Event Name: Motiva Youth Training Academy Road Show

Date: February 24, 2011

Coordinator: Cynthia Willis

Number of INSPIRED participants: 2

Names of INSPIRED participants: Cynthia and Jose

Number of STAIRSTEP participants: 1

Names of STAIRSTEP participants: Tyler

Number of OTHER participants: 1

Names of OTHER participants: Daryl Schneider


We packed the demo NXT and Intellibrain robots in to a travel box along with flyers about Computer Science, Lamar University, and our degree plans.

Report by the Coordinator:

1.  Please indicate if you agree/disagree with the following statement: participating in this event was beneficial
Participating in this event was beneficial: strongly disagree -- disagree -- agree -- strongly agree

2.  Report:
Before the academy, the participants gathered the demo robots and flyers. We also organized how we would run the Road Show.
During the academy, the participants met and interacted with a group of "at risk" 9th graders. At first, we introduced ourselves and explained what research we performed for the INSPIRED and StairStep programs. We then informed the students about our outreach projects, especially the High School Academies which teaches students about robotics, animation, and web page design. The kids were really interested in the High School Academy as well as was their principal, Dr. Coleman. Furthermore, we demo-ed the NXT and Intellibrain robots and handed out flyers about Computer Science, Lamar University, and the degrees offered by the university. We also shared our experiences in the Computer Science program and answered student questions. I took pictures on my phone.
After the academy, Dr. Coleman sent us a thank you e-mail for doing a Road Show. She expressed an interest in getting her students to attend one of our High School Academies. We will be sending her a link to the High School Academy Application.

3.  What is most important thing you learned from this event?
I really enjoy outreach events!!!

4.  How can we improve this event?

Feedbacks from participants:

Jose Leal

1.  Please indicate if you agree/disagree with the following statement: participating in this event was beneficial
Participating in this event was beneficial: strongly disagree -- disagree -- agree -- strongly agree

2.  Explain:
Going to this event helped me become a better team member. Watching the other team members speak helped me because I have never spoken publicly. I learned to speak better by watching our veterans of the INSPIRED program. The team members, when they spoke, had so much command yet where relate-able. The Road Show helped me appreciate some of the cool stuff that I am learning. By applying what I already know, like java, and incorporating these fundamentals into robotics, Scratch , and Greenfoot, I can really give an interesting speech. The High School students where so excited about what we did/taught that I could not help but feel the same way. All this together, has made me more interested in computer science. As people say, "teaching is the greatest teacher."

3.  What is most important thing you learned form this event?
See question 2

4.  How can we improve this event?
It was great just how it was.

Tyler Drews

1.  Please indicate if you agree/disagree with the following statement: participating in this event was beneficial
Participating in this event was beneficial: strongly disagree -- disagree -- agree -- strongly agree

2.  Explain:
Most kids and teachers both seemed really interested.

3.  What is most important thing you learned form this event?
How to give a presentation to high school students

4.  How can we improve this event?


Number of K-12 Schools: 1

Names of K-12 Schools: Motiva Youth Training Academy

Number of Undergraduate Participants: 4

Number of Graduate Participants: 0

Number of middle school students: 0

Number of high school students: 25

Number of high school freshman: 25

Number of high school sophomore: 0

Number of high school juniors: 0

Number of high school seniors: 0

Selected 5 best high-resolution pictures:
