Tracheostomy Suctioning
Why this is important
In this learning plan you will learn to provide specialized care to clients with a compromise in their pulmonary status. You will learn to perform the important skill of tracheostomy suctioning in a sterile manner. Sterile technique and respiratory assessment are skills that will be built upon in this unit.
What you will learn to do
Perform tracheostomy suctioning procedures (oral, nasal, pharyngeal, and tracheostomy)
Knowledge and skills you will learn along the way
This learning plan addresses the following learning objectives to help you master the competency:
a. Define key terms.
b. Explain when and why hyperinflation and hyperoxygenation are used.
c. Identify indications for using an artificial airway (oral or nasal airway, endotracheal tube, or tracheostomy).
d. Describe the characteristics of the most frequently used tracheostomy tubes
e. Describe nursing assessment findings that would indicate a need for airway suctioning.
f. Differentiate between nasopharyngeal and nasotracheal suctioning.
g. Outline the procedure for naso and oropharyngeal suctioning.
h. Outline the procedures for suctioning a tracheostomy or endotracheal tube
i. Identify the rationale for the use of sterile technique when suctioning a tracheostomy tube
j. Describe the differences in suctioning procedure when a patient has a closed suction catheter system (in-line suctioning).
k. Identify potential problems that can occur when suctioning a tracheostomy tube.
l. Identify safety equipment that should be maintained at the bedside of a patient with a tracheostomy.
m. Explain what an obturator is and when/why it is used.
n. Identify which procedures can be delegated to unlicensed personnel.
o. Describe developmental and cultural differences to take into consideration
p. Explain how to properly document all aspects of tracheostomy suctioning.
Learning Activities
a. PREVIEW the Performance Standards and Learning Objectives for this competency outlined above
b. READ Potter and Perry pages 668-682 (Airway management)
c. VIEW or READ a presentation on trachestomy suctioning.
d. VIEW an instructor demonstration on tracheostomy suctioning.
e. PRACTICE tracheostomy suctioning on a mannequin
Assessment Activities
a. DEMONSTRATE satisfactory completion of performance check-off.
b. DOCUMENT procedure in a nursing note and submit to instructor for evaluation.
c. DEMONSTRATE ability to apply knowledge by completing an exam