Alabama Baptist Convention
Prepared by Jamie Baldwin
Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions
This resource made possible by gifts of Alabama Baptists
through the Cooperative Program.
VBS Early Bird Clinic Outline, 2017
A successful VBS Early Bird Clinic will result in early excitement toward VBS, earlier preparation by local churches, plans to link up through sharing of materials and resources, and better associational work between the Associational Team and local church leaders.
A good Early Bird Clinic will involve the Associational Team and local church leaders. It is designed for Pastors and VBS Directors, but each association decides if the clinic is limited to these. The Early Bird Clinic should be advertised and promoted as being “not curriculum driven”. Every church should be encouraged to have a good VBS, whatever curriculum they are using. We make no apology for encouraging the use of LifeWay curriculum since we know it to be (1) theologically sound; (2) educationally appropriate; (3) intentionally evangelistic; (4) and the only material that incorporates Southern Baptist missionary education and information.
The leader of the Early Bird Clinic should incorporate humor and personal VBS experiences along with the information in the PowerPoint presentation. Spend some time looking at the statistics and facts in the presentation, and incorporate personal experiences in the dialog. Look for ways to involve the conferees and the Associational Team.
A number of associations plan to have a light snack, soup and cornbread, or meal to encourage good attendance. Ask the Associational Team to be involved in preparation and be present to be introduced. This meeting should be good advertisement for the Associational Clinic(s) to come later. Be sure that the Associational Clinic is advertised.
SLIDE 1 – With this slide projected, ask those present to look at their VBS Catalog. (Your association can order them from LifeWay. Ask for Beth Watson at 615-251-2216 or email her at .) I usually have catalogs for the clinics I lead. Using the catalog, point out pp. 6*7, Day at-a-Glance; THEN I SAY, “That is all we are saying about curriculum. The purpose of this clinic is to plan a good VBS, whatever material you choose to use.”
SLIDES 2-19 – Take whatever time you wish in talking about VBS in different settings. We have used pictures from all over Alabama. Notice that each church makes the theme their own. It is not necessary to buy a large amount of “stuff”. If you have the capacity to do so, you may wish to use pictures of churches in your association. Again, you will notice not all churches use LifeWay curriculum.
SLIDES 20-21 – Review the statistics and talk about VBS 2016 (last year) and remind people that it is important to report VBS on the report form. (SBC Workspace will to be used in Alabama for VBS, go to www.sbcworkspace.com enter username and password.) Forms will be mailed to the churches in May or June with their user number and password on the form. They may enter the information or send the form to their association office or State Board of Missions.
SLIDES 22 – Scripture for VBS 2017. Following the Scripture, you may wish to call on someone to pray. Make thanksgiving for last year’s VBS and God’s blessing on 2017 VBS a part of this prayer.
SLIDE 23 – Give strong emphasis to prayer. Ask how churches were encouraged to pray for VBS last year. Prayer is necessary as we face a spiritual battle.
SLIDE 24 – KNOW YOUR PURPOSE AND THEME – Ask the group, “What is the purpose of VBS?" After responses are given, be sure to emphasize that our main purpose is to teach the Bible. Remind the leaders that the theme and decorations should not be the focal point. The Bible should be the focal point in every rotation site in VBS.
SLIDE 25 – START PLANNING – When you have chosen a date for VBS, begin planning with as many leaders as possible involved. Make decisions about the time of day (68% of Alabama churches had a night VBS in 2014). Plan for the length of VBS. Day schools typically run 3-3 ½ hours and nights 2-2 ½ hours. Develop a planning calendar so that everyone knows what to expect. Set a budget and be sure all leaders know what they can spend. Order your curriculum and supplies. Remember that buying in bulk saves money. Be sure to plan to link up with neighboring churches to purchase big ticket items.
“We saved money on VBS by sharing our resources with other churches and other churches sharing with us.” Shelia Pate, Centre, Alabama
SLIDE 26 – ENLIST AND TRAIN WORKERS – There are many teachers in our churches. No one has asked them. Baptists do not volunteer. Encourage conferees to seek Godly men, in addition to women, to be a part of VBS. Invite participants to share enlistment ideas. Directors should meet with their leadership early. All workers should be encouraged to attend the Associational VBS Clinic. Email is a great way for Department Directors to stay in touch with other teachers. Attached is a plan sheet I use with my leaders each year. You have permission to copy and use it.
“Our biggest need in training is teaching and encouraging church members to get involved in promoting VBS, such as visiting to tell people about VBS, prayer walks, helping with fliers. . .” Kristy Wilks, Henagar, Alabama
“Our biggest need in training is to help the leaders understand that what they are doing, the information they are sharing, has eternal value. It is not just another activity for children to be involved in.” Jill Arrington, Boaz, Alabama
SLIDE 27 – PROMOTE AND PUBLICIZE – This is another place to hear from those attending about their promotion of VBS. Encourage leaders that VBS ought to be open to all children, not just "our" children. The entire church should be involved in the promotion of VBS. The “good ending” is Family Night. Plan early.
SLIDE 28 – The local association can be a part of the promotion of VBS. Cherokee Association used their message board to call attention to VBS. People noticed the phone number and called to find out where VBS was taking place.
SLIDE 29 – Homemade signs or signs bought from the bookstore: letting the community know that VBS is coming will help to increase enrollment.
SLIDE 30 – Churches in Washington Association have used a promotional tool in the last five years. The promotional item is built or prepared by Doyle and Elsie Moss. The Big Apple theme promotional item was a Yellow Cab. A number of churches used the car to advertise the coming VBS. Last year the promotional item was a treehouse, built on a trailer. Again, a number of churches used the visual reminder that VBS was coming.
SLIDE 31 – REGISTRATION – This is a reminder that registering pupils for VBS is important. Ask those present for testimonies about early registration. Remind the leaders that registration needs to be legible so that follow-up is easier.
“We tried to reach unchurched people by sending out fliers to every home through USPS. We included the pertinent information and also sent out a pre-registration card with it. As an incentive, we offered a free T-shirt to those who pre-registered.” Mount View Baptist Church, Trinity, Alabama
SLIDE 32 – Many of our urban churches are having to make security a part of Vacation Bible School. This past year we noticed that churches of all sizes were taking steps to secure those who attended VBS. The men pictured at Mt. Zion, Alexandria, are an example of taking security seriously.
SLIDE 33 – FOLLOW-UP – Spend time emphasizing VBS Follow-up. Too often, we rejoice that the week is concluded and miss the opportunity to make contact with those who have come to VBS. Several leaders shared ideas regarding follow-up in 2012:
“Eastern Hills has a great plan for outreach and follow up. We assign someone to head up the outreach. We did visitation on Tuesday night of VBS. We took the brochure from LifeWay that tells what the children are learning during the week.” Greg Gosselin, Montgomery, Alabama
“We did follow-up visitation differently this year. We went out on Thursday night, the week of VBS. We served a light supper and had things ready to go. The entire church was invited to attend. We had a great turn out. Our pastor and chairman of deacons gave encouragement to the church to participate.”
Annette Whitton, Hillcrest Baptist Church, Enterprise, Alabama
Share the “at the door” follow-up visit. It can be made in three minutes and does not require the teacher going into the home.
If possible, have VBS workers make the first contact with families of children in their department the week of Vacation Bible School. If not all the children, certainly those who are prospects should be visited. The visit should be an at the door visit, as simple as:
“Mrs. Jones, I am Mary White. Jennifer is in my 4-year old department in Vacation Bible School. She loves to color and read books. Does she attend Bible study regularly? If the answer is “no” say “We have a Bible study class for her age group and for all the family on Sunday morning.” If attending a church say, “I’m glad she is in Bible study regularly” or if not, say, “We would like to invite all of you to Bible study on Sunday. Thank you for letting her come to Bible School. Our family night program is ______night at _____.”
