum, indemnity is limited to the cost of restoration so far as that may be practicable or the cost of modern replicas and not any value attaching to the property by reason of its authority.
It is a condition precedent to liability in respect of damage at or to the premises caused by theft or attempted theft that all locks, bolts and other protective devices (except intruder alarms) fitted to individual rooms within the premises be brought into use whenever the said individual rooms are not attended by an authorised employee for the purpose of the business.
Principal Exclusions
Theft or attempted theft not involving entry to or exit from any building, or any locked room or lecture theatre etc by forcible and violent means.
Malicious damage, Theft, Escape of Water (eg. burst pipes) or breakage of glass in respect of any building which is untenanted or unoccupied or not in use for a period in excess of 30 days.
Conditions laid down for unoccupied property are as follows:
- All doors, windows and other accessible openings (including letterboxes) must be secured to prevent unauthorised entry.
- All unoccupied property must be inspected (at least weekly) by a person responsible to the University. An adequate system of recording inspections must be established and any problems encountered during such visits should be acted upon immediately.
- All electricity, water or gas supplies must be turned off at the main and all plumbing (including heating installations/tanks and radiators) drained.
- Where Fire and/or Security Alarm systems are fitted these should be left connected and set and it should be ensured that the Police, Alarm Company and Keyholders will respond to any activation of the system, whilst all other electrical supplies must be turned off.
- All rubbish and combustible materials must be removed from inside or near to the building.
- All external doors to be closed and locked by bolts on the inside or a 5 lever mortice deadlock or by a security fitted substantial closed padlock.
- All windows to be closed and fastened and all window locks to be utilised and any broken windows to be boarded up.
There is a general exclusion of Terrorism.
Goods –in-Transit
There is cover for goods incidental to the University’s business whilst in transit within the United Kingdom.
Transit is by
(1) any road vehicle operated by the University or on their authority, including whilst on the vehicle on a vehicle ferry during direct sea transits between countries within the geographical limit. The limit is £25,000 per load.
(2) post, rail or road carrier. The limit is £25,000 per consignment.
If goods with a value in excess of £25,000 are to be transported within the UK, separate cover can be arranged, with the premium being charged to the department.
Please contact the Insurance Section if this cover is required.
Buildings and contents excess is £20,000 each and every claim.
Goods-in-transit excess is £20,000 each and every loss.
Please refer to property incident claim procedure.