If a teacher makes this kind of visit, pastor, staff, or others can have a better next visit by starting the conversation, “Mrs. White was Jennifer’s teacher in VBS last week, and she told me of her visit with you . . ."
SLIDE 34 – Pause and ask if there are questions about planning for VBS 2017.
Note: The PowerPoint presentation and the model are not copyrighted. Any changes you wish to make may be done with our blessing. The purpose of the material is to encourage a great VBS experience and follow-up.
Arrival Activities
and Bible Learning Centers
Group Time / “Jesus Is God’s Son?”
Matt. 4:23-25, Luke 2:8-11;
1 Cor. 15:3-5; Gal. 4:4-5
Arrival Activities:
Follow the Arrows – EH
Take a Journey off the Map – JRB
Color Table – JRB
Bible Learning Activity:
Explore a Cave – JRB
Create a Jesus Story Book
Clean-Up/Rest Room
Group Time – JRB / “Daniel Chose to Obey God No Matter What”
Daniel 1
Arrival Activities:
Follow the Guide – EH
Toss and Obey
Color Table – JRB
Bible Learning Activity:
Roll the Ball With Friends – JRB
Search and Find Trail Mix – EH
Clean-Up/Rest Room
Group Time – EH / “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego loved God”
Daniel 3
Arrival Activities:
Build With Friends – EH
Find a Friend – JRB
Color Table – JRB
Bible Learning Activity:
Complete an Obstacle Course
Play a Matching Game – JRB
Clean-Up/Rest Room
Group Time – JRB / “Daniel Knew that God Would Take Care of Him.”
Daniel 6
Arrival Activities:
Make a Kazoo and Roar Like a Lion – EH
Pretend to Go On a Lion Hunt
Color Table – JRB
Bible Learning Activity:
Create a Prayer Ring – EH
Glue Leaves to Make Animals
Clean-Up/Rest Room
Group Time – JRB / “God Promised that He Would Take Care of Us”
Daniel10:7-12; John 14: 1-4
Arrival Activities:
Play a How Would You Feel Fly Swatter Game
Blow Bubbles and Say Bible Verse
Color Table – JRB
Bible Learning Activity:
Follow a Yarn Path
Write with River Rocks
Clean-Up/Rest Room
Group Time – JRB
9:40-10:00 / Crafts / Crafts / Crafts / Crafts / Crafts
10:05-10:25 / Music / Music / Music / Music / Music
10:30-10:50 / Activity Room / Activity Room / Activity Room / Activity Room / Activity Room
10:55-11:15 / Snacks / Snacks / Snacks / Snacks / Snacks
11:20 A. M.
11:40 A.M. / Mission Emphasis #1 – JRB
Explore a Cave – JRB
Create a Jesus Story Book
Make Maracas and Sing About Jesus – EH
Closing Group time – JRB
*Take pictures for Friday activity - JRB / Mission Emphasis #1 – JRB
Bible Learning Activity:
Roll the Ball With Friends – JRB
Search and Find Trail Mix – EH
Explore Water
Closing Group time – EH / Mission Emphasis #2 – JRB
Complete an Obstacle Course
Play a Matching Game
Build a Shelter – EH
Closing Group time – JRB / Mission Emphasis #2 – JRB
Create a Prayer Ring – EH
Glue Leaves to Make Animals
Race in a Lion’s Paws
Closing Group Time – JRB / Mission Emphasis #5 – JRB
Follow a Yarn Path
Write with River Rocks
*Picture Frame – JRB
Closing Group Time – JRB
James Blakeney
8640 Huntingdon Ridge Lane
Montgomery, AL 36117
* These activities are not in the Leader Guide.
VBS Schedule, FBC, Montgomery, 2013